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FGS people, the OP clearly states it's a novelty item. Whilst I understand the sentiment behind your distaste some of your comments are harsh, verging on malign

e.g. "can't support child abusers" - who on earth is asking you to do any such thing? Why would you even suggest that the OP is asking that? Think of what that comment is implying about macutd - something very offensive indeed to someone who is simply offering for sale an old fashioned item that you find distasteful.

"we should be charging you to take this item" - What? Why? What ever does that even mean?

I get that some posters don't feel the OP should have put this up for sale, and of course agree that JS was an evil person, but don't make this into some kind of forum witch-hunt on the innocent OP. The worst you can accuse macutd of is bad judgement here - and I note he's removed the item, so is clearly responsive to public opinion. In this age of rapidly fluctuations in public opinion regarding what constitutes good/bad taste or black humour you can't blame someone for testing the water, and you certainly should be kinder/ more careful with your comments.

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Hello to all reading this and particularly mactutd. I was surprised at the item on sale when I saw it!! Somebody feels there was a testing of the water!!! I doubt that was the case. Clearly I believe the item was put up in complete innocence, rather than a premeditated cause to upset others, just as I wasn't trying to witch hunt. Guilty party fortunately dead already and the main point he can't hurt anyone again.
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I really think you guy are taking this out of contents/contexts... the above responses seems like a light hearten joke. For "Sillywomen" to type such a deep response so early in the morning, it seems like a close friend/family to mactutd (noted, Sillywomen mention "he" or didn't "SW" didn't have a goodnight sleep. In my days we were told that "sticks and stones will hurt my bones but words will never heart me" its a tough world out there, we can't be so sensitively. I have seen various cockey comments like this but sillywomen took it so personally in fact more then macutd, I thought this would end up in court...(Sillywomen is this a joke, before you hit the roof again). Macutd from my point of view it was aimed at the Jim and not you, and if you were my friend/family, I would have told you the same thing (dump sillywomen for me...lool). I totally agree with olivia "complete innocence" and not testing the waters. Let all have a drink and a group hug.
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