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Hi all, after two nights of trials THE DRAFT HOUSE is opening at Noon today (though in the future we will open from 10am on Saturdays).

Spring Opening Hours (to be reviewed in June when we will decide whether to open Mon-Thu lunch):

Mon - Wed 5pm - 11pm

Thu 5pm - Midnight

Fri Noon - 1am

Sat 10am - 1am

Sunday Noon - 10.30pm

Website with menus, beer & wine lists etc is [drafthouse.co.uk]. Contact us at 020 8299 3511 or via [email protected].

Looking forward to feedback.

One point, we have lots of beautiful pictures which we have not yet had time to hang...they'll go up early next week so bear with us!

All the best


Hi mimmic,

The new regs are not currently in place. But it makes good sense to ensure you have loft insulation and if you have cavity walls fill them with insulation. Doing this will reduce the size of any new boiler. But money is no object then you could just install a new boiler and not insulate your home.

Hi charliemcveigh,

Good luck with te new business. Closing at midnight on Thursdays is helpful to tte local community. Thank you.

Landcroft residents.

The removal of the reserved parking behind the Police station for horszes boxes - which last visited over a decade ago - have been removed allowing parking. Apologies this took so long to make happen.

Apparently cars turning into Landcroft Road from Whateley Road are now an issue as northbound Landcroft Road cars are further into the middle of the road due to the newly allowed parking.

New road marking have been orders to make the junction clearer and hopefully resolve the problem. These new refrshed road marking have been delayed due to the inclement weather. Any day now...

reggie Wrote:


> Judy

> You are interested in "approrpiate schooling for

> middle income professional families"

> Are you aware how bad that reads...I mean

> ...really bad.

> What kind of school do you think non professional

> families on low or high income want?




> Judy2 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > James

> >

> > I have two girls aged 6 and 4 - I'm very

> concerned

> > about what schooling will be available to them

> at

> > secondary level.

> >

> > The demographics of ED seem to be changing

> quite

> > rapidly and better schooling is needed. This

> > process needs to start immediatley.

> >

> > I'm would not be interested in more Academies.

> I'm

> > interested in approrpiate schooling for middle

> > income professional families.

> >

> > I look forward to hearing from you.

> >

> > Michael.


I would like to second the need for a good secondary school in East Dulwich. I believe there are consultations going on around proposed uses for the old Dulwich Hospital site, perhaps you could make it one of your goals to petition for a new secondary school on these grounds?

As a lesser point the junction of Barry Road and Lordship Lane traffic light system is awful, the lights are phased to allow equal time for those wishing to drive across to Barry Road and vice versa as those travelling down Lordship Lane (obviously a far busier road with heavy traffic). I have written to TFL to ask that they monitor the lights here and allow less time for those driving across Lordship Lane to try and speed traffic flow up but they say there is no issue. In winter and worse weather this problem clearly worsens, with severe delays due to heavy traffic made worse by the unnecessary wait at the traffic lights (quite often for few or no cars to drive across to Barry Rd or vice versa). Pedestrians of course need a slot to cross but again this is not a well used crossing aside from at weekends or at school closing times.

The junction and traffic light system is also a problem at Lordship Lane and Dulwich Common - this is highly dangerous as there is no safe way to cross from Lordship Lane over Dulwich Common to the Harvester (without crossing the road twice) as the traffic lights for those turning left on to Dulwich Common is always on green. This has been raised for years by local councillors and I have also written to TFL who did an assessment and said because there weren't any fatalities (tho admittedly lots of accidents) they were unwilling to change the traffic light system. There is a blind shelter close to this spot on Underhill Road so this is clearly a consideration which makes this an even more pressing issue to be tackled.

I hope this is helpful and welcome to the neighbourhood!!

Hi esme,

Thanks for this feedback.

Junction of lordship Lane with Dulwich Common. For many years TfL have been promising to add a pedestrian phase to this TfL controlled red route junction. Even with a Tory London Mayor and tory local councillors (College ward) it never happened - and the local tories really campaigned for it. With now 2 Labour cllrs and 1 Tory cllr it stands even less chance!

What's so particualrly sad abotu this is a house with local blind people. How on earth they're meant to get about safely when it feels like you're taking you'r life in your hand fully sighted and mobile is beyond me.

