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Re: secondary school place announcements - how?

Posted by: James Barber March 01, 04:52PM

The headlines of what will be released at 5pm online and sent earleir today by first class post:

* All Southwark secondary school applicants have been offered a place for September 2012

* Total of 2,436 applications were received, 85 less applicants than last year

* 1,362 (55.9%) received a first preference school a 3.4% increase on last year's figures 1,322 (52.5%)

* 2,213 (90.8%) received one of their preferences - 2% increase on last year

* 195 (8%) families without a preference and offered an alternative school fewer than last year - 243 (9.6%)

* The number of online applications has remained at the same level as last year

Two attachments - one SPA Leaflet details drop in session if you're not happy and need advice, other is QA info pack.

Do contact your local councillor if you need further support.


Regards [email protected]

07903 964130

Liberal Democrat Councillor for East Dulwich Ward



Attachments: SPA Leaflet.pdf (399.1KB) QA info pack secondary (final) 1.doc (205KB)

Mr Barber, re the above..you posted this in the family room on a secondary school thread. Can I ask who provided you with this information?

It is incorrect as my friend's child has not received an offer at any school.

Hi FatherJack,

All Southwark Councillors received this information from the councils education department.

I've repeated the statement 195 families 8% onthe slightly reduced number of total applicants did not obtain any of the preference they;ve stated.

Your friends child must be one of the 195 as indeed is one of my friends. Very stressful.

Problably not worth forgetting that that's are giving 6 preferences. IF you have a preference about religious or non religious schools that significantly curtails your options.

If your friend (or anyone else) contacts me I'll try and help them.

So FT. I missed that.

Can you please urgently get your friend to call me on 07903 964130.

Assuming they submitted their application on time then officials don't think this has happened and clearly if it has throws all the commentary into chaos.

Eitherway, your friend must be more than upset and needs help.

Hi james, could you please give me some information about applying for a market on North cross road.I make my own jewellery and I would love to be able to start my own little business I have had no joy from the town hall,much appreciated Tracy missons.

Hi mytholmroyd beauty,

The Sotuhwark Council web pages about its market - http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/10005/markets

It has the email address [email protected] and phone number for the markets team 020 7525 6000.

I believe a short waiting list ofr North Cross Road market but sooner you join it the sooner you'll have a pitch.

Any problems please do let me know and hope you're business thrives.

Hi FatherJack,

Have made contact and trying to help this family.

Council officers have agreed they weren't offered a place. So I've asked what will happen for this family. What is being done to search for others that mgiht have been missed and when will a revised press release be issued which might encourage other families to come forward who havent been offered a place.

Hi James

I come to you with two very different problems.

1. I am a scooter rider (motorbike sort) and have found the prioritised bay next to the Palmerston a god send due to the fact you can park pretty safely without the bike getting knocked over (well as much as you can protect it in London). This is fantastic and is in operation throughout all of the boroughs. The only problem is on a Saturday - when it is busy the road is cut off due to the street market. Hence there is nowhere else (that I know of) to park and I risk getting the bike damaged and/or really upsetting people in cars who think you deliberately park to annoy them. If you could advise?

2. I work for a number of fresh food clients. One of which has fallen in love with the area of Dulwich. They are the largest supplier of Sweetcorn in Europe (but not Green Giant). They have asked me to come up with so ideas which they can sponsor to get kids/people interested in fresh food inc sweetcorn - but not solely. I wondered if this is something that may be of interest? One idea was to sponsor a community store/streetfood stand on Northcross road - where locals from all diversities who may not get the chance or have the funding can show off there skills/foods etc - we wanted to call that the corn exchange. They have huge farms that can be opened up to the schools etc.

Sorry I know these are rather long - I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards


Hi peeps,

I'll ask if the motorbike parking can be moved somewhere open all week but in a similar position.

If you email me about the Corn Exchange idea I'll try putting you in touch with like minded locals and see if the concept can be taken forward.

