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In East Dulwich in 2007 I would like to see...

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Imagine you find a dirty old lamp on Goose Green, rub it and the predictable Genie offers you three (or more) wishes for East Dulwich in 2007. Or let's pretend the people who action what goes on in East Dulwich are reading this, what would you like them to do in the new year?

I'll start:

Northcross Road closed to traffic on a Saturday so the market can expand and possibly include a farmer's market

Pre-pay Oyster Cards accepted at ED Train station

Police walking the streets all the time and not just around election time

A decent sign/statue on the Goose Green/ Lordship Lane roundabout

And your wishes for East Dulwich in 2007 are...?

I am all in favour with closing Northcross Road on a Saturday and expanding the market however I dont really think it is justifiable at the moment. The current market is far from large and doesnt really seem to be a huge draw. Any expansion to the market would need to be carefully planned so as not to infringe on other existing retailers. I am all in favour of a bit of competition but given the rents some of the shops are now having to pay on LL, they rely on the busy Saturday shoppers for revenue.

Would like a perm fishmongers. I really like the guy who runs the van on a Saturday but I am not always up early enough to catch him or if I am he may have run out of what i want.

Another train between the 07.29 and 07.51 to London Bridge

A buggy free pub and special buggy free lane on the pavement - similar to the bus lane

The butchers to open on Sunday

Thats all I can think about for now.

Good one on the 7.40-ish train, I remember that used to wind me up no end!

Two others should be generated from commercial interests:

Being a snot-nosed yuppie I'd like to see the return of the EDComedy or another cabaret act, possibly to a modernised Constitutional Hall on East Dulwich Grove. I've never seen that place busy and I'm worried that if it isn't used for something socially popular the planners will allow its migration to accommodation. (Yes, I know it's used for minority sports at the moment but it seems to be elitist and exclusive to no doubt vociferous Daily Mail readers).

On the same lines how about upgrading and modernising the Thomas More hall into something that can be used for everything from workshops and art exhibitions by day, to entertainment by night (ED Cinema Paradiso???).

Finally I'd like to see North Cross Road pedestrianised on Saturdays and an expansion of the market. I think the argument that it would damage other local businesses is a bit daft - I'd be astounded to meet a local trader near another market venue who would argue for the market to be shut down: it would decimate local traffic and destroy their business.

It's clear that ED already has a reputation for quirky arts and crafts, and bringing more money into the area from the liberal kind-a-crowd that enjoy arts and crafts and organic foods would benefit both traders with their revenue and locals with increased and better funded services.

Despite the sometimes violent campaign against parking restrictions on Lordship Lane there is every evidence that this modern tranport planning has driven commercial and transport benefits to all locals. We should try not to be so reactionary: well-planned change is rarely bad and generates great energy and desire to succeed.

Art house cinema

Comedy club

Burlesque night

Live music venue (for seeing proper bands not Jazz-lite to accompany Sunday lunch)

Arts centre ? life drawing classes, dark room, etc..

A ballroom ? tango lessons, hire for parties, etc..

A yoga or pilates studio

In fact all of the above could and should take place in one venue ? a community centre that a modern community would actually use.

- To be given more of a direct say by the powers that be about which stores can and can't open their doors in ED.

- A boutique movie theatre

- decent gym - with sauna and steamroom - within a quick walk of the busy end of LL.

- expansion of the Northcross Rd markets

- Fishmonger (alright we know this is already coming)

- Rye Lane to "up and come" (I know it's Peckham but it affects ED)

am I the only one to see the irony in the sentence:

"- decent gym - with sauna and steamroom - within a quick walk of the busy end of LL. "

A bit more walking and you wouldn't need to spend money on a gym - and we could use the building for a cinema ;-)

With you on the markets, cinema, fishmonger front

As for having a direct say - WE already do. (we don't go to chains when they open, they stop opening -qed.) If as an individual you want more direct say, well, you can always stand for local election and we can vote for you...

