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post baby bodies?


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Aw thanks all. Yes I agree it does seem healthier, some of my slimming world friends used to say that the reason they plumped for that plan was for the fruit/veg freedom, so it's good that this is now part of ww.

Like you Smiler I've not been using my activity points - and now 60 mins of aerobics equals 4 points when before it was 2 (I have to tell myself that I haven't actually done more activity - it's just calculating as more).

Yes Pickle I'm doing the online thing - but cannot seem to find the healthy weight range calculators. I plumped for the larger end of my healthy weight range when I first started - but at a quite daunting 3 stones ago that seemed like a big enough target. Now I'm wondering whether I should go a little lower so I'm dead in the middle of the weight range or whether I've strained my body enough for now. (and then will I pick up the gauntlet again at a later date or will the momentum be lost).

I have listened to you all with your fab suggestions about getting exercise into your hectic days. I cycled to London Bridge the other day, and it wasn't that bad. Got totally lost around burgess park on the way back though and got a bit spooked by all the gangs of boys hanging about (probably doing very innocent things). But as I'm terrified I'll get mashed around the E&C roundabout I'm trying alternatives so that I can totally avoid that nightmare. Anyone got any good routes to Farringdon area avoiding all the more hairy bits of London's roads??

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Brilliant re: the cycling! Mr Pickle cycles to work (near Moorgate) avoiding most main roads - not exactly sure how, but it involves following cycle paths that bring him out near Tower Bridge. I think there are lots of little secret cycle routes, it's just a case of finding someone in the know!

Personally, when I first lost loads of weight on WW I ended up in the bottom third of my healthy weight range, which was great but not sustainable. They key is to find a weight that you can easily maintain without always feeling like you have to watch what you eat - for me this is pretty much dead in the middle of my healthy range which is where I've managed to maintain (albeit apart from the couple of blips relating to having kids) for the last 8 years or so.

A lot of my members used to put the top of their healthy range, but then found that even though they switched to maintenance points they continued losing weight. In this case I used to encourage them to find the point at which their weight loss stopped on the higher points and use that as their ideal weight.

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Thanks Ryedelama. 3 stone is fab! Pickle has given good advice. I got to around the middle of the healthy weight range for my height, but found it hard to sustain and this time think will be a bit easier on myself.

Re. cycling, there are some threads on cycling elsewhere on the forum where there may well be tips about routes etc.

Have just got a hula hoop! It has weights in and comes into bits so is easy to store. Hoping it will help deal with the jelly belly, if not might try belly dancing and make the jelly a virtue!

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If you do want to cycle as a way of fitting exercise into a working day TFL do great detailed cycle maps that are free

This is the link


You just click on the area that you want and they will send you as many as you want. Pre-baby I cycled to work and did all the cycle and back routes that I found on the map. It took a bit longer than main roads but (touch wood) I was fine and had no traffic scares at all

Re - getting body back, we hit the 9 month mark next month and I am still about half a stone above what I was but annoyingly I think that I was over-weight before I had my son... Ho hum. :-)

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at 4.5 months post partum I've only lost 4 of the 13 kilos I have to lose to get back to my (healthy but not thin) pre-pregnancy weight (13 kilos is what I measured after the immediate postnatal weight loss stopped). So I'm now aiming for the 9 months on, 9 months off goal ;)

Signed up for WW online, haven't logged in once. Must do that again. It does work when you take the points tracking seriously.

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