In the mean time you might like to get in touch with Ed and Edwarehouse. Suspect what you're describing would work/appeal to him.

The government Transport Minister Norman Baker has announced a new cycle hub at Peckham Rye station as part of the full refurb of the station.

"Peckham Rye station: is getting a full make-over. A new cycle hub will be created under the disused arches to the east of the station. This will house a cycle repair shop where commuters can also purchase cycling equipment and hire bikes. All bicycles will be protected by CCTV cameras."

Of the ?400,000 cost ?300,00 will come from the government and ?100,000 from Transport for London and Southwark Council.

This scheme should make it a lot easier for ED residents to cycle to this relatively local station, securely park their bicycle and then hop on a train.

I'm a tad concerned that this cycle hub wont be close enough to the station entrance. Research shwos that cyclsits don't like walking and wont walk very far from cycle parking. Also, we don't know the fees yet for cycle parking.

Peeps, if you check out growing Southwark websites http://growingsouthwark.wordpress.com/

and local greens http://www.localgreens.org.uk/

They may be able to give you a few tips, with Corn exchange

I am part of a not for profit organisation called SNUB http://snubdulwich.org.uk/

We sponsored edible garden projects in the local schools a couple of years ago, with help from awards for all funding, and are currently collaborating on a project at the Dulwich Hospital site.

It is a physic garden, not an edible garden, however there are lots of edible community garden projects sprouting (sorry could not resist the pun) all over Southwark.

Good Luck with your project.

Thank you James for letting me hijack your thread again :)-D

Peeps - At Goose Green School, we have just got a vegetable and herb garden started using built in beds and containers. We are having a family gardening club every Friday from this week! Yesterday, we took part in the Big Dig project. We are a diverse inner city school and would LOVE to have the support of a business! I will PM you!

Hi Charliemcveigh,

Hope the new business venture goes well.

Keen to support your application for reduced licensing hours- keen you also reduce the Thursday night opening to be 10am-midnight as well as its a 'school' night.

Hi Coach Beth,

Last Wednesday night we allocated some of our precious Cleaner, Greener, Safer capital funding to Goose Green School. You'll find local businesses are very generous especially considering how tough trading is currently but they do get a lot of requests for help.

Look forward to your email.

Dear James Barber and all the others who have messaged me,

Thanks so much for your feedback and suggestions. We are collecting up the feedback and will reply formally when we have had input from the statutory bodies.

But please know that WE ARE LISTENING!

All the best


Dear James (or anyone!)

I hope this is the right place for this enquiry. Re. Exercise classes at East Dulwich Leisure Centre....

I was about to buy a leisure access card, having worked out that it was just about affordable and not being able to afford full membership, when I found that booking is now not allowed unless you are a full member. This seems to be because classes are so oversubscribed. I have tried turning up in my gear and hoping for a place, or being put on the waiting list, but this has not worked.

I am so frustrated at not being able to book exercise classes, as these are the only vaguely affordable ones in the area that suit me. I am only free to do pilates or similar once or twice a week so it wouldn't be worth becoming a proper member, but I do miss my exercise! I'm also not sure why they are still trying to encourage people to become members when classes are obviously so full.

is there anything that can be done - expansion/more staff? more classes? another leisure centre for the are??

I'd be grateful if anyone has any ideas of alternative affordable classes in the area.



Hi roseiege,

The renovated centre is much more popular now and your experiencing the down side of that.

But I'd imagine extending the hours when classes run would really help.

I'll ask how we can make this happen.

edited to correct appalling spelling from typing with iPad on a train.

It is my understanding that there is "unused" space at the ED Fusion. I do not know exactly what this means but 1. if there is unused space then open another exercise room and 2. People have spoken repeatedly about the time table... more thought needs to be given as to when and in what order and how many of which classes are scheduled and 3. there are times throughout the day without classes scheduled and 4. If getting instructors is a problem then maybe get students at sports unis to teach as part of their degree programme? or newly qualified teachers? Some of this has been discussed as has the badly designed web site booking system.