Junction of Lordship Lane with Barry Road. This relatively recently had a major refit to make it safer! Plans are afoot that a new Cycle Superhighway will pass through. If it does then this junctiopn and many others will be calmed. We await the London Mayoral elections to see how that pans out.

New secondary school. So far I've been able to get confirmed pupils numbers and forecasts to show a sdhortage of local primary school places. So currently that's my priority. Having ensured a new secondary school (Harris Boys) in theory we shouldnt need another. BUT I've been unable to get pupil predictions for our local area. Council officials only do the figures borough wide. So I have the borough wide figures. I'm now in a long ping pong with the same officers to find out how many Southwark children are aschooled outside the borough and vice versa. MY hunch is many children are schooled elsewhere BUT as Southwark secondary schools improved parents are increasingly seeking school places in southwark. So although it appears the same number of children and school palces the press is rapidly rising. It's a really good problem in theory to have but so far the administration appears to be hiding from the impact.

What makes it worse is the stupid Gove academy policies copunding the stupid Blair education bill - this makes it really hard to local authorities to just decide to build a new school and the money be made available for them to do this.

My concern about focusing on new primary schools only is that we are continually encouraging more and more new families to the area without being able to provide the eduction at secondary level - therefore people either have to move out of the area or be schooled elsewhere which can be detrimental to the kids relationships and the sense of community built up. We don't have a co-ed secondary at the heart of East Dulwich.

Hi Cora,

I share your concerns. I also think we possibly have a hidden number of secondary school demand fulfilled by accessing non Southwark better schools. Clearly with increasing primary schools numbers they need to move onto increasing secondary school places!

as soon as I have any data I'll share it here.

Hi James,

Not sure if you are the person to contact but there is a leaking and overflowing manhole draining into the street at the end of Ryedale at the turn into Forest hill. Seems a bit criminal to let this water go to waste when we are in drought.


Many thanks mynamehere.

Different issue but well done the whole school community and indeed supporting federation for the East Dulwich Harris Girls Academy for achieving an outstanding Ofsted inspection. What is so especially remarkable is the inspection regime is getting tougher but that Ofsted thought it was outstanding throughout all the categories they assessed.

I've had two people contact me who haven't received polling cards.

IF you're missing a polling card you can still vote.

But can I ask if one never arrived that you email me so I can try and get to the bottom of why they've gone missing.

At last feedback about Dulwich Leisure Centre phones.

"In the short term the centre have arranged training for all staff involved in the telephone answering procees, to ensure they have a full understanding of the customer and Fusion's expctations. It is also important for us to resolve the issue on a more permanenet basis, and for this a review of the staff deployment and queue management will be completed. This will allow the centre to support both the customers queuing and those wanting to book or enquire over the phone."

I haven't yet got timescales to this but definately progress.

James - if you get a chance can you take a look at the Coplestone/Oglander junction with Grove Vale. It's being re-paved and the kerb stones replaced. In doing so they have removed the dropped kerb which means cyclists will fine it hard to join the paved area - which as you know they are legally entitled to do following the changes introduced earlier this year (or was it last year).

James Barber Wrote:


> Please see attached crime stats from the local

> Safer Neighbourhood Teams for East Dulwich ward

> and Village ward.


> Any ideas to reduce crime please get in touch.

I followed up on some postings by Thomas Micklewright on this subject and have organised a neighbourhood watch meeting for the length of Upland Road including Piermont Green with the Metropolitan Police unit that deals with ... Neighbourhood Watch! As Upland Road covers 2 jurisdictions the co-ordinator:[email protected] had some organisation and has offered us a meeting this Friday, the 18th of May at 19:30 in the conference room at the old East Dulwich Police Station on Lordship Lane. Please, anyone on Upland Road or Piermont Green who wants to attend, please come and / or contact me here. I cannot think of any better way to "make a stand" than Neighbourhood Watch. It formalises what should be happening anyhow: looking out and getting involved if something looks dangerous.

Please come this Friday, 18th May, 19:30 to the conference room in the East Dulwich Police Station on Lordship Lane to talk about Neighbourhood Watch if you live anywhere along Upland Rd or on Piermont Green.

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