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ClareC if you cant tolerate the RLT I have been taking the capsules although they are a bit pricey? apparently they wont bring on labour but stregnthen the walls of the uterus and may aid a quicker delivery? I dont want to force little one out but the "not knowing" drives me crackers.

Molly I know some people dont agree with the whole castor oil business but surely it cant be any worse than having an induction like you said...

I tried RLT, sex, curry, pineapple, long walks etc etc.

At 9 days overdue I booked acupuncture at the place above Health Matters with Daniel. Contractions started that evening! Perhaps coincidence but has some backing from studies. I'd certainly recommend it if you're desperate. He offered a freebie session the following day if nothing happened - wasn't needed though!

Good luck

My only advice is to try and stay zen. In my opinion, all the sweeps/curry/acupuncture/pineapple/hot sex/clary sage in the world will do nothing to budge a baby that's not ready to be budged. #1 was three weeks late despite three sweeps and all the rest.

It probably helped that we have a family history of long gestation. None of my sister's or my mother's 7 kids had been born at less than 42 weeks, and those that were born at 42 weeks were induced, so right from the off I was certain that I'd have at least that long. I didn't even bother packing my hospital bag until I was a week 'overdue'. The only downside as far as I was concerned were the constant phonecalls from friends asking if I'd dropped yet.

Totally agree with the above - the calls drive you mad. I also agree that some people just take longer to brew 'em. Both my mother and hiis didnt have us or our siblings till 42 weeks or over, so there was no chance I was going to have mine on time I figured. I am so pleased that second time round I resisted the c-section they wanted to give me at 42 weeks and waited until she came on her own.

Hello SianandTony

My baby was born at 38 weeks according to the official due date (I think she was actually 36 and a half). I worked up until Thursday pm, my waters broke on Friday pm and she was here on Saturday!

I would say, insist that the midwife properly examines you, including dilation, especially if you find you have some good breathing/yoga coping strategies. Mine was so convinced that as a first timer I couldn't be in labour for another 3 days and that I would be in much more obvious pain if I was, that the birth ended up being a big surprise to everyone!

Good Luck...

congrats sunbob, was that recently? been to see the midwife today and everything is "stable" at the mo. I guess its anyones guess when babies want to turn up so ive never really pressed my midwife if this one would be late or early its just a waiting game!


> Molly I know some people dont agree with the whole

> castor oil business but surely it cant be any

> worse than having an induction like you said...

Yes - this is the conclusion I came to - if I'd been facing a hospital induction I'd have tried the castor oil first as a final bid to get things going.

Having had 1 home birth already the thought of going into hospital was really terrifying! I know that sounds back to front, and I was trying hard to be pragmatic about it, but I really didn't want to be in hospital. Thank goodness things worked out perfectly in the end, and without the seal coming off the castor oil.....phew!

Our daughter was 16 days late after induction (even then, she had no intention of coming out). Thing that always annoys me about it, is that if you nip over the water to France, you'd not even be at your due date for another week or 2, which just shows how random the whole thing is really.

I would not have liked to have gone longer than the two weeks as my son was very dry and flaky from where he was inside for so long! His nails were so long too!:-S

I read that the castor oil can make the baby poo/poorly,hence I would not try something like that if it means risking the baby health.

I have a feeling that in France they count it differently, so whilst I do think they let you go to 3 weeks it sounds as if they let you go longer, because I think to them pregnancies last (for example) 41 weeks anyway. Could be wrong on this, but have a vague recollection of a discussion with a friend who lives in France.

Heidi Hi - all I read up on Castor Oil suggested it can make Mum feel pretty awful, and bring labour on hard and fast to boot, but I didn't find anything about it affecting the baby at all.


I had a sweep for my 1st which worked! I was going to be induced for my 2nd which I wasn't too keen on so did all I could to give myself a sweep! Whatever I did it worked and I went into labour that night!

My sister swore by reflexology!

Best of luck!

