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Hi ladies,

For anyone feeling down on themselves / their body would recommend Gok's TV programme, can't remember the name, but is uplifting!

I found WWatchers on Monday eves good too, found it fine when breast-feeding, in fact it helped me to eat enough of the right stuff (the b-feeding points allowance is the envy of many of the other ladies!), though having lost most of the baby weight seriously lapsed in 2009 and put it all back on (am now pregnant again, 7 months and bigger than ever!). Needed the weekly weigh-in, with the online version was easy to avoid the scales!

Soon as I gave birth I looked for my tummy but couldn't find it - vanished! I was in my pre pregnancy jeans after 3 days. I bet next time I'm not so lucky. I eat a lot more sugary stuff now, I blame breastfeeding for that though 'I'm burning an extra 500 cal a day you know' ;)

LOL Gina,,,not the encouragement I was looking for!

Pickles does the extra weightwatchers points include lots of chocolates that I just cannot stop eating?

Weightwatchers just does not appeal to me because of having to learn the points system, why can't they just stick to calories instead of points? I had always controlled my weight in the past via calorie counting and exercise and I did try once to learn the points system but kept thinking in calories so gave up ( same way as I can never get the hand of KGs etc as I think in pounds and stones).

I just need my willpower to kick in then I know I will be ok. I have been waiting for 10 months though.

You certainly can use the extra BFing points for chocolate - I'm a case in point :)) I found the extra 10 points quite "difficult" to eat some days, so would have a crunchie bar and a glass of wine - now that's my kind of diet!

Heidi, the points really are just calories (and saturated fat), and there's a simple formula involved. I think the Points system is healthier than simple calorie counting as it also incorporates the saturated fat and therefore helps you to make healthier choices based on more than calories alone.

Perhaps there would be a market for me to set up again as a renegate WW leader!

Whatever you chose to do, diet and exercise are the simple things you need to get yourself back into shape. Diet doesn't mean depriving yourself of the things you like, if you think that way you will never succeed.

Good luck to everyone. I'm off to try British Military Fitness tonight, so chances are I'll be hobbling my way round ED tomorrow!

P x

Hi Pickle - well done you, doing BMF and running! Making me feel guilty as I type this instead of BMF-ing (got a chesty virusy thing....any excuse!). Think I'm going to have to do some running too as BMF itself doesn't seem to be working for me - so may be up for joining you early morning.

It's either that or the wine and chocolate.....hard call as to which will take more will-power!

Wow - I'd love to do the BMF.

Well - before I met my husband I was an 8-10. Got married at size 12 (three years later) first child - up to 14, second up to 16-18.

Now - I'm doing Weightwatchers and have Beth my personal trainer (Hi Beth!) and I'm back to a 12 - yee ha! But, and it's a big butt (ho, ho) I've still got 2 stone to go before I'm even normal healthy weight on those graphs they attack you with at the doctors. Tankety tank tank. This is the first time in years that I've actually got into the mental dieting zone - sounds daft but I reckon that's half the battle. As soon as you get your head around a long haul weight loss thang you can get it off.

I've only done 1.4 stones so far (well at least since I started braving the scales) - but am def going to go the distance this time!

So sorry if I sound smug - totally don't mean to. This is a combination of having energy for the first time in years and a vodka or two, medicinally served up by OH of account of first day back at work ;-(

PS - Davina! She's annoying as, but she does a good keep fit video!

Oh - PPS I started WW while bfing - it's fine, you just get more points. I did it online and they calculate it all for you xxx

ooh ryedalema how was first day back?? what happened with the nasty hr situation? sorry different thread!

hmm I am slightly concerned that I'll do WW, lose the extra weight but then just putit back on again - no willpower. also was fairly teeny in younger years (which at the time I hated) so think am struggling to accept post baby/thirties body is not what once it was. does your personal trainer take you out running or come to gym with you? have started pilates which I love but know that's gentle toning rather than the aerobic fat busting stuff I should prob do.

