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personal trainer vs mum support group - what's the best way to get post-baby bodies back in shape?

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Now I'm really looking ahead but after failing miserably to get my baby fat off after monster number one I'd like to try and get back into shape after number 2 (due NYE). Has anyone successfully used a personal trainer during their maternity leave or set up a mum's 'get back in shape' support group with visible success? My NCT pals managed to do some swimming last time but I'm afraid the emphasis was rather more on the cafe afterwards - hence the problem. Any suggestions? And if it's the personal trainer - does anyone know anyone local who won't cost the earth or make me undergo a Rocky 3 type scenario - running after cars etc.?

Your post really made me laugh. I hear great things about Powerpramming, but sometimes I think it's best to keep things separate (for me, hanging out with other mums always means eating cake, so a little counterproductive!)

I have always been a big fan of fitness classes - if you get a good one, the time just flies and you work harder than you would in the gym, no to mention it being a lot cheaper than having a personal trainer. I am going to have a look at that new gym in Forest Hill tomorrow (mainly to use the classes), and will report back!

It's be great to hear back about good classes. My quandary is -what do you do with baby while you're exercising? Or do they become part of the routine? More wriggly than lifting baked bean tins!

Definitely can't bring bubs to anything except specialist mum and baby classes, which is a bit of a nightmare unless you have some back up. Worth considering a child swap (where you blatantly flout ofsted and look after each others children) so mum can just nip to the gym on her own. An hour or so with two babies I think is manageable, esp if they're sleeping!!

ESPN in Lordship Lane does have some creche facilities at certain times. I guess that's the beauty of Powerpramming and specialised post-natal classes that you don't have childcare issues. I got my baby weight off by just loading that buggy up and walking for miles every day - was free and bubs didn't seem to mind.

I got one of Davina Mcall's DVD's and that really helped. Especially good to do when little one's asleep during the day.I also went to aerobics class at the leisure centre at goose green, they have lots of classes during the evening though i guess depends on when your partner gets home.

Weightwatchers worked for me, to shift the stone that I couldn't do on my own!

About 2 years after my first I was going to a gym 3 times a week but not shifting any weight, just stuck in a rut. My other half paid for 10 half hour sessions with a personal trainer, on a bit of a deal (can't remember how much, but it was a Fitness First Gym and not that bad).

I tell you what - they were the most productive 10 weeks I've ever spent in a gym! I'd see her every Monday for 30 minutes and she'd take me through a new series of exercises which I would then do again on Wednesday and Friday. She also asked me to keep a food diary and advised on my eating - I was having Porridge for breakfast, which she advised is great if you are off to climb Mt Everest, but not so good if sitting at a desk all day (was back at work at that point).

What was great was changing my exercises each week kept it really fresh, and lots of it was also very different from anything I'd done before. Lots of building core strength. The final thing I had to do each session was an uphill walk on the treadmill (on maximum incline and fast walking) with 2 x 2kg weights, initially for 10 minutes and building up by 2 minutes each week....it nearly killed me, I sweated way more than I ever have when running, on a treadmill or outside.

I consistently lost 2 to 3 lbs a week for 10 weeks, with a slight 'blip' before each period, which would drop off, plus some the following week (water retention of course). It was fantastic, and I would do it again tomorrow if I had the time....in fact have already asked my other half for some personal trainer sessions at some point when my youngest is a little older and I feel ready as I am confident it will yet again shift the stubborn bits.

I felt really good at the end of it all, and the weight did stay off until I got pregnant again, so it was well worth it.

The thing is, I don't think the same thing works for everyone, because a lot of it depends on your personality. For me somehow the challenge of the personal trainer really fired me up and made me much more committed to what I was doing. I don't find going to the gym on my own works the same way, and home DVD's just end up gathering dust. More willpower needed...sigh....



Creche-wise the one at Beckenham Spa (where they have gym, decent pool and personal training) takes them in an OFSTED one from 3 months. Its open Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm, and the ladies are lovely. You can join baby as a member for ?17.50 a month and you get as much creche time as you like for free, as well as soft play, Crystal Palace One o'clock club etc. I joined us both for ?40 a month, and thought it was great value.

There's also a creche at Peckham Pulse from 6 months, although I haven't used it.

Mellors that's very good value - think I used to pay about that just for my membership back in the day.

