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Banging every night around 10pm on Crystal Palace road?

will dex

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Bar the obvious and amusing responses to this thread...

Has anyone worked out what the hell the banging noise is on Crystal Palace road (Goose Green End) every night around 10-11pm?

I think it must be some drunk who looses their keys every night but it is very wierd.

Anyone else heard it or know what it is???

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A friend who has banked with "Loyds" for years, has just told me,he is changing banks. The reason being, they are practising Sharia law in their banking, and if you can prove you are a muslim you can have an intrest free loan.If this is true can anyone tell me what bank is not doing this.? My friend or I will not support any banks etc that support Sharia Law.
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Tarot Wrote:


> A friend who has banked with "Loyds" for years,

> has just told me,he is changing banks. The reason

> being, they are practising Sharia law in their

> banking, and if you can prove you are a muslim you

> can have an intrest free loan.If this is true can

> anyone tell me what bank is not doing this.? My

> friend or I will not support any banks etc that

> support Sharia Law.

Have you got the wrong thread?

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and if you can prove you are a muslim you can have an intrest free loan While overtly this is how a sharia loan works, you pay, in the end, a cost of borrowing; it is just not classed as interest for religious purposes (you just pay back more than you have borrowed).

Not only is this posted in the wrong thread, but it also seems wrong-headed as well, and shows no understanding of islamic finances.

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INot only is this in the wrong thread, It seems Sharia law is being practiced in the wrong part of the world. I live in

England,and only the laws of this land matter. I have no interest in a ancient tribal law ,and I dont want my bank to be anticipating in it either. "When in Rome"

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will dex Wrote:


> >

> Has anyone worked out what the hell the banging

> noise is on Crystal Palace road (Goose Green End)

> every night around 10-11pm?


> xxxxxxxxxx

Had you thought of going out when you hear the banging noise and, er, having a look around to see where it is coming from?


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Hello - yes I know exactly what it is - we heard it every night too and were very perplexed - eventually we noticed someone banging really loudly on their front door from the inside at the house opposite us (we're no.29). The person bangs a few times then the light goes off, then it comes back on again and the person bangs again. It's very strange. I've never seen anyone go in or out though. It must drive the people next door mad - it's loud enough for us and we live opposite!
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emsiemcb Wrote:


> Hello - yes I know exactly what it is - we heard

> it every night too and were very perplexed -

> eventually we noticed someone banging really

> loudly on their front door from the inside at the

> house opposite us (we're no.29). The person bangs

> a few times then the light goes off, then it comes

> back on again and the person bangs again. It's

> very strange. I've never seen anyone go in or out

> though. It must drive the people next door mad -

> it's loud enough for us and we live opposite!

Please say you're going to call the police next time. Seriously.

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ruffers Wrote:


> For what? Banging on the inside of their own door?

Who's to say it's their own door? And why would anyone bang on the inside of their own door?

If someone is banging on the inside of a door then there's the possibility they might want to get out.

Not saying they do, but they might.

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Just wanted to get this to the top again because the more I think about it, the more I think there could be something quite worrying happening here :-S

Why would a person bang from the inside of a front door, unless they badly needed someone to hear them and let them out?

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