I would also like to see:

1) SOMETHING happen to The Plough. It doesn't have to follow the full gastrofication but get rid of the nasty carpet, get a manager who gives something approaching a fig and make it a nice place to go to

2) Italian Restaurant - a good one. La Locandera didn't count (and I wish Green & Blue every success but I still miss Redgewells) Good luck to Mon Petit Chou with the new menu but unless the drink license comes through, and a bit more ambience can be created I worry about it's viability

3) One day I will go to the Blue Mountain for breakfast and the prominently menu-advised "fresh orange juice" will be available

As areas go ED has reached a point where it's pretty much just about right so I wouldn't wish for too much - be careful what you ask for it might come true etc..

...a bicycle shop.

Somewhere which sells bikes, parts, accessories and does repairs and servicing. Herne Hill Bicycles is great, as is Brixton Cycles but both are always booked weeks in advance. Plus there's the hassle of travelling back and forth on the bus after dropping my bike off. Judging by the number of cycists in the area, I'm sure that a good bike shop would do a brisk trade and there's lots of empty shops on side streets just waiting to be recuscitated.

Hee hee.

As you stroll around these hallowed grounds you'll discover that in liberated ED cheeky local businessmen offer services to all creeds and colours, and we've even offered the vote to women!!! Outrageous.

I think you'd agree that it would be a retrograde step to promote segregation in the community, even if it does increase your chances of pulling. I have yet to identify a particular class of individual interested in my puny physique, or talking about the things I like to talk about, but I can assure you that if I did I'd still reject proposals to open a bar that only welcomed them.

Actually, maybe, now I come to think of it... 'The Huguenot Bar' [dream like state ensues]...

Huguenot is right..

Gay men are already welcome in the many shops and bars in East Dulwich. Switch your gaydar on and see what you can find in there.. you may be surprised.

Though the mental image of that 'small, local gay bar' is providing me with some New Year Cheer.

"buggy free pub" and another peak hour service - genius. agreed on both points. bring on the no-smoking situation as far as i am concerned as well. apart from the phoenix (and i think the palmerston) are there other bars in the area that have non-smoking areas?

i live on north cross road and think it should definitely accomodate pedestrians only on a saturday. apart from service deliveries and residents is just seems pointless letting vehicles down there when it could be so much more attractive.

i'd also wish for more efficent staff at the pool and extended hours for general swimming. the current times are a bit restrictive.

also agree with the live music venu. i'm very agreeable me.

Repeating some of your comments - but have one addition...

1. A decent gym (or even for the public one to be improved).

2. A good Italian place to eat. Tuscan preferably.

3. The roundabout - great big lamp post or sign. No modern (f)art pls.

4. Pedestrianise Northcross on a saturday between Lordship L and Ulverscroft rd

5. A DIY store next to Sainsbury's or replacing buildbase with something more comprehensive.

6. The Plough. What a hole. Improving that place will boost the slightly sickly end of LL. Would make a great live music venue...

Hey Mattdulwich I totally agree about the gay bar. Btw Bob and Huguenot - I'm sure Matt is not being heterophobic (he chooses not to live in a gay ghetto like Vauxhall) but as a gay man it's sometimes nice to go somewhere gay where you can relax and meet other gay people. It's not discriminating, just looking for like-minded people (just as you might go to an indie club or a pub quiz or whatever, as I do sometimes).

Although there's no gay bar as such in ED, the Rye Hotel (on the edge of Peckham Rye) is gay-owned and very gay-friendly. Bar Story (under Peckham Rye station) also seems to attract a mixed, arty crowd, as does Inside 72 on Lordship Lane.

Hee hee.. perhaps my posting was a little uncharitable. There's nothing wrong with a good local gay bar.. although the emphasis is on good - hopefully the 2 Brewers won't decide to open a new branch here.

With a decent gay bar AND and M&S, gentrification in ED will be complete!

The dirty old lamp column on goose green roundabout will be coming down shortly, thanks to a Community Council grant. It should be replaced by something much more appealing (hopefully green and growing).

