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NO emc ! just incase no one fancies me, how depressing is that ! that would really rub it in, like being the last to be picked for the netball team , lol . No im going to stick to eating pickled onions out the jar for now. I think all the single people should make the effort to go to the next forum drinks
I think it's more that men are just a bit more embarrassed about going to singles events.....they feel a bit funny suggesting it to their mates so with no-one to go with they just don't....Soooo annoying that they're rubbish at stuff like that as I'm fab and am just going to waste!

I?m back from the pub and yes I didn?t meet anyone?. as usual. I?m up for a singles night bring it on. Got my own teeth, no beer gut, a job, no debt, wash regularly, not mental, not a divorcee?what else was there. See there are some of us out there!

Reading this thread you?d think all the problems are with the men and all the 30 + something woman are perfect.

I?m not doing f#cking speed dating though

My daughter just hooked me up with a solvent, good looking, intelligent, sporty guy who I got on really well with - only problem is that he's under 28 and I'm not!! Should I go for a possible short-term romance with handsome young dude, or should I stick it out until I find 'the one' that might last into old age?? Hmmn, hard choice. Get it while you can has always been my motto!!!! But maybe I should grow up!

What say you wise old tarts who understand my predicament??

LegalEagle-ish Wrote:


Should I go for a possible

> short-term romance with handsome young dude, or

> should I stick it out until I find 'the one' that

> might last into old age??

Why wait for the prune which may never arrive when you have the chance of a bite at the succulent plum now? If you get on with him - what's a few years? I have 2 sets of friends who have juicy plums for husbands...one involves a 10-year age difference, the other a 17-year difference...both couples are very happily married. Go for the plum before someone beats you to it...

Oh, and enjoy!

Lol, I have had a much younger partner before, but this guy is totally different. Really switched on and intelligent. Plus he thinks I'm great, so far, lol! I'm still pinching myself ro see if I'm dreaming, but will take it slow. Once bitten and all that!

LegalEagle-ish Wrote:


> Lol, I have had a much younger partner before, but

> this guy is totally different. Really switched on

> and intelligent. Plus he thinks I'm great, so far,

> lol! I'm still pinching myself ro see if I'm

> dreaming, but will take it slow. Once bitten and

> all that!

You must be pretty fab yourself to have attracted this delicious sounding plum...now will you stop wasting time!;-)

martell1 Wrote:


> I organised a singles event last September and a

> lot of women turned up and hardly any men and

> sadly, this is the problem: men are just too lazy

> to make an effort to meet women!!


No just scared witless , it's a painful paradox but true.


martell1 Wrote:


> I organised a singles event last September and a

> lot of women turned up and hardly any men and

> sadly, this is the problem: men are just too lazy

> to make an effort to meet women!!



Sorry my last post/reply above sounds a bit negative, I think genuinely that single guys are fearful of going to a singles drinks do. After all there is situation where alcohol, conversation & girls all turn up at once. For some this is a dream & a nightmare rolled into one so they back out, even though they kick themselves after.

If you do want to organise an "event" then maybe a social activity like 10 pin bowling (Hollywood at Surrey Quays) will work, the less confident can hide a bit by getting into the bowling & the girls can see how the boys handle them selves. The conversation & booze can flow later.

It's a bit cheesy I know but good harmless fun.

Who knows there may be a few "lucky strikes" ( tishhh booom ) thrown in.


Of course darling - aren't we all!!

Ladymuck Wrote:


> LegalEagle-ish Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Lol, I have had a much younger partner before,

> but

> > this guy is totally different. Really switched

> on

> > and intelligent. Plus he thinks I'm great, so

> far,

> > lol! I'm still pinching myself ro see if I'm

> > dreaming, but will take it slow. Once bitten

> and

> > all that!



> You must be pretty fab yourself to have attracted

> this delicious sounding plum...now will you stop

> wasting time!;-)

There are single guys around - but they usually are the wrong types!! Or I am very unlucky!!

I think the single nights are daunting for girls too (well me personally).. I did speed dating once only to support a friend (I was actally seeing someone at the time) - it was fun - but I probably wouldnt do it for myself - would definately hit a shy note...

Instead of a singles night, how about a girlie night out??

I dont know about other people here, all my friends seem loved up and fail to realise that if they dont go out with me, then there is less chance that by the time the meet me again and ask "so are you seeing anyone", that the answer will be "yes"!! :)

I have a friend in the British army who I write to occasionally because he has no family here in the UK. He is posted in Germany and would have been an ok catch if I were ever to be in the same country as him when I was actually single!! Does anyone want to take him off my hands??

He is due back in the UK just before Christmas and he's a total sweety. He's another young one though - and I've never been there - just incase you were wondering!!!

Why don't you single gals post a description of yourselves and the type of guy you are looking for, like height, length, age range, personality, etc?

If you want to be really adventurous - set up a disposable hotmail account and post it with your 'personal ad' to maintain privacy.

You never know - Mr Right might be reading this thread.

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