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Man dresses as schoolgirl in public and gets ASBO !


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Man dresses as schoolgirl in public and gets ASBO !

There's no mention of this guy doing anything untoward / malicious to anyone so isn't this all a bit draconian ?

If he's been doing anything abusive, or planning to, in respect of school kids then fair enough, but if it's simply what he likes to stroll out in then isn't that everyone else's issue to get over ? I mean if that's his thing.

I may feel 'harassed, alarmed or distressed' when I see somebody walk past with piercings on every inch of their face and tattoos across their forehead but if they're not threatening anybody what is the problem.

To be fair - the implication is something perverse is going on, but I don't see why they have not mentioned it if that is the case, unlikely that the opportunity to paint him explicitly as a perv would be missed if it was there for the taking.

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I have asked you already (in private) to try and keep the Drawing Room for serious discussion. If you, or anyone else, cannot manage this in relation to men and schoolgirls I shall have to move this to the lounge.

I presume the OP wanted a serious debate on this matter. Please respect that.


The Chair.

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He was accused of flashing last Feb.

Transvestite flasher Pete Trigger faces a prison sentence after he flashed at parents and their children on the school run in Northampton. Trigger, 59, denied deliberately exposing himself to three women and their children ? who were as young as eight months old ? but was found guilty by Northampton magistrates yesterday. Two mothers told the court they saw Trigger, of Farndon Close, Thorplands, bend over wearing only a blue work coat. They said he intentionally showed his genitals to the group as they walked home from Woodvale Primary School in Crestwood Road, Thorplands. Trigger also came to the court's attention before Christmas when he was given an ASBO banning him from dressing like a schoolgirl or baring his legs. One of the parents, who cannot be identified, said: "His jacket came down to his knees and he had nothing on his legs apart from socks and shoes on his feet. It's a bit strange at school hours dressed like that with nothing on the bottom half. "He was walking in front and he bent over deliberately, picking up rubbish. It made me feel horrible letting my son see that. It did traumatise him. It was disgusting." Returning a guilty verdict, Kevin Foreman, presiding magistrate, said: "We are ordering a report to enable us to sentence properly. It is an all-options report so custody is a possibility."

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TE44 - Thanks or the further detail. So there was (going by the info you posted) more to it than just 'dressing up' and hence I can now understand the reason for restrictions being imposed.

Sean - the comment "Mr Trigger was given a five-year Asbo in December 2008 after waiting near a primary school dressed as a schoolgirl" in the article was what led me to believe he had got an ASBO for wearing a schoolgirl outfit. I'l have to try harder in future.

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