Hi FatherJack,

Today I finally found out how many secondary school applications did not receive any school allocation. Not just your friends family but 20 families in total didn't receive a school allocation. Shocking.

So a HUGE thank you for bringing this to my attention. After various assurance I was mad and this was impossible council officials think they know what went wrong and then found 19 other families apart from your friends.

All were offered places on Friday.

So the revised figures should look like:

* All Southwark secondary school applicants have been offered a place for September 2012

* Total of 2,456 applications were received, 65 less applicants than last year

* 1,362 (55.4%) received a first preference school a 2.9% increase on last year's figures 1,322 (52.5%)

* 2,213 (90.1%) received one of their preferences - 1.3% increase on last year

* 195 (7.9%) families without a preference and offered an alternative school fewer than last year - 243 (9.6%)

* 20 (0.8% ) families offered no places or an alternative school.

* The number of online applications has remained at the same level as last year

Latest update on new Lordship Lane crossings:

Site 1 (Lordship Lane / East Dulwich Grove) is now fully complete and was commissioned for use at 9:30am yesterday. I am pleased to inform you that the facility is working well and is already heavily used by pedestrians. The operation of the signals is also assisting with local traffic management by assisting vehicles turning in and out of East Dulwich Grove whilst the lights are red to general traffic on Lordship Lane.

Site 2 (Outside the Supermarket) has been constructed (including all civils works, footway buildout, carriageway table, antiskid surfacing and paving). Unfortunately we are still waiting for BT to disconnect the existing telephone box outside the supermarket, which is in line with the western crossing location. We have requested a detailed response from BT as to why there has been a delay in disconnecting the power supply to the box when their planning application and agreement to proceed with the scheme was granted in September last year. We anticipate that we will have a confirmed date by the end of the week and TfL are on standby to install the signal equipment once this date has been confirmed. Edited to add that BT phone box will be removed 30 March i.e next Friday.

Once the telephone box has been disconnected and removed, then it will take approximately 5 days to install and commission the new signals. I will keep you updated accordingly.

The new parking bays are currently being installed, with line marking and sign post implementation to be completed by the 30th March.

Hi rosiege,

I've just been told that number of classes is to rise from 1 April from 63 classes per week to 80 pw. BUT concerns about classes being overcrowded so the numbers in classes will slightly reduce to ensure they have great classes.

So overall an increase in places.

Later next week all the classes will appear on the internet - please take a look and give me your feedback.

I've asked that Fusion/Southwark consider a furter increase in classes beyond this increase in class numbers and I've also asked for confirmation of the total number of places.

rosiege Wrote:


> Dear James (or anyone!)


> I hope this is the right place for this enquiry.

> Re. Exercise classes at East Dulwich Leisure

> Centre....


> I was about to buy a leisure access card, having

> worked out that it was just about affordable and

> not being able to afford full membership, when I

> found that booking is now not allowed unless you

> are a full member. This seems to be because

> classes are so oversubscribed. I have tried

> turning up in my gear and hoping for a place, or

> being put on the waiting list, but this has not

> worked.


> I am so frustrated at not being able to book

> exercise classes, as these are the only vaguely

> affordable ones in the area that suit me. I am

> only free to do pilates or similar once or twice a

> week so it wouldn't be worth becoming a proper

> member, but I do miss my exercise! I'm also not

> sure why they are still trying to encourage people

> to become members when classes are obviously so

> full.


> is there anything that can be done -

> expansion/more staff? more classes? another

> leisure centre for the are??


> I'd be grateful if anyone has any ideas of

> alternative affordable classes in the area.


> thanks,

> Victoria

Southwark is formulating its anti flooding plans.

I've told the council's Flood Risk Manager John Kissi ([email protected] 020 7525 2062) about past flooding on Upland, Barry, Crystal Palace and Landcroft roads - expecially of basement flats - but please do tell John about any flooding experiences you've had so that Southwark's plans are aimed at reducing all flooding risks locally in East Dulwich.

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