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Does anyone else have a problem with their post not reaching them, being tampered with or with the postman just not bothering to knock when he has a parcel and dropping a card through the door when there are people home, or just leaving parcels on the doorstep?

If so please let me know as I have been trying to have these issues rectified for ages and the Post Office just ignores my concerns. Perhaps if a group of residents approaches them they may take notice.

I have been having these problems for the past 4 years at 2 different addresses in East Dulwich and I have had enough.

I normally don?t like to be a busy-body like this but it is really getting too much!

Most recently my council tax bill didn?t arrive. Luckily I called the council to see what had happened and they said they had sent it a month back. So I paid over the phone and asked for another bill. This one didn?t arrive so the next month I went through the same rigmarole only to repeat it again this month. The council assures me that they have been sending these bills and the address is correct.

In the last 2 months (that I am certain of) a credit card statement, a mobile phone bill and a gift from my mother-in-law have not arrived. I have had assurance from the senders that they were sent. Also a book I ordered online was just left on my doorstep.

Like a reasonable man I went into the Post Office to ask if I could make an appointment to speak with the postmaster to give him a heads-up so that any problems could be dealt with without any unpleasantness. In hindsight this was completely bloody na?ve of me. You can imagine the response I got. I don't think there even is such a thing as a postmaster anymore it appears that computers tell the staff what to do.

So I called the Post Office and all they say is that my concerns have been noted. They say that the senders of the letters have to complain for them to do anything. So yesterday I asked the council and all I got was some umming and ahhing, barely distinguishable form the rest of their monosyllabic nonsense. Again perhaps if a group of residents who have had the same problem approached them it may have more impact.

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Where I am (on Crystal Palace Rd) it has usually been OK. The only real problem has been postmen who occasionally can't be bothered to deliver parcels, so just pop the card through the letterbox, even if I'm home. However, I did have some friends on Elsie Rd, and their mail jsut kept disappearing. I think they threatened to go to the Police in the end, and the problem stopped!
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We've got the same problems here on LL with our Postie - birthday cards normally arrive tampered with, and money missing. Really quite awful :(

Sometimes our postie, looks through the sitting room window to see if anyone is in, knocks on the window and doesnt give the post unless the door is opened for him.

And we do have a very useful little hole in the door for post, but this postman seems to have issues with it!

And parcels are always just left on the doorstep too - I'm expecting a parcel today, I wonder where it'll turn up...

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i used to get letters only through the box with anything bigger left on the step, when i confronted the postie about it her excuse was that she thought id look outside for anything bigger when i heard the letters dropping,luckily nothing ever went missing. when i mentioned to her that i wasnt always in when the post came and that id look up her bosses details and make them aware of her practice, i was met with a tut and humph, no probs since mind.
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Ah we must have the same postie Brendan, I live at the junction of LL and Frien Road too...

I've had a lot of post go missing too, now that I think about it... Letters of acceptance from colleges and universities, bank statements, parcels from ebay... taking the money out of birthday cards is perhaps the worst thing...

We've complained, but nothing was done about it, as there was no proof that the postman/Royal Mail worker had taken the money out of the card!

I have yet to receieve my package of underwear from Figleaves.com! What the postie could do with that, I don't know!...

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The regulator's details:

Contact PostcommPostcomm

Hercules House

6 Hercules Road



Tel: + 44 (0)20 7593 2100

Fax: + 44 (0)20 7593 2142

Email: [email protected]

How to make a complaint (you have to deal with Royal Mail first):

Royal Mailwww.royalmail.com

Contact details:

Royal Mail Customer Services


20 Turner Road

St Rollox Business & Retail Park


G21 1AA

Customer service tel: 08457 740 740 (Monday to Friday: 8am - 7:30pm, Saturday: 8am - 2:30pm)

Mail integrity codeOne of Postcomm's most important jobs is to make sure that mail is safe and secure.

We have the power to prosecute individuals and licensed operators who do not properly looks after the mail in their care, and we can also prosecute any non-licensed mail operator carrying mail unlawfully.

Our mail integrity code (pdf, 95KB) sets out what licensed operators must do in practice to keep mail safe and secure. It came into force on 1 January 2006, when the mail market opened to full competition and is compulsory for all licensed operators. The code covers:

recruitment policy - This must be set out in writing and must include requirements for applicants to declare any criminal convictions, cautions or conditional discharges relating to postal matters, or dishonest conduct in general. The recruitment policy must also set out how the operator will check information provided by applicants, to ensure their identity, residence and previous work history.

training policy - Operators must make employees aware of their individual obligations for security of the mail, and must provide initial and ongoing training so they can do their job competently.

disciplinary procedures - Operators must set out details of the standard of conduct expected of each employee.

security of mail - Licensed operators must set out details of the measures they have put in place - and the actions they have taken - to prevent problems occurring with the security of mail in their premises, vehicles and equipment.

information and reporting requirements - Operators must set out procedures for reporting and dealing with mail integrity problems (pdf, 85KB).

agents and sub-contractors - The mail integrity code includes procedures that licensed operators must follow when they are dealing with franchisees, agents or sub-contractors.

A full list of related documents is available on the mail integrity code consultation page.

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I live off ED Grove near the hospital and our postal service is poor. Packages I've expected have never arrived (could be back up the delivery chain) but my main complaint is the lateness, most days our post doesn't arrive until after midday. I can remember seeing people opening their post on the train on the way to work - where do they live ???
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I know this has been happening for a couple of years at least; all over ED.

You have to write / complain to the Royal Mail first and if their reply is not satisfactory, it won't be for sure, then do not waste time with government watchdogs etc.

Go directly to postwatch which is an independent body created to monitor postal services :


they are the most effective response-weapon against postal disservices.

also involve your local MP. (tu)

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