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Name changed - this isn't my first post here, but it's exceptionally early days.

I'm thinking about a home birth (second)

Live in the Queen's Road Peckham area, but with a postcode of SE14. The NCT site says that I may be in the catchment for the King's Home Birth team/midwives.

I tried looking up threads on Aylesham, but I got so confused (my practice isn't any one of the names referred to)about what the NCT site actually meant that I gave up.

Has anyone out there done this in the same area - or have knowledge who to call? I don't want to go to my GP for various reasons and would rather sign up direct if I can

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I don't live in the same postcode as you and I didn't want to go through my GP either. I phoned the Maternity Helpline at King's College and referred myself for antenatal care but they also asked about catchment area. Maybe you could phone the number and discuss your situation. They were helpful.


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Last September Kings completely re-organised all their community teams. I don't know without looking, but it may be that whatever website you were looking at hasn't caught up with the new structure yet - hence the confusion? I would suggest that when you go for your booking appointment (approx 12 weeks usually) with a midwife, you say that you'd like to be referred to Kings home birth team, she/he will then guide you as to whichever team is relevant to your postcode ... or follow lemon's good advice. :)
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Hi there, sounds like we live in a similar area. I had my first birth with Kings in 2013 and I was heavily pregnant when they announced that no I was not in catchment after all. I don't know how the new system affects things but this time around, when googling (I didn't wnat to go to Lewisham even though their home birth team is v good), I discovered I was in the catchment for St Thomas' Riverside Home Birth Team. my experience so far at 30 weeks is great. I self-referred at 10 weeks - [email protected]http://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/our-services/maternity/care-at-home/community-midwifery.aspx

My experience of St thomas itself so far is great too re scans etc.

Hope this helps x

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Thanks Monniemae, lemon and silly woman.

I phoned Kings, who said that, whilst I'm in catchment for the hospital in terms of antenatal etc, I'm not for a HB. But it looks like I can have my antenatal at Kings and then transfer to the riverside team, like you did monniemae..So I might do that. Kings is better for antenatal for me for numerous (and probably self-identifying) reasons that I don't really want to go into.

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I am SE21 had a home birth with the Brierley Midwives (now know as Birch Tree). The Home Birth/Community Midwives Teams have changed a lot over the last year or so, and I am still in touch with my midwife who gave me some info on the changes. There are now four teams covering the whole Kings area and I think, based on the info I received from her and this info I just located online, you would be the Denmark Hill team:http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwibirKRwJDLAhVBbhQKHbBMAxUQFgglMAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lambethccg.nhs.uk%2FPractice-Portal%2Fnews%2Fgp-bulletin%2FDocuments%2F06.11.2015%2F1.%2520Improving%2520services%2520for%2520pregnant%2520women%2520at%2520Kings%2520College%2520Hospital.doc&usg=AFQjCNG1nGSRydUHskazZR4mnh3yA-j3Zw&sig2=kBeLAhIkhZ-GmXw980kLxw
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Hi BestBeast, just to clarify, all my antenatal care this time round has been through the riverside/st thomas teams. All but my first midwife appointments have been at my home. The scans at st thomas have been fantastic - no waiting time at all. I would phone riverside or email them before signing up with kings to find out when/if, realistically, you could transfer from kings to their care x
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Good idea, Monniemae, will ask - looks like from their website that you can transfer to them any time from 16 weeks plus. And I'm sure it's all great for antenatal at St T's, but I had an exceptionally bad experience there with the 13 week and I am not eager to go back. I will explain this to midwives, who I'm sure will be sympathetic even if they tell me that I still can't do what I want...

Out of interest, have St T's started doing any scans after 20 weeks? I know Kings do 32 week ones, just wondered if St T's do now too.

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Oh god, I'm sorry, poor you. No my scans have been 12 and 20. My friend had two later scans at St T's but for other reasons - if everything looks fine and measurements, risk factors etc all non-concerning I think they leave you to it. Defo email the Riverside team and explain your situation and see what they say; they let me book in long before I should have been able to. PMing you aswell
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I am biased, but I must say that Lewisham hospital is one of the best kept secrets locally. Its recent stats show what compassion, hard work, and a strong community ethos can do for birthing women. If it's the possibility of a spontaneous birth with reduced risk of interventions that you're after then Kings and Tommies can't hold a candle to it. The birth centre is the best I've seen (and I've seen all the local London ones: Think relaxing spa room), and the home birth team are a wonderful, dedicated and experienced group. It doesn't have the flashiness or the resources available to it that the more famous hospitals have, but if you live in the catchment for Lewi you'd be mad not to consider it. It's like a little maternity jewel glowing in the South London community.
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The old 32 week one now takes place at 36 weeks instead. It's not just for research but to look at growth and position of the baby. I was called back at 38 weeks to double check something. Although I would say a scan at 36 weeks is not exactly comfortable, it does give you extra reassurance.
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I had an amazing home birth just before Christmas with the Electric Midwives. They're based in Brixton, I think, but they took me on and I'm on the Peckham/Camberwell boarder so i think they'd cover Queen's Road. Great antenatal care and lots of support afterwards. Plus you can borrow their pool for free if you want.
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