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In East Dulwich in 2007 I would like to see...

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im surprised no-one has suggested getting rid of dog kennel hill estate,surely it must a blight on your smug middle class lives.or is it just tolerated because you cant see it from the bottom of lordship lane.infact why not refer to it as part of camberwell/peckham,at least that will help protect the house prices.
The problem with the women only sessions is that there's one at prime-time on a Thursday evening. It's not an issue that it's women only, it could be leprechaun only or people who like to dress up as Jan Leeming only, the problem is that it's excluding me from swimming between 6.30pm and 9.30pm on Thursday because I'm not one of the "6.30pm to 9.30pm on a Thursday" gang. Why not make it 6.30pm to 8pm? Anyway, I was just making a point, it's just something that I would like to see, I may be a minority but at least I've made my point known. Anyway I'm not really bothered now as I'm going to start playing squash on Thursdays at Dulwich Hamlets squash courts, where I believe anyone can use their courts no matter what their sex or sexual orientaion.

Thanks for the gay dating tips Huguenot! I would just like to point out that firstly, I'm spoken for (hard luck!) Secondly, I still like to go to gay places now and again with friends. The sad fact is that gay people still have some way to go before being able to enjoy the same level of acceptance as straight couples, so gay bars can provide somewhere to relax and meet others without fear of being judged. The same is not true of race (e.g. your remark about "gypsy only bars") as it is socially unacceptable to be racist (note current furore about Celebrity Big Brother). If you were gay you'd understand this. You don't have to deal with homophobic or patronising remarks, dodgy stares or being verbally abused (as I have been on a bus in South-East London). Just for the record, most of my friends are straight, and I usually go out to straight places.

PS Yes, let's get rid of Dog Kennel estate! Where do I sign for that?

Ah, the BNP leader's favourite journalist and writer for my most hated publication, The Mail *spits on floor in disgust*. No I am not him and don't like to be thought of him. I don't wish to offend and I hope I haven't, I was just slightly annoyed that I couldn't have a swim one night. I'm off my soap box now.

Anyway, I have a new idea for East Dulwich in 2007. Flatten Dog Kennel estate and let's have... East Dulwich International Airport, imagine the convenience for getting to ones Alpine chalet in winter and meditteranean properties in summer.

Hi James,

I was wondering "how long" could this forum keep clear of big brother stuff, since you mentioned it, let me suggest to you and every one else that the only good thing of BB celeb is Davina herself... especially when on a ponytail, maternity definitely improved her this time... the rest of the show is a pile of crap... >:D<

Jeremy Wrote:


> Planes are too noisy. I prefer the idea of a euro

> tunnel terminal - with a new high-speed direct

> link to Val d'Isere. Of course, after stocking up

> on pricey ski gear from the new White Stuff shop.

and before boarding you could get a nice piece of smoked salmon from moxons,and a ciabatta from the m and s foodhall,washed down with a crisp white from greens to help while away the journey,all the while perusing the south london press and marvelling that your house has gone up in value another 20k over the past week.

I've got nothing against separatist sessions at the pool, or gay bars or anything that happens to be a place where people with a common interest can meet. I play cricket and love the fact that on Saturday evening's during summer the lads all end up back at the club house and share a few beers. Now while all are welcome at the club, it's there primarily for cricket players, all male, and that's the way we like it.

Is the nanny state going to turn every establishment vanilla for fear of offending someone? What's the problem with having a gay bar, or a women only session? If it bothers you because you're not gay, or a woman, then bugger off to the abundance of non gay bar's or other pools in London.

Now I'm off to play cricket with my mates (yes, I know it's winter, so I'm playing indoor) and if any tennis players want to come you can bugger off! Does that make me "sportist"?

Thanks Hugenot for responding sensibly to my previous comments. The point I was trying to make is that East Dulwich is becoming an incredibly polarised community - you're either a young professional earning lots of money in the City, or you live on the Dog Kennel Hill estate (which I see several correspondents on here are wanting to see torn down - presumably the next phase of ethnic cleansing.) Anyone in-between has to move out.

This does no one any good - a balanced community is a healthy community. No wonder there is crime and resentment in the area when local people are made to feel aliens in their own area - an attitude which many posters on here seem quite happy to be open about. East Dulwich had a great community long before the organic butchers and delis arrived - its just being broken up at an alarming rate by wealthier new arrivals.

