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Dog fouling

S Hensman

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Today, along Landells road there was a pile of poo just several metres away from the dog poo disposal bin. There are bins provided for owners at both ends of this road yet some people continue to leave their dog's mess. How ignorant and lazy is that? Be a responsible owner and pick it up!!
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keane Wrote:


> Why do people put it in a bag & then chuck

> It on the ground that's crazy! Can't they hold on

> to it until they reach a bin?!

I think you will find the warden picked up and bagged the turds himself!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good evening all

I jus saw an old lady out with a/her dog (think it's a golden retriever). This was on Whatley road I think (the road where the new school is being built with Bells bathroom/kitchen shop opposite. She was letting her dog foul in someones front garden. The building did not have a wall and looked like some building work was being done. I beeped my horn and she stopped. I reversed my car and asked why she would do something so disgusting on someone else's home. She ignored me. I said 'shame on you' which is what my Grandma used to say when I did something bad.

Anyway whatever I said had no effect on her. I actually didn't know what else to do.

What would you do? Would you have taken a picture???

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Good on you Bil!

I don't think you could have done better other than to have picked up the offending parcel and placed it in her coat pocket so she could take it with her. It might at least have kept one of her hands warm for the journey home.


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  • 4 weeks later...

MAK Wrote:


> This is a huge issue esp' on Friend Road and

> Dunstan's Road where schoolkids walk

Assume you mean 'Friern Road'? Totally agree. There's a new "pile" on the stretch between Goodrich and LL practically every morning, suspiciously similar in size.

> there are dog bins there as well! I've written to the

> council about it but there is only so much they

> can do.

Actually on Friern there's only one of these bins up near the junction with LL. I wish there were more bins, signs and renewed pavement markings. That said I doubt these would deter the thoughtless antisocial perpetrator(s).

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Is that a recent issue or a long term one David?

I heard a theory that the increase is down to supermarkets charging 5p for bags that would previously have been reused picking up dog turds but are now saved for shopping. It would be ironic if in trying to save the environment, the environment has been made worse.

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Well it's been commonplace for the last 3 years. However seems to have got slightly worse in the past month. Once again this morning there was a fresh pile, a few feet away from yesterday's. Seems mostly to be on this particular stretch of the road. I walk the length of Friern most days and there is a "concentration" towards the top.

I suspect it's simply one, maybe two regular offender/s on their regular dog-walking route. I don't see there's really anything to be done though - even if caught in the act I wouldn't know who to report them too. I guess it is what it is.

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I walk this part of Friern every morning too - The poo in this stretch tends to be strewn out over a few yards suggesting the dog walker didn't even allow the dog to stop.

There is an old bloke with grey hair who lives on Goodrich with two dogs - he walks the dogs very slowly down Friern morning and evening.

He disappeared for a while 2 or 3 months ago and the poo seemed to stop temporarily so I'm guessing its him and he was perhaps ill as someone was walking the dogs for him and presumably picking up the poo.

Its not nice having to always look out for it, especially with children. horrible stuff. :)

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Yes I noticed this particular stretch of road today (it is not my normal route) but it was dreadful. On the way back from our dog walk, I picked up 9 piles of poo between etherow and goodrich on the right hand side of the road. It looks like the culprits are just two dogs (won't go into details) but this is ridiculous! It should not be anywhere, but there are two schools nearby so loads of children, scooters, buggies etc run the gauntlet on their way to school.
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Tiddles - very good of you to pick up someone else's mess. Sad to say that there's a fresh deposit this morning.

Mick Mac - I'll an eye out for the old bloke. What sort of time on a morning would you say to do so? It's probably not even him, but I'd like to confront the person responsible. Everyday is just ridiculous.

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I agree the amount on the pavements around Friern/Goodrich roads is disgusting.

I think I know the person you are referring to. Unfortunately he was in hospital 2 or 3 months ago. A kind neighbour walked his dogs for him and definitely cleared up after them. He is now taking them for short walks again but he is unsteady on his feet and I doubt if he is able to clear up after them.

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solar Wrote:


> I agree the amount on the pavements around

> Friern/Goodrich roads is disgusting.

> I think I know the person you are referring to.

> Unfortunately he was in hospital 2 or 3 months

> ago. A kind neighbour walked his dogs for him and

> definitely cleared up after them. He is now taking

> them for short walks again but he is unsteady on

> his feet and I doubt if he is able to clear up

> after them.

And I would make allowances now if he previously picked up his dogs' poo before being unsteady on his feet - but he never did, and now it seems he is unlikely to. Pity.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Walking in sydenham hill woods today around 1pm. A woman mid 30s slim quite tall curly brown hair with a black dog looked like retriever/lab saw her dog squatting and walked off as fast as she cld. Got the feeling it's a daily jaunt.
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  • 5 months later...

Update on the fouling situation in Friern Road. Basically over the summer things haven't improved. There's been a new 'deposit'most days, clearly from the same dog. I counted 8 heaps on our small stretch of the street on Monday evening. So I got in touch with Southwark Council (there's a reporting tool for dog dirt on their web site).

Surprisingly I got an email back very quickly assuring me that they'd get the mess cleaned up and have the enforcement team add extra warning notices. 2 days later and indeed they've already cleaned-up the street and added new stencils to the pavement. Hats off to Southwark Council!

Whether it will deter the 'poop perp' remains to be seen, however I was impressed that the council were so responsive.

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I agree - this is disgusting

To keep it in perspective, I think that theres a very small number of irresponsible dog owners who let this happen. 1 dog = 2 x piles a day (and likely to be on the same route/road)

We had this issue on Trossachs Road a couple of years ago. Every morning a fresh mound, somewhere on the street. We worked out it was one person letting it happen.

We went the vigilante route of putting up some homemade posters on lampposts, saying it was disgusting, illegal, kids stepped in it,etc and pointing out, if we saw it happening that we would report to the police.

It stopped immediately.

We could have inadvertently moved it somewhere else, but I'd like to think that we managed to get through to the idiot concerned.

Suggest others give this a go

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  • 1 month later...
I've been living on Goodrich road for 3 years now and I've never lived somewhere with this much fouling on the pavements/my front garden. I'm not 100% sure if it's dog or fox doings but I'm fed up with it. The amount of times I've had to hose down the pavements outside my home I've lost count. What can we do about this?
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