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My dog, Woody the Daschund - some of you may know him, a little black and tan Daxie - was viciously attacked on Peckham Rye on Saturday morning at 8 O Clock. A dog (called Monty, white with black and grey markings, i think he's an American Bull terrier - basically a big bull terrier type) just ran up and pounced on my dog. It wasn't a fight that got out of hand but treating a smaller dog as prey. The owner was completely ineffectual - the dog sunk his jaws in and wouldn't let go. I had to actually kick the dog to get him off. The owner didn't even say sorry he just said it was my fault because i had my dog on a lead (this was at the beginning of Peckham Rye near East Dulwich road right near the road where most owners keep their dogs on leads - and of course if I want my dog on a lead i should be allowed to do that without my dog nearly getting killed.) The dog is incredibly dangerous because it basically wanted to kill and eat something smaller than it was - and that could have so easily been a small child or baby daring to move in its vicinity. The police are involved and they've been really supportive. I need your help to try and find the owner. All I know is the dog is called Monty and the owner is a man in his 50s or early 60s with long grey hair. My dog has been left with huge bike marks a broken leg and a severed hock joint which has left one of his back legs completely immobile. Mobility is only going to be recovered with extensive surgery and physio. But he could so easily have been killed and I'm sure if this dog can attack mine (who is a small, neutered and unthreatening type very friendly to other dogs) he can attack again. I just hope this dog doesn't come into contact with any small children. Please message me if you have any other information about the owner of the dog - I've been told by one of my dog walking friends that he lives in Nunhead somewhere and I've definitely seen him before.

Thanks for listening


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I'm so sorry to hear about your dog:'( Poor boy, I have 2 small dogs and I am worried about owners like this one:'( I hope he makes a full recovery and am glad that the police are being supportive. I don't know of this dog so can't help, sorry. Good luck in your search, I really feel for you x
Oh so sorry to hear this and poor little dog of yours.Will keep eyes open for this dog and the owner.How can he blame you for having your dog on lead whereas he should have had his one on.I don't like these people who uses dogs to show off their power and simply don't care about the rest of the world.How selfish this world is.Hope your dog will recover from this soon poor thing.
Hi Emily - I can't help you with the owner but just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear your story. I am the owner of a small dog and I'd be devastated if she'd been that badly injured. It must have been a terrible shock for you too. Whatever else happens I hope Woody recovers, and is fully mobile again.

I am so sorry to read this. The police and Safer Neighbourhood Teams were out on the SE15 side of Peckham Rye Park last night and their email is

[email protected]

(I shall email them with the thread of this topic anyway but if anyone else knows this dog do let them know.)

I have also emailed a local housing officer who may have some ideas.

This is so sad. Best wishes to you and your little dog.

Edited to rewrite it because I missed some pertinent points!

That is so awful, I am so sorry you had to experience this and Woody has been injured and traumatised by this dog. Sounds like the owner does not care one bit about what or who his dog attacks and there is a real worry he might attack a small child or another small dog. I will look out for this man and his dog - do we call the police if he is sighted out with his dog off the lead? and can the police prosecute him for having a dangerous dog who he failed to control when he attacked Woody? People like him should never be allowed to own dogs, he's probably trained him to be so aggressive.

Best wishes for you and Woody and his recovery:(

You have described dog and owner well (assume owner white? How tall? Tattoos? Glasses? Medium or stocky build? Do tell us.) and that he came from Nunhead. Which means he may enter the park from that corner and walk up. I shall definitely keep a look out for him on my side of the park and report (and follow if I am on the bike and he is not in the park) and report.

Should a load of us all arrange to be in the park on about 8.00am next Saturday morning?

I am not an early riser but it would be good to do something like this. Then we could all bring cameras and photograph him and his dog. I'll wear my crash helmet, motorcycle gear and steel capped boots and gloves. Because it may be cold.

Should we could we all do this though?

I think I know which dog you are talking about.I met Monty (american bulldog) once,over a year ago and both the dog and the owner were very nice!I had my pack of dogs with me and we were walking together and chating.Like I sad it was a while ago but I still dont understand why would he be so irresponsible.....Hope Woody will be ok.
All these messages of support mean so much to us. Thank you so much. It's so devastating when something like this happens isn't it? Yes the owner of the dog was white, about 5 foot ten and of slim build. Very distinctive with shoulder length grey hair. Let's see if someone knows more about him before we organise any group meeting I think. I'm sure someone is going to read this post and know more. I'm allowed to pick my little Woody up this afternoon so I'll send another post to say how he's doing xxxx

I am fairly certain I know this guy- longish grey/white hair, slimmish build, medium height (Irish accent?|). I believe his dog is an American Bulldog or cross. Though this is not a banned breed they are not for the faint-hearted. They do indeed have a strong prey drive and fighting instinct and without extremely careful training and socialisation they are likely to go after other dogs. Unlike Staffs and Pitbulls they also have a strong guard instinct and so could represent a problem to people too.

