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Does anyone else miss TLS's + Bigbadwolf's posts?

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Was it on this forum or the wdf Declan. If it really was an innocuous post ten it could just have been my fat thumbs, it wouldn't be the first time. Let me know which thread and I can reinstate it if there's no problem with it.

There is only one other forum I use and its admin team puts up a monthly motto. This month it reads, quite amusingly, ?Our Rules .. Our Site... Now take your shit attitude and FUCK OFF!?

Oh and Mockney, everyone fails their drivers at least once.

If you don't you are a communist, in league with the devil Nerf Herder.

I very very narrowly failed my first test

I ballsed up my second completely

By the eve of the third I was barely human - just a sore, anxious, angry shell of a person. I passed that one

I hate the fact that you start at passing and can only go down from there - no super act of driving can gain you enough points if you have dropped just a couple

I hate to go over this old ground keef, but a mould, a clique?

I dont really feel like I belong here anymore, which is a little sad for both of us having been here pretty much since day 1,

Yes, yes it is.

but I don't feel I've been excluded by a clique, just that there are more people thani can keep up with, I made the effort to get to know lots of people and I haven the time nor energy to keep at it.

I get your point, but I still think it's cliquey, and it's not old ground for me, because I've never said it before. I personally feel that people who used to be really friendly, aren't anymore. Maybe I offended them, maybe not.

Keef, a statement like that could get a lot of paranoid people thinking "is it me?"

so... am I one of those people?

Declan - most of the questions you pose are answered in the long-standing forum terms of use

Do these answer your questions?

I can't be sure which post you think has been removed but I can't see any that have been "removed" - just the two about Hoopers which are still visible to everyone? If something else has gone AWOL contact admin.

(Piers isn't the only one with clumsy fingers - I managed to delete a whole thread once)

That's just because you smell of puke and poo now keef isnt it ;)

anyway thanks muchos for the kind words. It's a bit annoying because it was only one bad mark, everything else went perfectly, all the things my instrctor normally smacks me for doing (forgetting about mirrors and things, the usual).

Oh well, have another crack in a couple of weeks, I appreciate what you're saying legal, but there's only so much baby stuff I can get on my bike ;)

Keef Wrote:


> I hate to go over this old ground keef, but a

> mould, a clique?

> I dont really feel like I belong here anymore,

> which is a little sad for both of us having been

> here pretty much since day 1,


> Yes, yes it is.


> but I don't feel I've been excluded by a clique,

> just that there are more people thani can keep up

> with, I made the effort to get to know lots of

> people and I haven the time nor energy to keep at

> it.


> I get your point, but I still think it's cliquey,

> and it's not old ground for me, because I've never

> said it before. I personally feel that people who

> used to be really friendly, aren't anymore. Maybe

> I offended them, maybe not.

It happens when you have kids! I lost touch with a lot of my carefree childless friends when I started spewing forth sprogs. I think it's because as a parent you change and your time is more limited, so people who don't have kids don't understand and might get a bit upset if you're not as attentive as usual.

Don't worry, you make up for it by getting more friends who do have kids. Swings and roundabouts x x

As it happens, personally, I miss both of them but that doesn?t mean they shouldn?t necessarily be banned.

As others have pointed out the EDF isn?t a democracy or mine, or TLS? or BBW?s. It was set up by admin and its day to day moderation is done by him and a group of mod lizards ? this is I suspect far more hassle and a commitment than most of us average posters realise. Admin is rightly and if you meet him genuinely proud of the EDF (and incidentally subsidises it) as a resource for people from ED and nearby environs. The EDF is a great local resource, it?s popular, used widely by many people outside of the slightly ?zooish? lounge and it works well and is a pretty fair minded and decent place, cliques and all. So given all that, I?m happy to give admin and his team the benefit of the doubt on their ?editorial policy? even if it?s not what I?d do and occasionally I disagree with tham.

So, with that as a position, there?s not really much point in standing up or not for individual posters but, hey, it?s a forum and I?m allowed to post so.

