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James Barber Wrote:


> Hi Luoisa,

> The law does not make that distinction. This works

> two-ways.

> Equally should the club be limited from going up

> leagues because it wasn't in that league when it

> moved there.



> Ideally the club flourishes and the neighbours are

> happy. This is perfectly achievable .

This does to some extent show why the Bussey made such a big thing

of the 133 Rye Lane development and Canavan's the same now.

Well Done Cllr Barber for effectively removing yourself from any Planning Committee for a new stadium.

As the applications are known to be pending and - I suspect - have already been through pre-application with officers and members already, you now find yourself in a rather sticky situation should you be called forward to the committee. Irrespective of the committee's decision, comments on this thread lead you to being more than a little conflicted and I see enough grounds for a tasty JR challenge on this matter should the need arise from either the pro or anti lobby.

Barber please stop with your complete and utter drivel, you have have seen one complaint and yet again you fly to the rescue to suit your own agenda, remember the CPZ the list of failures is long and well documented. The club is a thriving success which supports the wider community so should be celebrated and encouraged. My house backs onto a football club with floodlights, I was very supportive when they installed their new 3G pitch as it meant no short sighted Cllr could agree to build any homes. Why you are commenting on the number of hours kids need when sleeping is beyond me, please stop.

I won't claim to represent the club, I'm a steward, however all this about DHFC being inconsiderate is totally wrong. Ryman League and FA set dates and times and who we play-DHFC has no control whatsover. So please, if you have an issue take it up with them. I'm not passing the buck simply stating a fact.

How many Premiership clubs moan about scheduling when fixtures are released? ALL of them. I'm sure our opposition, such as Margate, aren't happy about a 745 KO, we weren't for the away-as the last train was 10pm, hotels were booked etc etc and then game was postponed so lots of money lost by supporters, so please think a bit.

I'm sorry but does Barbers post insinuate that anything which may create noise and stop a child getting 12 hours sleep

must be curtailed?

A curfew on cars driving down any streets that may have children living in the houses, no aeroplanes after 6.30pm

no sirens, no doorbells on multiple occupancy homes, etc etc etc...

This is a city, noise happens its part of living...

We are NOT talking about outdoor rave parties that carry on till the early hours 5 nights a week.

We are talking about occasional background noise coming from a much loved Local football club.

Its pathetic...Like people moving next to infants schools and then complaining about the sound of children playing.

Let the little darlings sleep in earmuffs on match nights.

I grew up near Marble Arch, ambulances would go by the house en-route to St Marys hospital,We'd hear the sound of the outdoor Hyde Park concerts, but y'know what? If my sleep was disturbed by this as a nipper I'm sure I drifted back to sleep soon enough, and I went on to achieve a degree so I'm sure it didn't do me too much harm.


I've not said no noise after 7pm. But we should all be mindful of making noises that disturb others. Equally we should all try and accommodate reasonable behaviour. The boundaries of this is what we're discussing not the principles of ever making noise. And people, in this case neighbours, are much more likely to be tolerant if talked to. This thread has shown this original resident and the other two than have contacted me that they're not being listened to reasonably. And we're talking about a club we'd like to see go up to new leagues etc which would involve the ground expanding from 1,000 to up to 5,000 supporter ground.

Hi P68,

You're right and wrong on recommended hours of sleep. Babies up to 17 hours a day/night. 11 years olds 9-10 hours.


How do you think parents should organise 10-12 hours of sleep for a typical kids in reception, years 1 or 2 at school if they can't get to sleep until 10pm and need to be up at 7.30pm to get ready for a new school day?

And talking to teachers the last thing they need is sleepy kids.

Hi Johnl.

Yes, that's exactly why in Peckham lots of resistance to new flats near existing club. More homes means more chance of the existing club being closed from noise and anti social behaviour.

Hi SirTitus,

I think I ruled myself out from any planning committee long ago before this thread. I think putting the 5,000 person stadium, current grounds rated for 1,000 supporters, behind new blocks for 160-270 homes will result in the club having the same type of issues Imperial Gardens suffered - closed from objections to anti social noise etc. The law is even more in favour of residents suffering from noise and disruption than when Imperial Gardens was forced to close.

