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burglary - melford road (6th Jan)

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Got home weds to find we had been burgled, smashed back window at the rear of the house and literally climbed through. Took the usual laptop / ipod, watch etc, but thought would let people know.

Police have been brilliant,as was man who reglazed late on a v cold snowy night. Just had a call from victim support as well, which is not needed but a welcome surprise.

They got in and out through very insecure alleyway at the back of our house (backing onto shops on lordship lane) which the council are apparently dealing with by a installing a new fence, sadly a little late for us though.

would have posted before but can only get to the internet for an hour each day at the library......

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Victim support were great when I was burgled a month ago. Didn't feel I needed them for the counselling support but for the home security side of things. They put much more secure locks on my door and little alarms for the window it really helped to feel my home was more secure. The police were also great.
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Now I'm jealous of your new locks etc. ontheedge, I didn't get offered any of that a couple of months ago when it happened to me. But, the police did catch my man and he went to court a couple of weeks ago so all round (apart from the free locks bit) a job well done.

Sorry to hear you were burgled steph and I hope you feel comfortable in your home again very soon.

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we got done in September - nightmare - Sorry it happened to you. Victim support and the police were really good and gave us window alarms, spy holes for the door and a "london bar" for nothing. Also some DNA kits to mark our property when the insurance coughed up. Worthwhile calling them.
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East Dulwich Police Safer Neighbouhood Team offer SelectADNA property marking kits paid for by Crime Prevention Fund organised by me. This cover East Dulwich ward.

Melford Road is in College ward. College ward councillors have'nt organised such funding. I applied to Cleaner, Greener, Safer funding for them to operate similar scheme. They declined. They rightly have their own priorities for the ward they represent.

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You were very very lucky.

Southwark Police have a few Smartwater property marking kits every year. Roughly 100 per ward. This works out about 1.5% of Southwark homes per year. But chrun rate of Southwark residents a year in place like East Dulwich is 14% and more in other parts of Southwark.

Residents are dramaticially more likely to be burgled within the first six months of moving. Unfortunately the Police very limited stock of Smartwater means they can't even keep up with population churn. To make a real difference property marking kits need to be done in numbers and targetted at where burglaries have occurred and radius to innoculate neighbours from repeat burglaries and offered universally to those that will install it.

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