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Does anyone else miss TLS's + Bigbadwolf's posts?

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I knew a lot of TSL types when I lived on a big council estate for 22 years and became familiar with the 'I'm not rascist, but ...' so am reasonably well atuned to covert rascism and agree with Huguenot's definition and example of TSL's rascism.

I'm not sure why it is anyone's job to prove anything to you Daizie, especially as you are already entrenched in your viewpoint. I also don't know how you are qualified to decide what issues I have and that you have less. I reckon that you have a few large chips on your shoulders and issues a plenty if these posts are anything to go by.

I knew a lot of TSL types when I lived on a big council estate for 22 years and became familiar with the 'I'm not rascist, but ...' so am reasonably well atuned to covert rascism and agree with Huguenot's definition and example of TSL's rascism.

I'm not sure why it is anyone's job to prove anything to you Daizie, especially as you are already entrenched in your viewpoint. I also don't know how you are qualified to decide what issues I have and that you have less. I reckon that you have a few large chips on your shoulders and issues a plenty if these posts are anything to go by.

Huguenot Wrote:


> Daizie, here's Tony explaining that he will make

> residential decisions not based on crime figures,

> but based on racial profiling.


> If you make decisions based on assumptions you

> make about someone because of their race, that's

> racism.

I've read as much of the linked thread as I can take and didn't see TLS suggest what you imply in your statement. Maybe I missed it. I did notice you threatening him with gagging and imprisionment.What's that all about given you accuse him of threatening you in a post no one can see?

Huguenot Wrote:


> Daizie, here's Tony explaining that he will make

> residential decisions not based on crime figures,

> but based on racial profiling.


> If you make decisions based on assumptions you

> make about someone because of their race, that's

> racism.

I've read as much of the linked thread as I can take and didn't see TLS suggest what you imply in your statement. Maybe I missed it. I did notice you threatening him with gagging and imprisionment.What's that all about given you accuse him of threatening you in a post no one can see?

Was that the same experience that led you to believe that the 'white working class down south are scum' or whatever it was the other day Legal? Your or no-ones hunches are good enought to accuse eomeone of being racists...sorry, for accusations like that you need proof, that's not apologism by the way...

Hugenot, weasly words and deflection don't detract from your post of the other day...

Keef - probably the wises words spoken onn here, well said.

Maybe this thread should go now.

Was that the same experience that led you to believe that the 'white working class down south are scum' or whatever it was the other day Legal? Your or no-ones hunches are good enought to accuse eomeone of being racists...sorry, for accusations like that you need proof, that's not apologism by the way...

Hugenot, weasly words and deflection don't detract from your post of the other day...

Keef - probably the wises words spoken onn here, well said.

Maybe this thread should go now.

Quids - I was being deliberately prejudiced when I said that the white working class were lazy - because I was trying to make the point that racism and prejudice are unpleasant when you are on the receiving end.

It wasn't nice, and it isn't actually my view - as you would know if you ever read my anti chav-bashing posts.

I can't stand any prejudice and have always tried to fight it in my own way.

Oppression is a multi-faceted thing and many different communities are oppressed, including the white working class in the UK.

That doesn't mean that they should then use that as an excuse to join in the oppression of the next group along.

Quids - I was being deliberately prejudiced when I said that the white working class were lazy - because I was trying to make the point that racism and prejudice are unpleasant when you are on the receiving end.

It wasn't nice, and it isn't actually my view - as you would know if you ever read my anti chav-bashing posts.

I can't stand any prejudice and have always tried to fight it in my own way.

Oppression is a multi-faceted thing and many different communities are oppressed, including the white working class in the UK.

That doesn't mean that they should then use that as an excuse to join in the oppression of the next group along.

And Tony hasn't suggested that anywhere either Legal - I think he's been subject to some pretty unsubstantiated accusations by a fair few posters that made up their mind on him early doors and then didn't ever look at their own prejudices and in all honesty what he was ACTUALLY saying. Personally I think I'm mature and intelligent enough to listen to some different views, maybe unless they're completley and virualently unpleasant. Second guessing people's opinnions and turning them into a hidden white supremacist is a pretty unintelligent thing to do. As I said, I amybe wrong but I don't think TLS is some BNP activist and never saw much evidence for it .

I'm with Keef's post.

And Tony hasn't suggested that anywhere either Legal - I think he's been subject to some pretty unsubstantiated accusations by a fair few posters that made up their mind on him early doors and then didn't ever look at their own prejudices and in all honesty what he was ACTUALLY saying. Personally I think I'm mature and intelligent enough to listen to some different views, maybe unless they're completley and virualently unpleasant. Second guessing people's opinnions and turning them into a hidden white supremacist is a pretty unintelligent thing to do. As I said, I amybe wrong but I don't think TLS is some BNP activist and never saw much evidence for it .

I'm with Keef's post.

daizie Wrote:


> How ironic ..


> LegalEagles-ish wrote..


> Are you sure you are not just trying to get a

> > personal shot in to try to bolster your

> argument?