Ellen, pregnancy nausea (and tiredness!) is awful, especially if you haven't told everyone you're pregnant. Hang on in there, most people find it diminishes or even disappears after the first trimester, and try not to have an empty stomach - that is supposed to make it worse. Also, terribly unfairly, they say sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy!

Yes Heidi, I can see the logic in that, tho I would probably have been equally distressed about being taken in and induced, so it may have been the lesser of 2 evils. Glad I didn't have to make the choice in the end!

HeidiHi Wrote:


> Molly, on my birth club they gave links saying it

> could make the baby poo, or because it could make

> the mothers sick, dehydrated, have stomach cramps

> etc, it could distress the baby.

I seem to be in the minority, but I had no desire for labour to kick off. Had too much to do, was afraid of the pain and more than happy being preggers. Even when my waters broke, I did my best to pretend it wasn't happening... I was 4 days over and had the French perception of 'due date' firmly in mind, so was quite disappointed I didn't get another couple of weeks 'off'!

Ellen -I hear you! The way you feel in early pregnancy is totally unlike any other feeling of hideousness. It's like you've been up all night drinking absinthe... well it was for me anyway!

Edited as I pushed 'post' mid sentence. Numpty.

You are not in the minority LittleEDFamily. I too am rather enjoying life's 'no-man's-land' that is the period between work and the baby being born. The pineapples are sitting in the kitchen.. getting riper and the rasberry leaf tea packet remains unopened....

I'm pretty scared about the birth. The pain is now less of a concern as i hear and read first and second hand stories of the risks etc involved in childbirth. i'm 39 weeks now and happy to see myself going over due... i'm quite clearly in denial.

I'm even seeing the bonus of being induced in that i then don't have the stress of being turned away from hospital for not being dilated enough / getting proper medical care and monitoring of the baby... and/or not having to endure 40 hours of labour etc etc

sorry this has turned out quite gloomy indeed... when ironically i'm feeling very happy right now

i'm sure i'll be thrilled once he comes out :)

Im 39 weeks too now. I can definatly see myself going overdue! get the occassional tightening but thats it. im happy right now but quite uncomfortable.....

I know of friends who have been induced, and from what i can gather the pain is alot more intense as you dont have the chance to build up tolerance?

the only reason they should turn you away from the ward is if your not in established labour, in all fairness they would have mums taking up beds who didnt need to be there?

It's a really fine line between getting to hospital too early and leaving it too late. I hung out at home as long as I possibly could and when we all (me, husband and midwife friend on phone) all finally agreed it was finally time to go, I was a gibbering mess. Midwife friend reckoned she knew I was ready to go when I no longer wanted to communicate with her over the phone or even seem prepared to acknowledge anyone was trying to speak to me. I think that's not a bad yardstick!

If I did it all again, I would have liked to have been in slightly more control when I got to the hospital. But..........in my humble opinion, better to err on side of going too late than turning up early and being sent away (also more chance of intervention if you get there early).

Good luck, SianandTony - we look forward to hearing your tale when it's all over (I love a birth story!!!)

Both of mine were 42 weeks. If you have not got answer phone now GET ONE. the calls get worse - the first few days when you have had a baby everyone phones and you often do not feel like speaking. I tried everything- wave machine at swimming pool, long walks, curry, RL tea, sex , Everything but caster oil- all because I did not want to be induced. I would leave nature to take its course the first 10 days and do the pampering, shopping, cooking, freezing etc. Then panic. Might ask your mum if she was late too - reassuring.

Hi thanks for the responses all helpful......wrapped all the christmas pressies up today so all organised there hubby just needs to dish them out if im not able to.....

woman of dulwich: so did you end up being induced or did it come on naturally? spoke to my mum, my brother and I both arrived after due dates. as my mum and I are VERY similar im expecting to go over with this one i think. already worked out how to switch our landlines on the mute setting (hehe!) im trying to just keep on top of the household chores, had to show hubby how to use the washing machine again yesterday bless him x

thanks littleEDfamily...Its like you say its a fine line really. id rather hang on at home as long as possible.

If you arrive too late they will probably say your are too late for more pain control?

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