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I would love to thank with all my heart Linda from oakwood midwife s at the forest hill road practice who delivered our little Elsabel hope yesterday,she was the most caring encouraging and professional person I have ever met and gave us our bundle of joy healthy and happy, and didnt seem to noticed that i blubbed like a kid when I saw elsa for the first time. Home now and Anna and Elsa doing just fine, I however am a wreck!

Thanks Linda your the best.xxx


Iain ,Anna and Elsabel-Hope

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Does anyone know if it is unusual that elsabel doesn't seem to be having many poos? she had a couple of tarmac ones at the begginning and then she had 3 in one day but that was a couple of days ago and she hasn't had one since. I am worrying that it may not be enough, she seems to pee alot but no poo!!Anna is breast feeding well although she has the most sore nipples ever the poor thing am I worrying too much?

Don't worry Iain, that's quite normal in a breastfed baby. If she starts showing any signs of being uncomfortable or her nappies aren't wet then take her to the doctor, but nothing to worry about after only a couple of days (other than the fact when she does go you just know it's going to be one of those up the back, down the sleeves poos!).

My daughter did her initial tarmac (great description!) poo in hospital, then didn't go again for nearly 2 weeks in her early days! I did take her to the doctor, who referred us to A&E, but they weren't worried at all - she'd been once, she would eventually go again.

Lansinoh cream is great for the sore nipples, they should start to improve shortly, but if not it's worth seeking advice from a midwive or breastfeeding counsellor just to check the latch etc.

P x

Funnily enough about 10 minutes after I posted that Pickle the midwife turned up, (I had completely forgotten she was coming) and she said exactly what you just said so thanks for the great advice, I guess I have to trust in annas intuition more instead of flapping about stuff, this dad stuff is more tricky than I thought!! but hey I'm not complaining I don't have sore nipples!:)) and I seem to have been blessed with the ability to sleep through the night time squarking. which is a bit annoying for Anna, but there is nothing I can do and its important I can go to work and do a good day.

I'll second Iaineasy's thanks to Linda and the other Oakwood midwives. We had our baby Isobel with Morag, Linda and Julie's help last Saturday and they were wonderful. Apparently eight Oakwood babies were born that weekend so the midwives must have been run off their feet.

Our Izzy has only pooed for the first time in FOUR days Iain and yes, it was all over the shop - even her feet got covered and stained yellow. It was revolting.

What's a good thank-you present for a midwife practice? There are six in the practice and we had contact with four of them plus Emily the coordinator. I'm sure they don't want endless boxes of chocs ... any ideas?

What's a good thank-you present for a midwife practice? There are six in the practice and we had contact with four of them plus Emily the coordinator. I'm sure they don't want endless boxes of chocs ... any ideas?


I offered Linda a couple of free days work at her house as like you I thought chocolates were a bit of a cop out!! I hope she takes me up on it as she deserves it!!But it is tricky, what can be the value of the thanks you want to give to someone who hands you your first child healthy and happy?


yep adorable but unfotunatley had to go back to hospital today with jaundice dehydration and constipation,Anna is staying overnight with her but I kind of feel a bit useless, everyone says that this sort of thing is totally normal but for the last day or two she has been very unsettled and miserable, which is kind of how I feel now, you really dont realise what that bond is like until something like this happens. fingers crossed for Elsabel.!

yaaaaaaaaaay it looks like my girls are coming home and all is well!!:))

thanks for the hug sophiesofa

it seems blood tests turned up fine, still hasn't had a poo though 9days!! eek I get miserable if I miss a day poor little bel.

I guess it will be alright anyone knw any tips on getting them going?b

I don't know if this really works but if you lay her on her back and very gently move her legs, as if she was riding a bike...! This apparently helps to get it going. But I'm not a professional so maybe check with someone who is. Also could try very gently massaging her tum.

Hugs to you all! It'll all be fine, and that'll be some poo.

Great news Iain, phew! As I said earlier, M didn't go for about 2 weeks - in the end she went (explosively, so be warned, it resulted in a baby grow being thrown away!) when she was in her little bouncy seat, might be worth a try if you have one? Gentle circular massage on her tummy and the riding bike technique with her legs as PollyD mentioned are also good ones.

P x

Firstly congratulations! And so pleased there's nothing serious wrong. It might be worth checking with a breastfeeding counsellor though for the latch if her nipples are that sore. I had terribly sore nipples and our little one had jaundice and didn't do that many poos. I was with Oakwood and although great in many repects, I saw four of them post birth and none of them noticed he had a 75% tongue tie despite endless advice of keep putting him to the breast and latch checking on their part. The tongue tie meant he couldn't get enough milk from me and because his tongue couldn't provide a cushion against his gums, basically gummed my nipples every time he fed. I was discharged at 4weeks after he was said to have regained his body weight on some dodgy scales (he was still at least 100g under on electronic scales). Being discharged by them seemed to scare me into action and I contacted a lactation consultant who immediately spotted the tongue tie (which was actually quite severe) and we were in Kings the next day to get it cut. Unfortunately because we didn't get it corrected until late our little one has always struggled with his weight and we have to get him weighed every 2 weeks to check he hasn't fallen off the scale. I just wish with hindsight that we'd sought specialist help with the breastfeeding earlier. Good luck with everything! It is such a tough and scary but rewarding and magical time - enjoy!x

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