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Child abuse - Ireland's Catholic shame

Mick Mac

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dulwichmum Wrote:


Monica will be slapping men with a fan next. This is all a bit Victorian.

Ummmm, yes I can see that to someone who regularly flirts openly on the Forum, that Monica's comment might appear "a bit Victorian". To me however, it is nothing more than an innocent comment.

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Yes I flirt on here. I did not say that Monica was flirting, I indicated that she is exaggerating her innocense. If people on here do not agree with me, I can accept that. I don't say I feel ganged up on, claim I no longer feel comfortable to post or accuse people of running a clique.

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Jah Lush Wrote:


> dulwichmum Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > No Jah. I am proud of them. I deleted them in

> > response to a comment from Vinceyre.


> Hmmm....what's that smell. Oh I know... bullshit.

Very ungracious of you Mr.Lush as one who purports to be a gentleman. I read all of DM's posts and if the tone of them were almost anguished it would only have come from her knowledge or experience of the events being made known to the public now. Events that obviously affected her as they did many people. Her reaction to Monica's 'blind faith' (to quote Mick) is part of that.

Deleting the posts was her choice and a possibly hasty one given it was a reaction to a post that was subsequently deleted by Admin presumably on the grounds of it being offensive.

Interesting to see in this evenings news that the Order of The Sisters of Mercy in Ireland have offered compensation of over 120M Euros to children they have abused. I'd be angry about that. wouldn't you?

Bullshit me ar**.

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I don't quite follow you Declan. Angry about which particular aspect?

Personally I'm angry that the Sisters of Mercy * actually have that much dosh stashed away because they won't have come by it by moral means.

* Sisters of Mercy is a rather lovely Leonard Cohen song and I'm sorry that these so called brides of Christ have brought the name into disrepute

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DECLAN! (stomps foot and glares)...

I must admit, that I pride myself on being deeply, deeply superficial. I do not like to overshare...

But, I will admit that anyone displaying blind faith in the Roman Catholic Churh or particular discredited saints (inhales deeply), terrifies me.

We must listen to our children and our instincts. We must protect those who are vulnerable in our community.

I will delete this post you know.

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Ok I'm going to wade in. Monica has just protected what she believes,that's religion. Her stance is of someone that has faith, rightly or not. She did not deserve this.

dulwichmum Wrote:


> Do the newspapers disrespect you too sweetie? And

> the television stations, when they publish the

> facts about Padre Pio? Bless! You should get out

> more.


> The world is not flat, and evolution must blow

> your mind! How do you reconcile your blind faith

> in Padre Pio with the popes thoughts on the

> subject (I dare you to click on Huguenot's link),

> or the fact that it is one of the ten commandments

> that you should not put false Gods before the

> Lord?

Humour is what makes us what we are, Patronising people is what makes us ugly. I'd apologise and let's get on with the worthy debate.

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giggirl Wrote:


> I've never met DM; I've met very few forumites. I

> don?t go to drinks (I might go tomorrow because

> it?s Christmas but I probably won?t). I do find

> the 'clique' accusation that frequently arises

> completely tedious. Most people on the forum are

> intelligent so I think if they disagreed with DM

> or anyone else they would say so (and they are

> saying so).


> I?ve read this thread (minus DM?s deleted posts of

> course) and I?m really not seeing anything that

> justifies your statement ?I feel that I have been

> ganged up against?. Obviously there?s been a big

> war of words with DM but I haven?t read her posts

> so how can I comment on what took place? From

> reading everyone else?s posts I?m honestly not

> seeing you as someone who has been ganged up on,

> or evidence of a clique closing ranks. If I?m

> honest I feel frustrated that you say you won?t

> post in the lounge any more because of this

> episode.


> I do think you?ve made your point now about DM and

> I think it?s time that everyone moved on.

I actually agree with you Gigirl lets move on from this, you did not read DMs posts so you cant comment.

I have just returned from a lovely Dinner with My lovely family, My aunt has just turned 70, and I enjoyed every minute, and not a victorian fan in sight. I dont have to flatter my eyelashes either, charm and good manners always wins:)-D

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'bout now Wrote:


> I'm a cross between Fabio Capello and Kiefer

> Sutherland since you ask DM and I understand your

> anger, in fact I am completely on your side in

> this terrible, horrible debate.


> Manners though....

mmm Im intrigued a cross between Fabio capello and Keifer Sutherland, Sounds very intriguing.

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dulwichmum Wrote:


> I understand that this forum is inclusive, but I

> don't understand where Monica is coming from at

> all. As Sean points out, most of what is written

> on this thread is supportive of Monica, but still

> she says that she feels intimidated by my support

> - I don't see it. When she thanks Mickmac for his

> support, she says "I hope your wife is ok with

> this comment". I thought that we were able to

> debate and chat openly on this forum. Monica will

> be slapping men with a fan next. This is all a

> bit Victorian.


> This thread started out by outlining the dangers

> of blind faith, and I completely agree. This

> forum is not a clique, I think that the day it

> becomes one, no-one will bother with it. We enjoy

> a lively debate.

The comment was made because of a discussion Mic and I had, and how we needed to be careful,(joking) because his wife read the forum. You did not understand the exchange so why comment on it.

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monica Wrote:


> MickMac thanks again for your support, you are

> very sweet.(hope your wife is ok with this

> comment)

Of course she is ok with that comment, Monica. Certainly I did not consider it flirting. I know you have a preference for my old friend.....


Anyway, its a thread that has turned into a real argument, unfortunatley.

Declan - I think you are playing with fire, but good luck.

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