In my view this man has loaded the dice further by foolishly keeping his dog entire- so you have a very large powerful male dog with a strong fighting/prey drive roaming Peckham Rye offlead. Whenever I have seen this dog in the distance I have avoided it like the plague, not for my sake but for my dog. Ditto any other bull/molosser breeds that are entire males or that I do not know. When will people learn that these breeds are a liability with other dogs and therefore potentially with people, should they try to intervene in a fight. When will people learn too that if you keep an entire male, of whatever breed, you have an additional responsibility to your own dog and to other people's.

If the owner of the Daschie felt in any intimidated by this dog, fearful that they might get bitten (before they intervened) or just plain scared for their own safety then they may have grounds for prosecution under the DDA. Otherwise there are areas of dog law in the civil courts that can be pursued.

I have watched this dog develop over the last few years. The owner never seemed to have much control over it and I was alarmed to see also that he had not castrated it- in my view this attack is the inevitable result of irresponsible/ignorant ownership. I do woner if this owner ever properly researched his breed and knew exactly what he was taking on.

Sorry, I meant to say also how devastating for the owner of Woody I hope he recovers to full fitness. You were in NO way to blame by having your dog on the lead- again this is an excuse used by cretins when they cannot control their own dog- and his dog was not under control (yours was which is why there may be a case under the DDA). If this man knew (and the fact that he used it as an excuse is a giveaway) that his dog is likely to attack other dogs when they are on a lead then he should never let his off a lead- not under any circumstances. Someone may have a young pup not ready to be let off that they are walking in the park, another may have a bitch in heat, another may have an ill, elderly or injured dog. All of these will be on a lead in the park at some point- all have a right to feel safe from dogs that are in the habit of attacking other dogs on lead. Please pursue legal action against this guy- he should not be allowed to keep a dog.

Again, First mate, you are talking sense (tu) If I had a dog which was untrustworthy, I would have it muzzled and on a lead for its own safety and the safety of others, then again, I am one of those people who researched my breed for at least a year before I decided what I was getting and I have chosen very well indeed, sounds smug, but everyone should do so, there ar many different breeds out there and there is a breed for everyone, why people don't do the research and put in the time and train there dogs is beyond me, its sad for the dogs involved :(
This is not the first incident involving this dog or his owner. The man gave exactly the same reason when his dog attacked a friends dog, saying it was because her dog was on the lead! She involved the police and the RSPCA. I will pm you with more details Emily!
I'll be fascinated to get your message about this. I'm not at all surprised to hear this dog has attacked before. I didn't think about calling the RSPCA about this but maybe I should. If your friend has more details of the guy and it's (at least) his second offence then this may mean I'll have more of a chance of getting him prosecuted. THank you so much
Thanks to everyone for all their supportive and helpful messages. I means so much to me, seriously. Little Woody is now nearly asleep in his crate - he's not allowed out of there - with his leg in a huge splint and a gaping wound in his side. I'm going to the vet's again tomorrow morning and she'll decide what's next - surgery by a specialist definitely. He's eaten some chicken so that's a good sign. Poor little guy, feel so, so sorry for him xxxx
Emily - so sorry to hear of this ordeal. I hope Woody makes a very speedy recovery. Sorry I cannot help with identification, just wanted to send my best wishes as I love dogs and feel sad about what has happened. Those irresponsible owners have a lot to answer for! I hope you manage to prosecute and that things work out in your favour. All the best, xxxxx

Emily, i will keep a lookout for this man and dog on my side of peckham rye park coming down scutari side and brenchly gardens where i walk my two dogs, hopefully woody makes a speedy recovery and if he does require an op and you can get him there, take him to the RVC in milton keynes one of my puppies feel ill and they took extremely good care of him whilst he was there.

lets hope he gets what for.

When we had greyhounds - they could get at bit upset around small dogs at times so we always kept them in a muzzle when they were outside the house. They were very good with children and generally very easy going animals. Just sometimes they got stroppy with other dogs who bounded up to them.

I know how devestating it is when your animal is injuried - hope Woody recovers soon.

This attacked clearly sounds horrific and terrifying.

Clear that a trend of behaviour going on. Terrible for the dogs attacked and owners.

But what if it sees a child on reins at some point?

I really think those that have had this happen to them and their dogs have a public duty to contact the Peckham Rye Safer Nieghbourhood Team. Next time it could be a toddler savaged.

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