I like BBW. As others said he?s sometimes funny and livens up the place and personally I liked him when I met him at a couple of the drinks. I?m a poster that?s up for banter with him ? which isn?t a badge of honour, it?s just that I?m that sort of poster BUT many aren?t and a criticism of BBW from me, is that he either just doesn?t ?get? that or worse doesn?t care that there are 100s of posters and lurkers who don?t want to do that and a ?take it or leave it? stance isn?t justification. Some of his post have even made me wince and he?s had plenty of chances from admin and every time he eventually blows the house down eats the little piggies and sprays wolf wee everywhere. I?d like it if he comes back so hopes he gets another chance but in truth he doesn?t really deserve one and I?m not posting his bail for sure. So BBW, cos sure as hell he?s looking, ?WHY did you go and get yourself banned again you arse??

Funnily enough I?m actually more uncomfortable about TLS which probably puts me in a small minority. To Keef?s point I do feel TLS isn?t here because his face doesn?t fit ? I?d never defend racism but I never saw anything explicitly racist from Tony and given I looked pretty hard as I was going to go against the grain by supporting him on this I do feel the ?prejudice? was that TLS was racist because he posted about changes in London, how he preferred Kent etc rather than much proof ? a prejudice view I?d call that. Now he did bang this drum a lot and maybe had an agenda, who knows, but I never saw the evidence for accusations of ?racist? that were often laid at his door in fact it felt very much like he got this cos he wasn?t ?one of us?; maybe he reads the Daily Mail and was certainly a conservative?I don?t think he was BNP as I know many others on here do/did. To be honest, I?d have banned him for overuse of emocions and being Millwall if I was Admin. I felt a bit uncomfortable when I heard he?d got the boot.

Anyway, all academic ?cos my key point is the first one.

I miss them both because they would regularly bump the 'I'm In Love With HonaloochieB' thread back up to the top, these days no f@cker bothers.

Thanks to their efforts I was quite the celebrity in the Forest Hill and Walworth Road manors.

Cheers lads and there's a couple of pints of wallop 'in the pipe' up at The Capitol for you both.

Agree with you ????'s. Uncomfortable with the TLS ban too. I did'nt find BBW offensive, he made me laugh . In my opinion there are far too many sensitive souls on the forum . If he had offended I would just choose not to read his posts, not report him. No one is forced to read posts . To me its like telling tales. Snitchy and childish. I just know id have nothing in common with people who do this, in real life .

However, I can understand admins decision. I know that trying to run anything takes dedication and hard work that others dont see, and you dont need the aggro that goes with it .

BBW was riding the 'train of doom' and was warned and banned enough times to know when he was out of order. It is admins right to ban people to maintain order, and the BBW posts were soooooo in your face and could not be ignored. I thought that he may come to a 'sticky end' by endangering himself from enraging so many forumista's.

He chose his path to become a 'rebel without a clue'.

Tony was an interesting point of view who sometimes over did it pressing his point, but you could glance over it and not bother to read the occasional tediously long posts but I am with Keef, and not at all comfortable with Tony's 'ban'.

Had Tony many warnings or short bans from admin?

A permanent ban I feel is unjust.

Morecambe and Wise. Bloody Philistines.

*Edited to apologise for a misunderstanding, there's a few posts below this, and apologies for that*

I caught the odd unedited BBW post, and can vouch for the fact that his edited version was much the wittier. I know that I'm a vicious little snipe, but have invested both the good grace and awareness to self-edit (you should see some of what comes out before I post!). I can appreciate that Admin would have found the endless nappy washing of BBW a little tedious.

Keef, it's really exasperating. I can see the need for an alternative voice. On the blinkin' church/cinema thread you did the same thing. There isn't an effing clique to compete against. You manufacture this entity in order to give yourself a debating position - is this about school or something? Sometimes you can have a view without putting a red under the bed.

Having said that, if the world was ending, I couldn't think of two people I'd rather sit at the bar with than you and Piersy ;-) Mind you, you probably wouldn't have me!

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