> > If so, that is an indication that you have moved


> > from any logical argument to the kind of tactics


> > TLS was being accused of.



> A personal shot ?

> No, I would never get personal . Iv'e never needed

> to and dont intend to start . I have a sense of

> fairness and dont like decent people being accused

> of things they've never done . That's it .

> I actually quite like you, we have a number of

> things in common .

> However, on the TLS subject, I think you are

> wrong. You said on another thread that he

> 'reminded you of people you used to know' . Being

> 'reminded' of things is no basis for calling

> people racist and typing obscenities , which you

> did . As soon as you rant and swear you lose any

> respect . Aside from you producing no evidence .

> Show us something new .

Excuse me for quoting the whole message but can't be bothered taking an extract as I should do (cause I not very good at doing it). Daizie you accuse Legal of having insecurities. Then you two exchange pot shots. What exactly has that to do with the subject? You then say you would never get personal Daizie. Well if that's not getting personal how would you define it?

TLS - having read through the cited threads - I see no evidence of racism or any threatening behaviour. On the contrary, I see a coherent, well-thought out point-of-view presented with a good balance of restraint, humour, satire and passion.

BBW - I accept that this forum is private property, however, it does promote itself as a community service. BBW is a member of our local community: one who is likely benefit more by being accepted rather than excluded from it. I'm sure none of us would exclude someone who suffered from Tourette syndrome, for example.

BBW's behaviour is problematic but his occasional outbursts must surely be a symptom of some involuntary compulsion or behavioural problem - no one has put more effort into trying to belong, to fit in and present cogent opinions during his better moments. I think it would be a sad indictment of our community spirit if we simply turned our backs on someone with obvious and genuine problems that he is struggling to overcome.

It's not my decision - just my two cents' worth.

Well said Hal, - I am increasingly thinking TLS face didn't fit too and the Thread highlighted by Hugeonot, which I've now read in depth in it's entirity actually highlighted that Hugenot was was putting his (hugenots) own words as Tony's views on immigration way back then too.

I'll be honest, I've exchanged a few PMs with Hugenot on this (free of any threat of violence on both parts I hasten to add) and have also reported the original meassage to admin and asked that it be proven or apologised for and then removed.

Bad taste in the mouth.....on a few levels on this to be honest.

Ohhh but

Big up the Hal , but It's *Our Bob* what spoke it out & as we have come to expect it's his overview that rallies the mind and gives us a clear view in many matters.

Thing is that aside TLS is a valued member of the EDF, if not less we be judged ourselves.

Are we "Porridge , Muesli or Fry up"

Who cares , to much of each makes me puke.

Come back Tony, come back in some form BBW

Rest of us take it the chin

This is not the work place, we choose to be here.

PEACE & LOVE (that includes you H )


The'threateninj' passage...looks like a reasonable response from someone who'd been misrepresented and slandered on this occasion too but at least could answer back then

An extract- the whole things still there if you want to check in full

Now a general point Huguenot:

You are just prooving time and time again what many people think (I've got an open mind personally) that the most eloquent, articulate posters are the least flexible intelligent. The two are, obviously, mutually exclusive, sometimes.

Thread after thread when somebody carefully takes the time and trouble to explain exactly what they feel you put a JACKBOOT (how ironic!) thru' the heart of what they say and put YOUR OWN totally inaccurate "interpretation" on it.

The reasons why you do this are not clear to me, although I have narrowed them down to:

1/ You being an "educated" fool.

2/ You having no concept whatsoever in the way MILLIONS of People, literally Millions live their life in The UK circa 2009.

3/ You are incredibly, incredibly LAZY in Debate, unbelievably so, in fact. Repeatedly I have seen posters "not dissimilar" to you on diffeent fora just basically, say or imply that someone is a "Racist" with all its EVIL implications because they do not fit in or share your "Utopian" ideals (and EXTRAORDINARILY YOU talk about people living in "CLOUD CUCKOO LAMD)..Sigh.

4/ Continuing the "Cloud Cuckoo Land" Theme you are on a massive Wind-Up (Unlikely but becoming slightly possible).

5/ You reading or intrepreting what YOU want to read or hope or expect to read from certain other peoples postings (what someone referred to in a Private PM about this thread as soneone "not being part ofa clique" here.

6/ You feel "safe" as a respected (my words despite some nonsense lately) established Poster to write anything however defammatory, however untrue, as it, inevitably, will NOT be you that is on the end of the browny stuff when it hits the fan.

7/ See (1)..

8/ You can write what you want "since I'm not there to suffer the consequences" of anything proposed by you.

I PRAY that this thread does NOT get locked, please...(I'll certainly behave) but what you have written is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS.

I GUARANTEE that if you ever return and live in London for any lengthy period that I will fraternise (through choice) is far, far more first/second/third(f/s/t) Generation "immigrants" than you will.

I very doubt (though I will never know) if there is anyone reading or contributing to this Forum who chooses to, happily, mix so freely with (f/s/t) Generation immigrants, for our mutual benefit, than I do.

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