You too can get things changed if you want - just attend a few Community Council meetings and you'll find out how......

On Northcross road ... Macey Chemist shop windows at least cleaned once a year... or better close down the whole place... the people in charge are so rude and part of the staff is likewise... Will be a good place for an italian pizzeria...

A few metres uphill on upland road ... close down Bennett Accountants for the same reasons ( I mean the shop windows never cleaned and very old crappy netcurtains... I don't know about the staff...),

Browns ( formerly six designs ) is a waste of good space as well.... and INSTEAD of the Police station on Lordship Lane put a modern sport centre with full facilities.... so the Punters at the Magdala will NOT only be cops... and and ..grassers...

Further down towards goose green... the bakery Hirsh can go as well ( the staff is ABSOLUTELY useless and rude, I believe they are Bugarians BUT I am not sure, never mind the country, I spend several months each year in Bulgaria and the people there are really nice ), and replace with an Ann Summers shop ( at least the staff will be more pleasanr ).

The craphole called CPT ( Crystal Palace Tavern ) will be better used to house an american Cult" preacher, so their people can at least keep it presentable...


It's funny what people want from the same place...

I love the idea of a community hall, and a small cinema (art house and alt only, obviously), but some of the other ideas...

why does on earth east dulwich need a gym? There's a gym at the Hamlets, and the Peckham pulse, plus parks etcetera.

M&S food hall? no thanks!! Can't think of anything worse. Over priced food for people with no taste and to much money as far as I'm concerned (no offence). Surely a second buthchers, another grocers would be better? Anything but!!

I thought the police station was going batdog (though I'd ditch the magda too). whilst it has faults, the cpt's the only decent boozer left in ed!

Now, what I'd *really* like to see is another curry house and a *trendy* bar.....

Wow - that sarcasm detector I got for Christmas appears to be working - I got a clear reading on that last sentence from CrystalClear. And I can only agree on the gym/M&S food hall comments. For a country that spends a lot of time complaining about taxes we seem awfully keen to spend more money on stuff that comes for free or a lot cheaper (health and food)

The M&S / food debate rages on (yawn)

Personally, I'd rather pay a little more for overpriced but good-quality food than save a few quid on cheap low-quality rubbish. And if you can't tell the difference between sandwich from Somerfield and one from M&S then you really do need help (that's pretty-much all I buy from M&S, as it happens)

I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen someone buy 'basics' pasta to save 30p and then spend ?5.50 on a packet of fags.. but then that's Britain for you.. the BSE wake-up which everyone ought to have had years ago seem to have been forgotten by half the population.

So let's ditch Somerfield. Let's face it - it's pants. Sometimes it's like shopping in Russia circa 1980.

Ditto the 'bakery' (as mentioned above). Very poor.

Get rid of Threshers and their wonderful policy of upping their prices by a third, and generously giving you the discount back if you buy three bottles. Oddbins instead, please.

The cafes and Gastropubs are fine, but.. some really decent restaurants, maybe? Just one *really* good neighbourhood restaurant would do. I did try Franklins ("The Place You Take Your Mum"), but seriously, for the same price I could to the Michelin-starred, down-to-earth Chez Bruce in Wandsworth and eat like a king..

No more trendy bars. I like trendy bars, but I also like 'a boozah'. Preferably with some old men watching horse racing on a portable and chucking fivers in a hat.

I think an M&S or a Waitrose would be a soulless addition to the High Street. I regularly visit friends in Chorlton Manchester, and they have a great co-operative supermarket there www.unicorn-grocery.co.uk/ incorporating fresh veg, wholefoods, deli, bread, alcohol sales and other general groceries. I'd love to have that sort of shop nearby. Unfortunately, I suspect a large space to house such a shop would be too expensive to make it feasible now that East Dulwich is so "Successful".

SMBS is great too , but tiny and often cramped at weekends. I'd be happy to see them expand into bigger premises.

A bike shop as mentioned in a previous post would be great.

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