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Anna has been trying the pump which pickle kindly lent us but how much should you be able to get out in one go on average? it took her 20 mmins to get one ounze (out of one boob) or just a little more is that okay it seems a lot of work for a little milk?

I always found the easiest time to express was first thing in the morning (or, when I was expressing full time for C before his tongue was fixed, the middle of the night!) - she'll have more milk at that time and it will be easier to pump. The most easiest way to do it is to express while you're feeding the baby on the other side, but it takes a bit of practise to get the juggling right (if she uses the electric attachment it will be easier)!

Expressing in the evening is hard work, best to avoid it if possible as (in my experience) all that happens is you get stressed, making it even more difficult to get let down of milk.

P x

I found expressing really difficult with my first born and rarely produced much milk. I think an ounze or so was pretty much all I ever got. In the end I stopped trying as it was too tiring and stressful.

I'm not saying that this will be the case with Anna but, in the first few weeks particularly, some people do find it difficult to express.

Pickles advice is good though, mornings are a better time. The pumping whilst feeding takes some co-ordination and I never quite managed that either!

I didn't last long at it either but my midwife gave me good advice: get yourself really relaxed - have a bath or long shower, go and chill out somewhere and you might find it helpful to have a picture of your baby or think about them. Other things took over so I only really got the optimum situation right once, but it was very successful! But i've also had the same kind of experience as Anna - and then knocking over that precious ounce out of sheer tiredness and literally crying over spilt milk, so I do sympathise.

Until they start missing feeds (perhaps because you've expressed some), the only way I managed it was the expressing while feeding, tricky as it is - it was easier for me than expressing without feeding (which was more like trying to get blood out of a stone). So an 1oz attempt sounds quite good for a first time!

The first few times I got my daughter to stimulate let down on one side, then take her off and put the pump on and feed her from the other side.

Good luck.

Another vote for morning expressing. Put baby on the less full side and pump on your 'best' side and if you can pump and feed at once you may be amazed at the difference.

I only ever expressed for the milk bank but could get 3-4oz in ten minutes with this method. Any other time / way was much harder though I found if I consciously relaxed, closed my eyes and pictured baby feeding that helped. Also hold pump lightly to breast and if flow slows try taking pump off then putting back on and starting again.

Oh also with a hand pump it is squeeze handle in and hold til flow stops rather than rapid squeeze, release, squeeze, release if that makes sense. Once I worked that out it made a HUGE difference.



Hi, seems you guys are sorted now for breast feeding .. but Clare at Kings is AMAZING! I had a terrible time for the first 2 months - looking back I don't know how I continued and got through it. I had mastitis and thrush and I was also over producing milk in one breast bla bla (we had a tough start with the little one .. he was in special care bla bla .. everyone forgot about me "filling" up.) He started on donor milk in fact but now he's almost 8 months and I'm still confidently breast feeding. Clare gave me some good ideas on how to manage it and get through it.

Every now and again I go out and forget (or can't be bothered) to express so we've got formula if he wants it and I don't mind either way coz it's all good in its own right. Thankfully he takes bottles and thankfully he loves coming to me for milk too. I think you can get too sensitive over it all in my opinion.

I have 2 pumps now, an old fashioned electric and also the manual Lansinoh and its fab! I'd definitely recommend it!

Eventually your wife will "get to know herself" and how she works and she'll be able to manage it I'm sure - I go for a day away now and don't travel with a pump - but when I'm back in my son's company they just seem to fill up and I'm ready for him to feed - its all good!

All the best to your wife, and you - its awful to have to sit there and watch her in tears (and it does feel like someone is putting a nail .. sorry, not necessary hey ..) but just remember it is possible but if it doesn't work well you've both tried your best hey.

Re only getting a little milk when expressing

It could still be worth doing. I only get about 1 and a half ounces each time, but doing it regularly and freezing it adds up to enough for me to go out and do a hobby one evening a week whilst the other half gives a 5 or 6 ounce evening feed.

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