Ryed - my FF was next to my then work - Fetter Lane, up from Blackfriars. My trainer was a German girl called Jessno idea if she is still there. Think it was ten quid per half hour if you booked ten sessions.


Hello Ladies,

I teach a lot of adult ballet, tap and modern classes and I think we could start our very own 'get back into shape' group...nothing overly complicated just a funky and a little bit 'jazzed up aerobics' class...if there is enough interest I'd be very happy to offer a 1h trial session one Sunday morning to start with...

Let me know your thoughts,

many thanks,


I felt I had aged 10 years, after making my baby and looking after her.

I started working with Beth from Bee -healthy for 1 hour per week and I'm very pleased. It has enabled me to become much fitter than before and motivated to do more exercise in-between sessions. We work out in my local park- so no gym..

Beth has now been bitten by the baby bug and she'll be on her maternity leave at Dec. (But back next year) She charges ?35 per session, so you get an idea of how much it costs. Despite feeling it is an luxury, i do feel a lot fitter and worth it. If you have a baby friendly trainer, they get to hold your baby whilst you do your exercises..

Any which way you do it, I hope you get your va va voom back..

And Joanna, if you get inundated with people and you need an assistant, I'd love to assist. I'm a trained fitness instructor but I don't want to work in a gym particularly. I would like to specialise in healthy ladies who want to get toned and achieve a reasonable level of fitness. I've devised my own set of exercises based on ballet and yoga. I also teach facial exercises.

Best wishes,


Thanks Echo - I'm speaking to Beth at the moment and am really hopeful that we'll be training hard together in the NY. I'm certainly up for a Mums' 'Ernie and Kopka' session in between training sessions though, if a few Mums wanted to do it together. Where would we do it though? Ernie and Kopka - do you have premises? I could probably fit about 4-6 Mums and babies around at mine (depending on how much room we need for the dancing stuff) - but could do without getting involved in the admin/managing of collecting money etc. And I think it'd have to be Mums and babies only as I've had a few NCT parties with our (now) toddlers (6 Mums/6 two-year olds) and you cannot do anything worthwhile while they (the toddlers that is) run around causing chaos.

Having said that though - I am a completely useless dancer (am known for falling off the step in step class) so no laughing at me as I look like a turkey on drugs!

Hello! First of all, thanks Echo for the recommendation!!

Secondly, just a quick low-down on my situation.. I'll be training clients til mid-January and then will be stopping to have my baby (due 2nd February!). I'll then take a little time off but will start back with day-time post-natal (or baby friendly!) clients. I will start back full time with all clients later on in the year.

If anyone has any questions or wonderings about training now or in the future then do let me know! My website is www.bee-healthy.co.uk and my email is [email protected].

Healthy regards,

Beth :)

Hello there. Well there's me!! I would offer you some brilliant personal training that you'd enjoy. I believe in the 3-minute work-out. No, it's not JUST 3 minutes, but 3 minutes or so for each set of muscle groups. 3 minutes of cardiovascular such as skipping/leg-kicks, then 3 minutes on arms/shoulders and working down to legs.

I'd be very reasonable, I promise!

Best wishes,


07957 138645

Thank you Ladies for your responses! Ryedalema you made me laugh out loud! Thank you for that!

To be honest I would offer a one off, complementary session so that you could see if you like my style, after that I would set up weekly/ twice a week/ individual sessions.

I work/hire studio from JAGS and Harris Sports Centre (both in East Dulwich area) so the initial class would be after school...if we could all agree on time/date/venue (that's if anyone is interested) we should try and go ahead! Chrissie do come a long if you like as well.

Anyhow, here are my numbers 0208 6703669/ 07941 989368

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!


  • 4 weeks later...

I just wanted to add that my method of shifting the baby weight was David Lloyd gym at Beckenham. I piled on 6 stone with my cherub and while I was quite fit before getting pregnant I stopped all exercise while carrying bubba as previously had a miscarriage.

David Lloyd has an onsite creche which is great, the staff are friendly and really look after the kids/babies well.

I started there in February at 12st 12 and by July was back down to 10 st. I attended 4 exercise classes each week, I found if I did any 'exercise' with my Mum friends I didn't really focus and we also ended up having coffee and cake too ;-)

Hope this helps.

Oh wow - I didn't know some gyms had creches - that is such good news. I'm going to do some sessions with Beth and hopefully go to the gym too. I have about 2-3 dress sizes to lose. Tankety tank tank!

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