Hi Lbsmith73,

Yes my list of failures - new primary schools, new secondary school, new crossings on Lordship Lane, modern street lighting across East Dulwich, lots of crime prevention measures.

If you read all my posts I've had several other complaints from neighbours of DHFC If we're getting these when the grounds are rated for 1,000 fans do you think we should try address issues before the grounds expanded t hold 5,000 fans - or should we take your ostrich approach?

Hi bluerevolution,

Yes and no. Of course the club has to deliver the fixtures the leagues states. But the club could explain to neighbours in an ideal world it would modernise its PA system for example but with potential ground move it was delaying this then neighbours could understand. Talking to its neighbours could go some way to both understanding the others positions. It appears some banging noise occurred coming from the grounds until well after kids bedtimes on a school night. I would hope it would be relatively straight forward to avoid this happening again and tell neighbours that they're going to try and ensure it doesn't or proving to neighbours it never happened.

Hi NewWave,

You're being silly. Cars driving down roads shouldn't keep kids awake. Cars honking their horns would.

What happens when the club goes up a league? The club will need its neighbours to be more understanding. Building up a genuoine rapport now will really help then. Rather than tactless attempts at bullying a genuine original post.

Hi P68,

You're right and wrong on recommended hours of sleep. Babies up to 17 hours a day/night. 11 years olds 9-10 hours.


How do you think parents should organise 10-12 hours of sleep for a typical kids in reception, years 1 or 2 at school if they can't get to sleep until 10pm and need to be up at 7.30pm to get ready for a new school day?

And talking to teachers the last thing they need is sleepy kids.

As you point out, 11 year olds may 'need' 9-10 hours (I have my doubts)- and that is because they are entering puberty, which is a tiring time. Babies certainly sleep for long times, and are not normally roused or disturbed by outside factors - they are little solipsists at that age. You haven't been able to find a 10-12 hour range in your searches, I suspect, otherwise you would have quoted it. I don't think you will find that 'sleepy' kids aren't getting 10-12 hours sleep. Far more likely is that their household (not the environs of same) is disturbing to them - perhaps with a younger child who is going through 3 month colic, perhaps with fighting parents. As I have already said, when kids are sleepy, they tend to sleep. And they are not then readily woken (or kept awake) by extraneous events.

This is less true for adults, who have more worries and are more readily distracted by noises from sleeping, or think they are, when it may be other things which are actually keeping them awake. It is easier to blame, then, someone else being noisy, rather than your relationship crumbling or your bank balance imploding.

Indeed - passive aggressive accusations of 'bullying' are tiresome.

> This thread has shown this original resident and the other two than have contacted me

> that they're not being listened to reasonably.

So what did they ask the club to do? And what would you call a reasonable response? Telling 1,000 people at a football match to keep quiet because half a dozen children's sleep could be being disturbed by an hour or so twice a month?

Completely bonkers.

I have read this thread with mostly bemusement as the attempt to justify the original complaint seems to veer into various objections each time one is disproved. Firstly the drumming, there were no drums and most of the advertising signs behind the goals are now canvas banners so making a noise on them is impossible. PA system, I think you will find is well within noise limits and is certainly not on after the end of a game. In most cases the last music played is at half time and so finishes around 8.45. Unfortunately I think you will find that the stadium requires a PA System both from league rules and a safety perspective. Announcements are kept to those required to give out information and not a running commentary. Highlights of the game in question versus Leiston are available at www.footballexclusives.com and you will hear no drumming. In reality, the club are good neighbours and a benefit to the community as a whole. Finally, the current stadium has a capacity of 3000 and not 1000.

Perhaps people who want no noise at all, ever, after their children's bedtime should move to some more isolated place than Inner London near a football ground?

But then of course there are likely to be owls, and the sounds of screaming small animals being carried off/eaten by the owls. Every night, not twice a month.

What is DHFC to do, conduct every evening match in complete silence?

Anyway, as someone said above, sleepy children will sleep, and once asleep noise will not (in my experience) wake them up. Nightmares might, or illness, but not external noise.

