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Sorry KatsuQueen - in many ways I'm just describing what i'll be wearing by the end of tea-time today!! Two kids under 3, so I can't remember the last time I put on something that wasn't beige and roomy.

Am now VERY worried that appropriate party attire won't fit but never mind! I'll make it fit!!!

Sorry KatsuQueen - in many ways I'm just describing what i'll be wearing by the end of tea-time today!! Two kids under 3, so I can't remember the last time I put on something that wasn't beige and roomy.

Am now VERY worried that appropriate party attire won't fit but never mind! I'll make it fit!!!

jodyhatter Wrote:

There are always a few harpies

> with a negative view of the world...


> If you want to meet up in the local boozer in your

> jeans and baby-puked sweaters then go for it.

Doesn't sound like you really want me there anyway! :-)

jodyhatter Wrote:

There are always a few harpies

> with a negative view of the world...


> If you want to meet up in the local boozer in your

> jeans and baby-puked sweaters then go for it.

Doesn't sound like you really want me there anyway! :-)

Goodness, how did we get here?! Well, lesson number 1 is not to post something on the forum and then go away for a long weekend!

I have to say that this thread is an upsetting read which is a shame when the intention of Naughty Mummy is just to provide a social opportunity for local mums ? nothing sinister! Initially, some valid questions were raised and I would have been really happy to answer them had I been online at the weekend.

I shall attempt to answer some of the main comments raised:

Naughty Mummy was launched in Wimbledon Village and Putney by my two friends who suddenly found themselves elbow deep in mashed banana without a party in sight. The idea is quite simply to give mums a bit of ?West End? entertainment on our doorsteps ? run by mums, for mums. The launch party was extremely good fun and as such I decided to bring it to East Dulwich - there isn?t anything like it, it stops me having to schlep into town for an alternative to the pub and quite frankly the people I have mentioned it to have been really keen on the idea.

The ticket price comes about because we organise entertainment, it is not just a trip to the pub with a pointless cost attached. The goody bags for the launch in Wimbledon Village included special discount vouchers from local restaurants and bars, Molton Brown products and a voucher for a Molton Brown treatment, amongst other things. There were also mini beauty treatments on the night and a drinks butler (oh ok, he didn't have any pants on either!) in addition to a free glass of fizz, music, exclusive use of venue etc. We are looking to replicate this type of event in East Dulwich and are currently finalising the details, but we have some great treats from local businesses.

Initial queries about the event were reasonable and useful but it really is not ok to throw around the word scam, merely on the back of a single post that has gone unanswered for a couple of days! If anyone is in any doubt as to the legitimacy of Naughty Mummy, then feel free to email [email protected] and pose any questions or visit our Facebook page to see details and photos of the launch and other upcoming events. For the conspiracy theorists amongst you, this page has not just been mocked up for this thread!

In answer to the initial concerns about this being a huge money making scheme, sadly it is not and it?s just not the motivation behind it all! I?m personally fairly new to the area and don?t know anyone other than my NCT friends, so I felt it would be a fun opportunity to be involved with. Due to investment in printing, entertainment and subsidising activities, there is little scope for anything other than earning some pocket money at best. I can assure you, when mat leave finishes, I will be going back to my ?proper? job to pay the bills!! In actual fact, we stand to lose a few pennies for the first few events, so rest assured these parties are only being run for the love of a good knees up and the chance to meet some fellow mums in an environment where I?m not shaking a tambourine with an over enthusiastic 7 month old on my knee!

As for the suggestion that some of the ?feistier? posts were myself or anyone affiliated with Naughty Mummy, I can assure you that this is not the case. Had I been here, I would simply have answered the queries with more details of the night and I?m confident that would have been all people needed! I?m not sure that having the opposing view means there must be something underhand at play and surely all of us have had a first post?! Annette Twitcher has revealed herself to be a forum regular and I?m assuming we caught Jodyhatter when she was a bit tired?! Sometimes, things are that simple?

I?m all for an open forum and I?ve thoroughly enjoyed being a daily reader of the various informative and amusing threads (and infrequent poster as NL22 if anyone wishes to check my credentials too!). But I also stand by the adage that if you can?t say something nice, sometimes it?s best not to say anything at all! I have loved living in East Dulwich for the past 11 months, but I?m sorry to say the forum isn?t always the most welcoming of places and today is my first taste of that!

