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I'm not sure if there's a thread already on this (bound to be but hopefully there are new products/opinions that can be sought). My husband is looking at buying a Burley double bike trailer as a bike trailer, but also as our normal double buggy solution. He says it's cheaper than the Chariots and comes with more extras.

Has anyone successfully used this as a double buggy? My concerns are around steer-ability and weight - plus the obvious getting through narrow doors and along LL in one piece (without abuse!)

Has anyone got one and can recommend it?

Has anyone got one and would say 'don't get one at all costs!'?

Or does anyone have a better yet similarly budget-conscious solution to bike and pedestrian transport solution for a 2.5 year old and newbie?

We've got the buggy board - which is deffo not working for us right now.

Thanks loads for your help.

I've got a double trailer for my bike (Bumper Duo) for my two who would have been c. 8 months and 2.5 when I started using it.

I would say you can't have a newborn in it - not till they can sit up really, really well, as its pretty bumpy and wobbly. My older one always sticks his elbow in the younger ones face as well, and generally irritates her.

I've used it as a buggy in desperation (i.e. when stopping for lunch on a bike ride and needing to get round the village), but I can't recommend it. Its yukky to steer (lopsided because of weight difference), hard to get over kerbs, way too wide, and not comfy for the kids. I would definitely not use it as a normal buggy.

The Burley might be different, but I still can't see how you can get over the newborn thing?

Once littlest is older its fine for the bike, but still not as a buggy.

I've never found a better solution than the P&T for a double, although now my oldest is 3 I just make him walk and stick the smallest in the double Maclaren.

How about a sling for the new one and a single? The Ergo/Patapum ones are v good.

We bought a double Chariot with the intent that I would jog (chuckles at thought) with the children in the park and then husband would attach it to his bicycle to tote them around to school, etc. It is the most fabulous, durable buggy when I can manage to get it out of my house which entails taking the back wheels off and folding it so that it will fit through my kitchen door and ultimately front door. As it stands, it is a lovely sculpture in our garden and a constant reminder of how we should be more diligent with how we spend our money, but thank God we have a weather proof cover (good Canadian ingenuity) which now has a lovely mossy green patina! I don't recommend these unless you really think you'll use it.

My two are also 2 1/2 years apart and we looked at the P&T buggies but felt our oldest was too big for it. We basically used a buggy board with a MacLaren techno - wasn't easy at first and I needed to hold my toddlers hands to the handles while we crossed the street for fear of her jumping off at any given time and was a nightmare getting up kerbs. After a few months my eldest managed to learn to walk by herself holding the buggy and that was the solution. I also used a baby bjorn with the MacLaren when my eldest didn't want to walk which worked until my youngest got too heavy.

Hope this helps - sorry for disjointed message...

Yes, mine is in the back garden as well - and too wide to fit through a standard door without jigging it sideways so need to set it up and get it attached to the bike outside on the street (which is ok in summer, but not with hats/coats/gloves etc in freezing winter). Hadn't thought about that until I bought it!
  • 1 month later...
Melloors, would you mind giving me some advice/info re your bumper duo? I am considering buying one of these but other forums have said that they are only for carrying 2 children, rather than one, due to the seat configuration. How have you found this?

I feel yet another rant about men coming on (apologies).

My OH wants to get one of those bike trailer things for taking our 2-yr-old (and any future little ones) to nursery, with him dropping them off by bike and me wheeling it back. I feel that they are clearly not designed to be the main buggy, so if bought would need to be in addition to any P&Ts buggy or other buggy/stroller.

The bike things are also expensive, even second-hand on ebay (though that means it'd probably be possible to sell for those of you who have them in the garden!)

Think this is a case of men wanting to do their thing (in this case cycle to work), and trying to convince us that the necessary (costly) gadget that will make it easy for them is in, fact, also a good plan for us, i.e. they are doing us a favour. Grrr.

Smiler - I'm in exactly the same boat. We sold our old car and the money is to go to a 'trailer', which my OH will use to take the 2 juniors to nursery, and I'm to use as the main buggie. He's still 'researching' it, so we've still got a single buggie and sling with our 2.6 year old and 2 month old. A bit of a juggling act at the mo as 2.6 year old seems to get jealous if the littl'un is in the buggie and immediately wants to get in there,meaning that I have to transfer newbie to the sling - unless I have the scooter (which she quickly gets bored/tired of too).

I'm like a travelling equipment store at the mo even for fairly short journeys.


Oh dear. It must be really hard, it is a nightmare when out and about with a stroppy toddler, is essential (unless one has super-nanny style discipline skills which is a whole other debate) to have something to strap them into in order to get stuff done!
We managed with a single buggy for a toddler, and carried the baby in a Baby Bjorn sling. As the baby out grew the sling, we sometimes used a backpack carrier or the baby went in the buggy and the toddler walked (you could put a buggy board on for this stage).

Ah - I've tried the buggy board - but unfortunately the handle bar on the pusher is all the way across, so #1 daughter seems to be bending backwards to hold on. It looks seriously uncomfortable and she doesn't like it one bit.

Sigh - hope my OH's 'research' comes to a conclusion soon.


My childminder has a buggy board that consists of two 'steps' which effectively creates a seat, so they can sit on the higher step facing you, with feet on the lower step....might solve the problem?

Can't believe you are still struggling with this as I know you started thinking about it before baby arrived.


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