And I still don't understand, if noise is such an issue for him (her?), why the OP sees double glazing as a "red herring"?

"The greatest good for the greatest number" springs to mind here, from a community point of view.

Equally we should all try and accommodate

> reasonable behaviour...If we're

> getting these when the grounds are rated for 1,000

> fans do you think we should try address issues

> before the grounds expanded t hold 5,000 fans - or

> should we take your ostrich approach?...in an ideal world it would

> modernise its PA system for example...What happens when the club goes up a league?

On one hand I'm impressed that you have such confidence in the mighty mighty Hamlet's footballing prowess that you think them being promoted and having a 500% increase in attendance is a realistic proposition.

On the other hand: there is no unreasonable behaviour by the club. If by some miracle the club became much more popular, the. I'd suggest the council looks at what happens at Fulham, Chelsea, (Old) Arsenal and Crystal Palace - they're all much bigger clubs whose grounds are located in residential areas.

What kind of modernisation of the PA are you talking about? No one has suggested the PA is defective or obsolete and that causes unnecessary noise. The complaints are about brief announcements at the end of home nighttime games during the season.

TBH this whole discussion is laughable. Go and whine to Southwark residents who live on the Wally Road or Elephant & Castle or on estate where one dickhead plays music incredibly loud all the time and they'll tell you what real antisocial noise is!

I would just like to say that it is fantastic to have somewhere I can take my 11 year old boy to enjoy an afternoon out. That is local, affordable, family friendly and where i meet and chat with others in my community.

Good old DHFC don't knock it. There arn't many (if any) places like it in London.

macutd Wrote:


> I would just like to say that it is fantastic to

> have somewhere I can take my 11 year old boy to

> enjoy an afternoon out. That is local, affordable,

> family friendly and where i meet and chat with

> others in my community.

> Good old DHFC don't knock it. There arn't many (if

> any) places like it in London.

hear hear !

I will ask for the tannoy system to be turned down from 9pm, no gaurantees though. As for banging the hoardings, we cannot control that as it's sporadic and ONLY happens when a great move is played. If we did ask, as is human nature, they would do it more!

There has been many consultation evenings regarding the ground move, if people can't be bothered to turn up to have their say then whose fault is that?

Another idea - in the spirit of co-operation - for local residents who may not be so familiar with the fixture schedule - could residents sign up for an email from the club with a reminder of evening games say 24 hours beforehand. Doesn't change the noise but allows them to shut windows and put on a white noise cd or similar. The white noise sounds are brilliant at fading out background noises. We managed to sleep through a neighbour's broken burglar alarm a few nights back using one.

Completely agree. The Tinker Man (who is a Champion Hill resident) has gone too far.

Otta Wrote:


> steveo Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Like all the residents of Chelsea get? Not.

> >

> > This thread is beyond stupidity



> And completely pointless.

Grok Wrote:


> Completely agree. The Tinker Man (who is a

> Champion Hill resident) has gone too far.


If you mean James Barber, he is trying to please everybody, which is obviously impossible in this case.

Give him a break, for once :) Season of goodwill and all that :)

Or else stand as a councillor yourself and see how you get on :))

ETA: It wasn't James Barber who started this thread.

I think James would be best served realising that he's on a hiding to nothing with this one and backs away.

My advise to anyone with a complaint about DHFC would be to take it up with the club. Posting on this forum is never going to solve an issue like this, it's just going to create a thread like this one...

... Which is not without it's own entertainment value to be fair.

Been away so missed this thread. I have two points.

1. To the original poster: FFS - you live near a football ground.

2. James Barber at it AGAIN. Trying to find "problems" to fix....

>"This thread has shown this original resident and the other two than have contacted me that they're not being listened to reasonably"

No, theyre probably not. Short of instructing the players not to score goals, how on gods earth can a football club be quiet during a game?

These people who have contacted JB, will soon turn into "significant numbers of people" in his view. He'll take up this cause with all of his passion (just remember CPZ, Melbourne Grove, Townley Road junction,etc,etc)

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