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I don't see how artificial posturing (or a little harmless trolling, if you like) helps debate. It sets up false antagonisms and creates perceived divisions where possibly none existed, or widens division where consensus could have been achieved. Which is unnecessary, unless you just like arguing for argument's sake, which I suspect you do, Mr Dale.

(btw I don't think Disco's postings are all that bad in this instance, I'm just making a broader point in reply to yours)

I just think that it is preferable to mindless agreement. If a troll expresses a legitimate opinion that can then be debated it doesn't matter to me whether that opinion was one that said troll necessarily subscribes to.

In the case of houseprices I think some of the more capitalist opinions are so readily dismissed on here that a bit of trolling is forgivable as it may be necessary to redress the balance.

Even on an anonymous blog some people are more concerned with being popular than with debating the relevant issues. It's refreshing to see a post such as DDs which is about issues and not about being pals.

The shocking thing is that Im currently sitting on the thick end of a 7 figure sum in terms of equity - with no mortgage - its very disconcerting . When squat little flats in the ( less desirable ) streets around me are going for 300-400K , I am utterly shocked .

I could pat myself on the back and convince myself I am indeed a smart cookie of Donald Trump level for this astute investment, but its not true

Who in their right mind wants to load themsleves up with lets say nearly ?2K a month in repayment for a 90% mortgage for a flat in SE London with no tube ? this is asusmiong you can conjour up the right multiples to get the loan in the first place - though Im sure some helpful estate agent will assist you in procuding the requisite high multiplier loan you need

The rationale behind the logic of paying this amount for a flat is twisted.

Now now. I think DD and Mr Dale have a fair point. If the lower income populace (you know teachers, policemen, civil servants etc) just learnt their place and accepted that they should spend their lives renting from people who own 2, 3 ,4 or however many properties all would be good with the world.

Bloody peasants getting uppity if you ask me.

Jesus I'm not even as high profile as a civil servant! I'm an actor (currently working in a Barristers Chambers because that's what us low life have to do to get by) Goodness, I must learn my place in society and in the housing market musn't I. I suppose I'll keep on renting from my several property owning landlord until Hollywood comes my way. Either that or move to a hood where no one wants to live.

Sadly that's pretty much the size of it MadWorld.

My last landlord had over 80 properties. Mind you he was a pretty decent fellow and treated us fairly throughout our 2 years with him. I've had some shockers in the past.

We managed to buy with a little help from the olds, but sometimes reality isn't fair, and the way things are hereabouts now, are pretty unfair, but not much seems to be likely to change.

For the record we bought in SE5 which was a lot more affordable and a mere stonesthrow from the mecca that is (allegedly) LL.

As an aside, I actually preferred renting from Landlords who owned several properties as they were generally much more professional and understood their obligations to the tenant. The ones to shy away from are those who own a single rental property.

MadWorld74 - I've got to say I'm pretty offended by your comments...

'...DiscoDex maybe you should be careful how you come across on this forum. To me you are aggressive and antagonistic as others say. You say what you like, just be sensistive to others.....'

The whole point of this forum is to discuss local issues and opinions. Please can you tell me how exactly my blog was either more aggresive or antagonistic as your last post?

I'm not sure there is Brendan - isn't this just the well-worn argument about ED staying the same or progressing towards claphamdom?

some people want it to gentrify and some want it to stay the same. gentrifying means moving new people in and old people out.

I don't think DD has been offensive, he's just stuck his neck out for which option he prefers.

I'm neutral by the way

I believe that is what I WAS doing?! The thing is you are exactly what I was taking about in my blog referring to your blog earlier today in saying that 'Either that or move to a hood where no one wants to live'. All I'm saying is that if you really wanted to buy your own place then perhaps you should check out fringe areas to ED which are less expensive (Peckham/Nunhead/New Cross) and not just expect to be able to buy somewhere that you like. The reality is that when I bought my first place in ED the place was a poor relative to pretty much every borough in SW london and yes, living in Chelsea/Clapham etc would have been nice but it was just not an option as it was too expensive. Now ED is the envy of SW and it seems people are flocking here from SW. Whether this is good or bad depends on the individuals and should not become a classist issue as I strongly believe everyone should be judged equally.

This is what frustrates me in that it seems everyone believes they should be able to buy a property in the area they like most. That just does not make sense. Yes, I would like to drive a Ferrari but the reality is I can only afford a renault clio. Do I complain about this, no.

I promise I do not make these blogs to offend and am sorry if anyone feels strongly against what I say.


Sure change happens as it is in ED, but you don't need to be bolshy in the way that opinions are expressed. They'll always be a 'them and us' with everything in life. They'll always be those shouting "Get outta town, boy". It's human nature. Just don't forget that, we are, human.

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