I moved into ED proper about 6 weeks ago, but before hat lived in Southern Camberwell for a loooong time. I can remember when my current residence was a Ford garage, the only supeys in the area were Somerfield and the Coop, when all of this areas was fields and cows walked down Lordship Lane and the Lord of the Manor claimed his wicked way with the maidens of the parish every Micklemas Day.

Well, perhaps not. A tram would be good. Acording to Wikiperdia the 176 was the first tram replacement bus service back in the 50s/60s. A tram service linking us to the Denmark Hill East London Line tube station - now there's a fantasy worth having.

TD75: Yes, good on Hugenot for the sensible reply, however you should remember that if you place an inflammatory posting in the first place then you might not always get sensible replies.

Speaking as somebody who wasn't brought-up in SE22 but who neither a)moved from Clapham b) works in the City c) is using ED as a staging post en route to the home counties - it's odd to find someone you've never met declaring you to be a 'johnny-come-lately tosser'..

... an american pool bar/diner like elbow room. No pool tables in SE22 (other than the Plough urgh)! I think it would do well.

Also we need a good Italian restaurant on Lordship Lane - close the Mexican, anyone? Looks like we'll get a fishmongers and I'm sure it'll clean up as the butcher has. A decent swimming pool would be nice, as would a cinema. I say they close the Wetherspoons in Forest Hill and convert it back to a cinema.

The Gowlett may be SE15 but it's so close as to hardly matter, has a pool table, the pizzas are ok, and it's a fairly understated conversion as these things go, managing to avoid gastro hell. (Lord Palmerston RIP).

Time out liked it which will probably drive many of you away, but it is a good pub.

Oh yes, and has a pool table, blue baize an everyfink.

?300 Buggies and thrusting young mums banned from the streets during daylight hours

A cull of the parasite estate agent offices and their heineous nasty vulgar company cars taken to the scrapyard.Ideally with their nasty suit wearing owners still inside

A decent pub opened.Just one - is that much to ask ?

Shops that dont appear to actually sell anything of note - like the Gift shops - shut down and replaced with something actually useful.Not a difficult concept is it ?

Any more ?

The apalling blue mountain cafe finally taken off the life support machine and out out of its misery once and for all and it smug staff tipped onto the waste heap on long term unemployement

The East Dulwich Deli closed as resident realise that the prices charged by these comedians are laughably high and show that people do indeed have more money than sense.

A ban on tiresome repeated campaigns with newly arriveiste residents bleating demands that local shops be supported - desite that fact they do their weekly shop at Sainsburys or have those lovely ocado people deliver.

Cars banned from stopping between 7Am & 7PM on Lorsdhip lane - including those who stop " just for 2 minutes whilst I pick up some organic goats cheese polenta mix for Little Harry, who incidently is VERY bright for his age .." etc etc etc

A ban on Queues outside that Butchers - its a Butchers ? is it going to make THAT much difference to your life paying 35% extra for a bloody bit of flesh that may have been fed on organic grass all its short existance ?

A Ban on coversations that include the words " Vibrant or Multicultural" to describe the area, by white Middle classes who take great pride in living in such an area, yet would not be seen dead shopping in Peckham or ordering some food from a Caribbean takeaway

A further amendment to the above to include a ban on terms such as " catchment area for the XXXXXX school" and associated discussion of Perimary school ranking tables - why ? - becasue you will likely dump the "so talented" offspring into JAGS/ Alleyns. St Dunstans at the age of 11, leaving the secondary schools in the Areas to rot and become a dumping ground for kids who cant afford to go to private school

a halt to any further anti telephone mast campaigns - the only way to stop thse developments once and for all is to abandon the Mobile phones you use - yes YOU - its doesnt matter that its " Just for emergencies , so the Au pauir can contact us..." You want Mobiles, you accept masts in your area.

The Gourmet Burger company - ?7.50 for a burger and you have the GALL to add another ?1.50 onto the price for a special blue cheese sauce ? And how about ?2.50 for 7 "special" chips in a bowl ? I urge all users of the GBNK to "liberate" as much cutlery and bottles of ketchup/ Mustard as possible in order to recoup some of your huge outlay.maybe they will get the hint.

The Dog that resides in the Bishop - if you are that concered about about its well being, how about NOT going in the place in protest? make a bit more sense that cornering the manager when you are half pished on ?15 a bottle chardonnay & bleating about it on websites

A further blanket ban on bleating on how expensive it is to buy a second proerty for "investment" in the area, whilst in the next sentence boasting about how much equity you have in your current home .

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