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I have a baby bjorn which my baby seems to like, but in which I am dubious to use because of the issues surrounding the lack of support on the baby's spine.

I also have an ergo baby carrier after reading lots of reviews about it on here and elsewhere. As my son is coming up to three weeks old I also purchased the infant insert so I can use it straight away, however he really hates being in the sling position, that is, being swaddled in the insert and having his feet out by the side, he cries and does not look comfortable, is it possible to put his feet INSIDE the carrier, i did this and he liked this but I didn't carry him like this because online it said the feet must be put to the side to support his spine but as he does not like this position it seems like the Ergos is a waste of money. I have now come across the Beco carrier which seems more ideal as the baby's feet are inside the carrier with the aid of the insert and this would suit my baby but it is rather expensive and I already have a brand new ergo I cannot afford to buy the Beco, any advice? Thank you.

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Well I haven't tried the infant insert, but my baby also hate being swaddled in a sling when he was tiny. However, I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it is a waste of money. When he is bigger he will probably love it and you'll have months if not years of good service. I found plenty of the baby things I bought took time for my baby to appreciate - most notably the bumbo which I was about to sell ... and then at 7 months it was suddenly the most useful purchase I had! Perhaps you could go to one of those sling trying out meets and then buy the one he most likes second hand until the ergo is useful to you?

ps I also found when my son was a newborn his preferences changed a lot, and it would take him a few tries of everything to get used to it - including baths and nappy changing, and definitely slings.

Hi Heidi

How about putting him in a grobag so that his feet are covered, then putting him in the infant insert? It took me a while to get the hang of the Ergo but I used it from birth - have you watched the videos on the Ergo site? 1 year later, I'm still using the Ergo every day, but with my daughter on my back now. It has definitely been my best purchase ever, I rarely use the buggy and it gives us such freedom. We travel all over London on the tube, bus, train etc. without any bother, plus have been abroad a few times and never had the need for a buggy which makes life so much easier! Although if you did have to sell the Ergo, you would still get a good price for it, especially if it's in nearly new condition.

Definitely try the Sling Meet, it's usually at the Horniman on Wednesday mornings once a month I think, or sometimes at The Plough, possibly on Friday middays.

Once he is about 3 months old, he goes into the other position, the seated squat, and I am sure he will be super comfy and cosy in this position. I know that seems a long time away though....

Sorry, I meant it seems to be a waste of money in that I got the Ergo in order to use it from birth and as he does not like the infant insert because his feet is hanging out, it seems pointless to keep it until he is three months etc as i need a sling now.

I wanted to know if it was safe to put his feet inside the ergo in a squat spread position with the infant insert so that I can still use it?



There is a Yahoo group that sells 2nd hand slings, let me know if you want the link, you may manage to pick up a Beco on there, better than buying brand new.

Agree though that you should hang on to the Ergo as I'm sure in a while it will start to work for you....I'm actually very jealous as they are the 'creme de la creme' of baby carriers from what I can gather. If all else fails you'd certainly be able to sell it on and get most of your money back I'm sure.

Newborns are such funny little creatures (hubby and I always say they are like a little alien species)! In a few weeks all the things you think your little man loves/hates will be changing, and that will carry on for....well ever I suspect...can only speak for the first 5 years, and so far it has been a roller coaster ride all the way.

Take care, Molly


heidi - i put iris in the squat position with her feet in at the beginning with the infant insert to support her neck. i only did this because i hadn't read the instructions so didn't know there was another position to put newborns in. i have no idea if it's safe, but it didn't do her any harm. however, she was really overdue, and her neck seemed quite strong, not floppy at all when she was born so i don't think it was a problem. i wouldn't really like to recommend it though incase it's bad for your baby's spine...
The Ergo sling comes into it's own when the baby is a few months older, then it's fantastic. I love mine, so comfortable and it doesn't give me back probs like every other carrier I've used. You will get loads of use out of it Heidi, and the baby's not newborn for long!


if the baby likes the baby bjorn, might be ok for now - or do you find it uncomfortable? I'm sure for the relatively short periods of time you'd be using it, it must be fine - when I think of all the odd positions my little one slept in (when curled up on me for example) - think the baby bjorn must be the least of it! I found it v good for the early days, then turned him facing out for a bit and then moved onto patapum recently (like the ergo, but cheaper).


Heidi - Like the others, I wouldn't be without my Ergo now that baby is bigger. I really would keep hold of it, but find another sling to get you through the next couple of months. Am sure someone on here would loan you one? You really need one of the stretchy wrap slings - Close, Huggabub, Kari-Me - or a stretchy pouch like the Coorie. The problem is that these only last for newborn stage because once bubs is too heavy the stretchy wraps don't work anymore, so that's when the Ergo comes into play.

I made the mistake of selling my Kari-Me to fund my Ergo purchase, but now when I have a second baby (not anytime soon after the week I've had with my now 9 month old!) I will need to buy something similar again.

I have a Calin Bleu wrap sling (basically just a long piece of cotton gauze, kind of a pain to tie at first but very good once you get the hang of it) and a Hotsling pouch sling that you are more than welcome to borrow, but it would really be better to find one of the stretchy ones for your newborn.


We had exactly the same problem- my baby was not happy being put in the insert sideways as they tell you to do. I ended up sending the insert back, and getting money back. We use the ergo now he's older and it is, indeed fantastic.

Having said that I think it is OK to put babe in the 'spread squat' postition like lorraine did- I saw someone doing it the other day and the babe was tiny but looked happy. If you look on the ergo website it says somewhere that it's fine to use the infant insert in this way, and so carry them chest to chest from birth. Have a look- it was had to find but i'm sure they said this somewhere on the site!

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