Well.....since last posting on this thread I have started running 3 to 4 times a week and have managed to loose about a stone, maybe a bit more. My weight now seems pretty 'stuck', but I still seem to be toning up, and hoping long term it may just drop a teeny bit more - my dream is to be able to say I am 9-stone-something though I know it is STUPID to worry about what the scales say as how I feel and how my clothes fit is far more relevant.

DD2 still breastfeeding (sigh) though down to two short feeds a day mostly, trying hard to get her off as I think this will help with weight loss too, but she's not going to give up without a battle, and I admit I'm weak willed about it.

I've managed to build up to being able to run for 30 minutes/about 3 miles now, not a fast runner, but it is doing the job and actually once I'm out there doing it I really love it and come back buzzing. You feel so free!

BMF - I too would like to have a go at this, but haven't ever managed to get to a session yet, and keep thinking "I'll just

get a little bit fitter first" LOL (wimp). How was it Pickle?

Even my baby belly has gone down, which I'm seriously happy about.

I think it is much easier to get into this when you know you're done with having babies too - after my first I always felt a bit hacked off to think I was going to ruin all the hard work again at some point if that makes sense. Now I'm done with pregnancy I feel far more focussed.

Weightwatchers - when I used to go they weigh you in front of everyone, but no one else can see what you weigh and they write it on your card rather than announcing it. They might say "up 2" or "well done, down 3" etc. but that's all.

Personal trainers - in my experience they will do whatever you want them to do - some may have a preference, but if you don't like the one you find there are plenty others who will either go to the gym or the park, or running or whatever with you. I know one very good one, if you want his details PM me, my friend had AMAZING results with him, and did everything from running to kickboxing to weights with him so never got bored. I'm actually thinking I might get him in to help me if I'm still stuck at this weight a couple more months down the line.

Ryedalema - well done is all I can say, you should be a bit smug after all the effort and such a good result.

It took me a long time to get into the 'right place' to even contemplate getting fit again, this time last year with a 10 month old I was way too tired. I hated my body, but even the thought of doing anything about it was exhausing. So, for those of you haven't got going yet don't be too hard on yourselves. I think for most of us parenthood is so all consuming that it takes a long time to get to a place where you can actually start to 'find your old self' but it's really strange, I did just seem to wake up one day and feel ready to go again, and now I really look forward to 'my time'.



Snowboarder - I put my running gear on at 8am today and finally went out for my run at 8.30pm!!! Now, believe me, I did not intend to spend the day in lycra, it is not my idea of a good look.... the plan was school run, drop littlest off at the Childminders, quick run in the park, fast change and off to work....but best laid plans and all that....had to dash straight to work, never got time to change and thankfully it didn't matter today what I was wearing, then it was the school run, Beavers (as in mini scouts), tea time, bath time, bed time blah, blah blah....and finally there I was hot footing it around Nunhead as the sun was going down, having had to ask a neighbour to come in for half an hour because DH is out tonight!

It would be easier to sit eating chocolate I admit, but I am a stubborn woman, and I keep thinking about the impending holiday/bikini situation!


Molly, you looked excellent when I saw you last year!! If that is you overweight then I am depressed because I must be obese to you!:))

Though I know I am fat and I have a very limited wardrobe plus I hate what I see in the mirror, I am just physically and mentally tired to even think about dieting and exercising. I know that I will get a wake up call sooner or later and I will diet especially as I have avoided photos with my son since I don't want to be photographed as a fat mum, so I will have to lose weight soon otherwise my son will be 10 and asking why there are no photos of mummy with him!

I think we should not beat ourselves up too much, being a mum is hard work, never mind trying to have willpower and the time to diet and exercise when our stress levels are probably high.

Having used the "I don't have time to exercise" excuse for 3.5 years I feel miles better already having made the decision that exercise needs to become part of my life if I'm ever going to feel good about myself again.

Snowboarder - I fit mine in by running very early in the morning (out of the house by 6am) so that I can get home, showered etc. before hubby leaves for work at 7ish. Then weekends I get the chance to go out at a slightly more pleasant time. I'm now going to do one BMF class a week and there are loads of options for times/locations so no excuses!