There are exceptions though and thank you for the supportive messages and emails I have received from some of you. And thanks also to those who have booked tickets. We?ve already sold 18 tickets and the marketing hasn?t actually started yet, so we?re confident it is going to be an excellent night. Specific details of the night will follow very shortly, and in the meantime, I hope to bump into some of you when I?m in my Naughty Mummy t-shirt with fliers in hand!

Anyway, thanks to everyone, all constructive feedback is really helpful. I?m sure I shall get plenty more whether I like it or not! I certainly don?t want to provoke anyone but I hope people understand that I wanted the chance to respond to some of the comments that have been made in my absence.

Anyway, sorry for the tome! I hope to see some of you on the 15th for something cool and soothing in a glass! Now, I?m off to go and lay down in a very dark room and contemplate whether it?s cool or horrendous to be derided in 2 simultaneous posts! Sob?

Love Naughty Mummy x

NaughtyMummy, thank you for clarification.

I would also like to apologise for any part I played in causing you any distress. It truly was not my intention to do that, I was (as I admitted at the time) probably being a bit negative and grumpy, but also simply trying to get some clarification on the event, which you have now provided.

I too felt surprised and a little 'thrown' by some of the posts.

Your own posts have been nothing but professional and polite, which I'm sure will result in great success for your business.


Fantastic post Naughty Mummy! I wish you every success with what sounds like an interesting concept, I'm sure there will be a lot of ED Mums who take you up on the night out (admittedly not me this time, but I'll keep an eye out for future dates as think it may just be worth a try). I think you should get the drinks butler to stand on Lordship Lane handing out fliers ;-)

Best of luck.

Gulp - wow what a thing to come back to. Naughty mummy I sincerely apologise for anything I said that may have seemed derogatory in any way (reading it to myself I don't think I did - but at 33 weeks I'm hormonally challenged so am a little unsure of how I'm coming across at the mo). I'm looking forward to your night out and hopefully will be up for it on the 15th (although have a history of early babies so nature may have other ideas). Will you have any nice non-alcoholic cocktails btw? I applaud your enterprise while on Mat leave. I remember my last Mat leave my best accomplishment was keeping the laundry basket from taking over the house (although I did have a serious Nigella compulsion at one point). Where will you be handing out leaflets? PM me about it if you want! I'd love to shake you by the hand or alternatively give you a restorative hug and let you know that we're good people really. Maybe even buy you an ice cream at another glorious ED enterprise 'Scoop' - which (ahem) might be another current obsession of mine!
  • 1 month later...
Wow - I've come in on all of this rather post-drama, and am mortified that I missed the party. Sounds right up my street. I hope you all had fun. I am moving to ED in Feb and to be honest am really nervous about making friends - I have 18 month old (extremely demanding) twins and (mostly for my own sanity) I am back at work almost full-time. I am a barrister, so it's not a regular 3/4 days, it's as and when the trial come-up, which can make planning really hard! I would absolutely love to get involved in any future naughty mummy events as I could really do with meeting some mummies who are equally naughty, exhausted and in need of a stiff-drink, as I am!

Naughty Mummy Wrote:


> Goodness, how did we get here?! Well, lesson

> number 1 is not to post something on the forum and

> then go away for a long weekend!


> I have to say that this thread is an upsetting

> read which is a shame when the intention of

> Naughty Mummy is just to provide a social

> opportunity for local mums ? nothing sinister!

> Initially, some valid questions were raised and I

> would have been really happy to answer them had I

> been online at the weekend.


> I shall attempt to answer some of the main

> comments raised:


> Naughty Mummy was launched in Wimbledon Village

> and Putney by my two friends who suddenly found

> themselves elbow deep in mashed banana without a

> party in sight. The idea is quite simply to give

> mums a bit of ?West End? entertainment on our

> doorsteps ? run by mums, for mums. The launch

> party was extremely good fun and as such I decided

> to bring it to East Dulwich - there isn?t

> anything like it, it stops me having to schlep

> into town for an alternative to the pub and quite

> frankly the people I have mentioned it to have

> been really keen on the idea.


> The ticket price comes about because we organise

> entertainment, it is not just a trip to the pub

> with a pointless cost attached. The goody bags for

> the launch in Wimbledon Village included special

> discount vouchers from local restaurants and bars,

> Molton Brown products and a voucher for a Molton

> Brown treatment, amongst other things. There were

> also mini beauty treatments on the night and a

> drinks butler (oh ok, he didn't have any pants on

> either!) in addition to a free glass of fizz,

> music, exclusive use of venue etc. We are looking

> to replicate this type of event in East Dulwich

> and are currently finalising the details, but we

> have some great treats from local businesses.


