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Swine Flu jabs. Are you going to have one?

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I am on a list at the doctors to get one free because I have related lung problems.

I decided to go ahead and have it.

I had the regular flu jab last week.

Will I die as a result of the jab?!

Seriously though - I have read as much as I can and a part of me is saying - if I get swine flu it could have serious consequences not just for me with already bad lungs, but those I pass it on to. So I'll go for the jab.

Others are saying no way, it's not been tested enough.

What do you lot think?

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There doesn?t seem to be any credible evidence that it is any more dangerous than any other flu vaccine. You will of course always get a raft of idiots bleating on about things like this because it makes juicy little headlines for the Daily Mail.

Why? Well probably because vaccinating against potentially fatal diseases is obviously a bad thing and historically unsuccessful. You know like Smallpox and Polio.

I think that if you are classed as being at risk you would be mad not to get it.

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Brendan Wrote:


> I think that if you are classed as being at risk

> you would be mad not to get it.

I agree with Brendan. But even then, I would ask to view the (apparently very long) list of "side effects" in order to weigh up the risks properly and make a truly informed decision.

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Well one of the important issues for me is that the stuff being injected is not a 'live' vaccine.

When I had flu vaccination 15 yrs ago it was 'live' and gave me a life threatening asthma attack as a result.

Now, those vaccinations are synthetic and I have had one each year for the last 5 with just a sore arm for a few days as a result

The swine flu vaccination is (and I can't remember the exact word but it's something like - de-activated, in that it is not live but it is effective.

Having weighed pros and cons I am going for it.

I may also get an asthma attack as a result of getting swine flu so if I have the jab I'm kinda covered as best I can. Thank you to the scientists and the NHS for saving my life and keeping me healthy (even if I can't afford all my prescriptions!)

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OK so you have free will not to have flu jabs and take your chances.

But you may get flu or swine flu and it MAY kill you.

And even if it doesn't kill you, you may pass it on unwittingly to kids or elderly people or people like me more prone to getting ill.

It's a socially responsible thing to do I think.

So I'm having it for me and for you.

*Readjusts halo*

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I had the Swine Flu jab yesterday as well as the normal seasonal jab. I was offered both as a front line health worker, I don't normally bother with the normal jab but could have both at the same time (at work) without having to make appointments etc.

I feel fine and apart from the Swine Flu arm feeling a little tender, have had no side effects at all.

It's sad to say that few of my colleagues have accepted the vacccine , a shame when we are supposed to help prevent the spread to vulnerable individuals.

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I will be having mine on Thursday. I have asthma - not severely, though - and I have the flu jab each year anyway. I have about one cold a year, never get flu, and thus never have the chance to pass it on to people at home, at work, on the bus etc!

If you are not in an 'at danger' group, then, as Karter says, it is not worth having one, unless you live with someone who is at risk of complications. Just keep washing those hands in warm, soapy water after you've been on public transport, before you eat, after going to the toilet etc and you'll have less of a chance of getting flu, cold or other virus-born illnesses.

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I'm not going to take a swine flu jab unless I actually need to (that will be when & if I actually get swine flu) taking it for the sheer fact that you don't want to experience it, may ironically mean you will end up experiencing it.

I've forgotten all about the flu & it was supposed to be getting worse in the winter. I'm not going to let it get to me & you shouldn't let it get to you.

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Not a lot of point taking the vaccination if you've already contracted swine flu - horses/doors/stables come to mind.

I've had the flu, not pleasant but survivable if reasonably healthy. I can utterly understand that if you have underlying health complications, you would not want to get it, so go for the jab. [incidentally, friends in the health business tell me that the site of the injection hurts like billio for a couple of days.]

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PGC is absolutely right, thexwinglessxbird, you have completely missed the point of vaccination.

There is no point getting the vaccine once you get flu and it is not give to people who have flu. Vaccination is about prevention, not cure, that's the whole point. You stop people getting the flu which benefits the individual, by stopping them from being ill, and the population, by reducing incidence.

If you get swine flu you'll be offered tamiflu, which may reduce the severity and duration of the illness, but doesn't cure it as such.

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Nero Wrote:


> Just keep washing those hands in

> warm, soapy water after you've been on public

> transport, before you eat, after going to the

> toilet etc

Surely people should have been doing this all their lives anyway. :-S

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I've had the first of a two part Swine Flu jab this year and yes, it made me a little sick for a couple of days. It was like having one of those lingering, nuisance colds but just for a couple of days. Having the second dose next month. It's not too big a deal and if it helps beat the real thing I'm all for it.
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