Molly - BMF was excellent, I've just signed up to do one class a week to supplement my running. A real range of abilities, if you can run for 30 minutes you'll be absolutely fine. You should try a free trial, nothing to lose :) I'm a bit sore this morning but nothing too bad, and I'm actually enjoying feeling muscles that haven't been used for a while!

Re: the WW weighing question - you get weighed on scales at the front of the room, but everyone is queueing and nobody tends to take much notice of what's going on at the scales. The biggest sin a WW leader can commit is to say someone's weight out loud, it's a complete no no. You will get told how much you've lost/gained (generally out loud if you've done really well, or slightly more subtely if it's a gain) and your weight gets written on your card.

It's generally a very supportive, fun environment.

i decided when my son was 7-8 months old that i really wanted to lose the extra weight (ca. 10 lbs) and went on a bit of a mission, running every day. It really helped kickstart things and I lost the weight within a couple of months.

now, back at work for a year, i either get up at 6am to run before work or rush home by 5pm to have a quick run before nanny leaves. It's the only time I have to call my own, and it makes me feel better about myself in all ways.

those of you who are running - is that just on the pavements or do you go to one of the parks? I always worry about the effect on my joints which creak enough already. Also I am lazy and get totally puffed out after 5 mins of running. But am determined to try something!
i lost most of my baby weight first time around doing powerplate sessions. They're only 25 mins long but v effective for losing weight and toning wobbly bits. I had my second baby 10 wks ago and was very pleased to find out that there is a new powerplate studio on melbourne grove as i used to do my sessions in the city. the guy who runs the studio says its fine to bring babies and prams in while you do your workout.

Belle - I do a bit of both (on and off road running)....I know it isn't great for the joints but I think if you invest in good trainers and don't bomb along slamming your joints it isn't quite so bad...as my hubby put it "you don't run, you jog" (did I want to lamp him...yes!!), but he is right. I don't think what I am doing is to hard on my joints, but it is hard enough to know I'm doing it.


I have a weird problem in the mornings - i can't put any weight on my feet at first. It subsides shortly thereafter. Internet says it is "plantar fasc something". Has anyone else had it?

RE weight loss, like msot things, it's strongly linked to genetic as far as I can see, from observing friends and their mothers. Some people lose it immediately and some never quite do. The bf thing is a bit of a red herring, again from observation of my friends. THere wasn't much of a correlation. In fact, now that I think about it, if anything, there was a reverse correlation!

I have the same problem as you Snowboarder- no time to exercise. My OH leaves for work at 6.30 and E wakes between 5 and 6 and once E in bed and I've eaten it's 8 or so and I'd need to shower etc plus go to bed by 10ish to be up at 5. I know excuses excuses, I value 'me' time so much that it pains me to think of uing it to run but I know if I want to loose this 10lbs I need to...Anyone else interested in goin to evening Weight Watchers class- pm me!

Molly - if you can run for 30 mins then you can definitely do BMF. I struggle to run for 5 mins and cope. It's a real range of abilities and exercises and no one bit lasts that long - so even if there's one bit you find difficult, there'll be others that will make you feel better. (And you're split into ability groups, so you don't feel like you're struggling just as much.) As someone who's never been good at PE, it's the best exercise option I've found.

I know what Snowboarder means though about finding the time. I'm lucky that daddy does bed times but my 4 year old can really make me feel guilty for putting exercise over her bed-time song! I think sometimes you do need to be selfish - I reason that if I feel fitter and happier, I'll have more patience with the kids.

Of course the other option I've found is regular rounds in Gambado's - I'm sure ten reps of the slide (DD won't go herself!) is equal to one BMF session!!

new mother Wrote:


> I have a weird problem in the mornings - i can't

> put any weight on my feet at first. It subsides

> shortly thereafter. Internet says it is "plantar

> fasc something". Has anyone else had it?


> Yep - I waddle around like a duck for the first few minutes of the day. I thought it was just me (and of course ducks!).

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