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legalbeagle Wrote:


> expat Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Click on the ':' next to 'Posted by' thatt will mask those messages...

What a nifty and unobtrusive little feature. I don't think I'd have found it on my own. Note though that it only works -- both the toggle and the masking -- when you're logged in.

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Just a passing thought but would it be worth adding a brief description of how to resize pictures to the rules posts in the various classified sections as it still seems to stump some. I know various solutions have been posted in here, but not many visit this section, particularly (ok I'm guessing here) new or occasional users.
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  • Administrator

nashoi, we will update the rules post and Help & FAQs soon to include the pointers for doing that.

Tarot, we're looking into the veering right issue this week, it would be handy if you could go to http://supportdetails.com/ and submit your details to [email protected] (when using the PC which the EDF veers right upon).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Admin,

This isn't a complaint, but I am mystified. A thread has shrunk - by around 10 or so posts (I think). There's a big chunk missing and I don't understand why because, as far as I am aware, it didn't contain anything offensive or remotely controversial (actually, I did swear - but those posts are still there!). It isn't important by any means, but I just wondered (a) why and (b) if you were aware of the problem (if indeed, it is a problem). If it has happened to one thread, might it not have happpened to others?

Anyway, thank you - as always.

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Hi Admin, I posted something in the main area (ED) on 30 Nov re checking on your elderly neighbours, and it was almost immediately Lounged. Would love an explanation why - after all, all our elderly neighbours are in ED! In SE22!

Post content below


"When temperatures fall to sub-zero, the number of deaths from heart attacks peaks three days later, from strokes five days later and from respiratory infections ten days later."

(From Met Office website.)

Please check on your elderly neighbours...

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  • Administrator


I believe it was because it was too similar to the "offering to do shopping trips for elderly/people unable to go" thread. Also it was not East Dulwich specific, we do get a few other generic public service announcements e.g. Save energy, help the homeless etc and they are in the Lounge. It is a grey area sometimes and apologies if you feel it was an incorrect decision but as I say there was already a thread discussing helping the elderly in East Dulwich in the ED Issues section it was moved to the Lounge.

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Administrator Wrote:


> Hi


> I believe it was because it was too similar to the

> "offering to do shopping trips for elderly/people

> unable to go" thread.

The thread (my thread) was actually started several days before the thread you are referring to.

Also it was not East Dulwich

> specific, we do get a few other generic public

> service announcements e.g. Save energy, help the

> homeless etc and they are in the Lounge. It is a

> grey area sometimes and apologies if you feel it

> was an incorrect decision but as I say there was

> already a thread discussing helping the elderly in

> East Dulwich in the ED Issues section it was moved

> to the Lounge.

As I said, that thread came along several days later.

Having checked facts: my post was morning of 30 Nov, the above thread you mention was first posted late afternoon of 2 Dec, so approx 2.5 days (3 working days) later. How can Lounging my thread on 30 Nov be based on existence of thread that didn't happen until 3 days later?

Do I really post 'help the homeless threads' every other day?

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Hello Admin, and sorry to bother you (again).

BUT, having real problems connecting with the EDF lately (doesn't occur with other sites). Note problem also occurs once already connected - e.g. when wishing to undertake a search, or jump to another section of the Forum. This is the message which keeps popping up:

The connection has timed out

The server at www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk is taking too long to respond.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few


* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network


* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure

that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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I've been having the same problem, never happened before the server upgrade (though I've been using a different browser for the last couple of months, but surely Firefox should be OK?)

Doesn't happen with any other sites.

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  • 5 weeks later...

People were asking why dicky was banned and i was asked to stick it in here.

Also, on web book forum page does not fit again using ie and also chrome but it ok using firefox. All other web pages fit in ie and chrome. Is there a setting in ie and chrome that needs adjusting for edf only? Ta

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