> Initial queries about the event were reasonable

> and useful but it really is not ok to throw around

> the word scam, merely on the back of a single post

> that has gone unanswered for a couple of days! If

> anyone is in any doubt as to the legitimacy of

> Naughty Mummy, then feel free to email

> [email protected] and pose any questions or

> visit our Facebook page to see details and photos

> of the launch and other upcoming events. For the

> conspiracy theorists amongst you, this page has

> not just been mocked up for this thread!


> In answer to the initial concerns about this being

> a huge money making scheme, sadly it is not and

> it?s just not the motivation behind it all! I?m

> personally fairly new to the area and don?t know

> anyone other than my NCT friends, so I felt it

> would be a fun opportunity to be involved with.

> Due to investment in printing, entertainment and

> subsidising activities, there is little scope for

> anything other than earning some pocket money at

> best. I can assure you, when mat leave finishes, I

> will be going back to my ?proper? job to pay the

> bills!! In actual fact, we stand to lose a few

> pennies for the first few events, so rest assured

> these parties are only being run for the love of a

> good knees up and the chance to meet some fellow

> mums in an environment where I?m not shaking a

> tambourine with an over enthusiastic 7 month old

> on my knee!


> As for the suggestion that some of the ?feistier?

> posts were myself or anyone affiliated with

> Naughty Mummy, I can assure you that this is not

> the case. Had I been here, I would simply have

> answered the queries with more details of the

> night and I?m confident that would have been all

> people needed! I?m not sure that having the

> opposing view means there must be something

> underhand at play and surely all of us have had a

> first post?! Annette Twitcher has revealed herself

> to be a forum regular and I?m assuming we caught

> Jodyhatter when she was a bit tired?! Sometimes,

> things are that simple?


> I?m all for an open forum and I?ve thoroughly

> enjoyed being a daily reader of the various

> informative and amusing threads (and infrequent

> poster as NL22 if anyone wishes to check my

> credentials too!). But I also stand by the adage

> that if you can?t say something nice, sometimes

> it?s best not to say anything at all! I have loved

> living in East Dulwich for the past 11 months, but

> I?m sorry to say the forum isn?t always the most

> welcoming of places and today is my first taste of

> that!


> There are exceptions though and thank you for the

> supportive messages and emails I have received

> from some of you. And thanks also to those who

> have booked tickets. We?ve already sold 18 tickets

> and the marketing hasn?t actually started yet, so

> we?re confident it is going to be an excellent

> night. Specific details of the night will follow

> very shortly, and in the meantime, I hope to bump

> into some of you when I?m in my Naughty Mummy

> t-shirt with fliers in hand!


> Anyway, thanks to everyone, all constructive

> feedback is really helpful. I?m sure I shall get

> plenty more whether I like it or not! I certainly

> don?t want to provoke anyone but I hope people

> understand that I wanted the chance to respond to

> some of the comments that have been made in my

> absence.


> Anyway, sorry for the tome! I hope to see some of

> you on the 15th for something cool and soothing in

> a glass! Now, I?m off to go and lay down in a very

> dark room and contemplate whether it?s cool or

> horrendous to be derided in 2 simultaneous posts!

> Sob?


> Love Naughty Mummy x

Dont you think its a bit off to use a forum like this to market your business or so you have no shame ?

Why are you getting on your high horse about them mentioning it on here? It is a few mums putting their heads together to make the most of their time on mat leave, giving us mums a date to look forward to and have some fun. This was their launch night and with the goody bags etc they didnt make any money and I cant think of a better place to let the mums of Dulwich know about it than on the Family section of the forum.

it was a great night out, well planed and good on them for thinking up the idea, yes mums can plan these things themselves but without naughty mummy organising this I know my mummy friends and I would never had got round to sorting out something before christmas.

well done naughty mummy and ignore negative comments like this.

Of course it's not 'off' to use this forum to market an event like this. It's what the forum is for. (Among other things).

However, I do have a problem with the name. Going out for a drink and being 'glamourous' does not make one naughty. Suggesting so only makes those that do go out feel bad surely. A woman's lot is not to be tied to the cot/washing machine/bedpost. Or at least not for the last 100 years.

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