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I am peeved by the coaches outside Alleyns

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Parking badly, causing traffic to swing out.

Too many coaches outside the coach bays. Today I actually had to drive on the wrong side of the bollards to get down Townley Road.

I am peeved and perturbed and feel grumpy.

I have complained to the school, who else may I complain to?

Disgruntled Curmudgeon of East Dulwich

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Curmudgeon Wrote:



> I am peeved and perturbed and feel grumpy.


> Disgruntled Curmudgeon of East Dulwich

When I'm P'd and perturbation and Grump have invaded my psyche, I find a a large dose of Milk Of Magnesia and a viewing of mid-period Dad's Army is a balm unto my soul. Works wonders for the Newingtons an' all.

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The coaches are a pain in the neck ,they obstruct Townley Rd and also make cycling past JAGS a hazard.

I thought obstruction was an offence .

It's strange but in Peckham I often see delivery vehicles ( who've obviously done there best to park considerately ) being ticketed .

I appreciate that the parking restrictions are different in Townley Rd ,presumably to ensure that this road can be turned into a car park for hours on end.

I'm surprised that the school haven't found a way to just annexe Townley Rd for their own uses 24/7 .

After all aren't they're busy trying to change traffic flow in Hillsborough Rd - or have they already done this ?

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Curmudgeon Wrote:


> Parking badly, causing traffic to swing out.


> Too many coaches outside the coach bays. Today I

> actually had to drive on the wrong side of the

> bollards to get down Townley Road.


> I am peeved and perturbed and feel grumpy.


I sometimes wake up grumpy. But other times I let her sleep in.

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I think schools having the audacity to take the kids out and to show them the world is shocking. Especially as they are privileged kids. The fact they use coaches is also shocking as it disturbs the good folk of the neighbouring areas when going about their very self-important tasks.
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I think you will find that this problem dates back years. BARA had members complaining several years ago that these coaches were being parked in CP Rd, Landells Road and other side streets as there was no room in Townley. if I recall correctly after we wrote several letters of complaint to Southwark Council Officers - Southwark entered into talks with Alleyns and the coach companies and some form of compromise was reached. I suggest contacting Traffic Section (if it still exsists) at Southwark. I think that this section of the road comes under Village Ward not East Dulwich Ward so Robin C.H.

is likely to be one of the councillors - she is good at getting things moving.

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TJ Wrote:


> I think schools having the audacity to take the

> kids out and to show them the world is shocking.

> Especially as they are privileged kids. The fact

> they use coaches is also shocking as it disturbs

> the good folk of the neighbouring areas when going

> about their very self-important tasks.

If i'm not mistaken these coaches are not for school trips they ferry the kids to and from school, making this a daily occurance. I avoid this road during school times as its an absolute nightmare...

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Sorry SillyWoman I should have added on all routes - im not sure how many there are now - there is a 4pm coach and then some routes at 5.30pm...

I agree with womanofdulwich too - if parents didn't park in the coach bays/on corner of Carlton Avenue or so close to the junctions/gates or stop to let their children out at inappropriate places the problem would be decreased considerably i'm sure. These coaches offer a fantastic service to both parents, pupils and the school - they are (in most cases) great staff who always go the extra mile to make sure pupils get to and from school safely.

Please note - before everyone shouts at me - I am not saying there is no problem, Im just pointing it out it is not purely the coach drivers who are at fault.

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The private schools in the area run a joint coach service to make the kids a little more independant and reduce the number of cars coming into the area during the school run times.

As one friend pointed out Private Schools are the biggest industry in Dulwich. This system is designed to reudce its impact.

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northlondoner Wrote:


> Curmudgeon Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Parking badly, causing traffic to swing out.

> >

> > Too many coaches outside the coach bays. Today

> I

> > actually had to drive on the wrong side of the

> > bollards to get down Townley Road.

> >

> > I am peeved and perturbed and feel grumpy.

> >


> I sometimes wake up grumpy. But other times I let

> her sleep in.

As long as you don't take advantage of Dopey then all's well.

Mind, if you wake up Happy, tu salut.

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The problem is that this area is badly served by buses. Kingsdale school are also running buses to ferry children to school as its poorly served by public transport. If a bus route ran from Nunhead through ED and down through Dulwich, starting a JAGs etc and going down through Dulwich prep, Kingsdale, Langbourne to Crystal Palace, maybe this would reduce both the coach and car traffic through this area.
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