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James Barber wrote: "It will look like we're on an industrial estate, increase capacity and vehicle speeds. It will as a result have more collisions and collisions of greater severity where people are injured.

The proposed changes would cost ?30,000-50,000."

For once, I agree with James!! I do wish Southwark Council would just bugger off and stop trying to spoil East Dulwich at every turn. Apart from the aesthetic damage to the area, cars already go too fast down Lordship Lane and the money would be better spent elsewhere. Go, James!

I think the junction is great as it is. It gets the balance between different road user about right. The pedestrian crossing makes drivers slow down and be more aware of other road users which probably explains the very low accident rate. Feeding the traffic optimises the through rate for traffic. It is slow but steady most times.

I doubt making the roundabout smaller will improve the through rate as that is not the limiting factor - and it if it does it will mean faster cars which will inevitably mean accidents. That could be a terrible tragedy so near a school and a play ground.

If the council are going to spend money improving junctions they should put in something similar at the crossing between Peckham Rye and East Dulwich Rd. That one is dangerous, frustrating and inefficient. The queues are longer even though it must a have similar traffic volume and accident rates are a lot higher. It is terrible if you are a pedestrian.

The cost argument is persuasive but if bad lorry drivers are regularly trashing the roundabout then shouldn?t a camera be put up to catch them. Start fining these people not pandering to them.

I agree with henry and as to politics eddie, this forum lets anyone say anything and most politicians hate people knowing what they are doing. How would anyone of us know something like a proposal to change a local roundabout? who would seach and make themselves aware of each and everything the council (in this case) have up their sleeves and who cares, rather bravo to all of you for being so clear as to where you stand on issues

henryb Wrote:




> The cost argument is persuasive but if bad lorry

> drivers are regularly trashing the roundabout then

> shouldn?t a camera be put up to catch them. Start

> fining these people not pandering to them.

How many years of repairs (4 x a year) of a couple of men and a barrowload of bricks and cement (in the early hours of Sunday morning for safety) could you get for the same as the cost of re-profiling the roundabout? By the time the money has run out, we'll all be using other forms of transport.

Sounds like someone has an end-of-year underspend that needs shifting. What do people suggest the ?50k could be used for if not the roundabout? (On which my personal view as driver, cyclist and pedestrian is that the congestion clearly slows traffic, but also leads to driver frustration and blocked sightlines making using the pedestrian crossings a little iffy at times, esp the one on E Dulwich Road.)

Hi I apologise if the following statement has been repeated, but I did not have time to read the whole thread re the roundabout, as I have been busy begging on another thread re the Dulwich community garden. :) Hint hint James.

I asked James a while ago, if the roundabout had been put under a protection order, or something similar, a few years ago? A resident of Dulwich and I had this discussion a few years ago, when there was a proposal put forward by a local community group to get rid of the roundabout.

Does this sound familiar? Can we find out, if the roundabout is protected? Does the National trust have an involvement with the roundabout? I have a very strong feeling of Deja Vu.

Why are you proposing to use CGS money to repair the roundabout, when it is the responsibility of Southwark Highways?

I read your regular column in SE22 James, and looked at your list of applications for CGS funding, and yes two of SNUBs projects have applied for funding.(blatant plug) However I was under the impression, and this was confirmed by Southwark officers who work for highways, that Southwark Highways, who are predominantly funded by TFL, are responsible for funding traffic calming measures. For example speed humps and Zebra crossings.

Look forward to your reply as always James :)

gm99 Wrote:


> Sounds like someone has an end-of-year underspend

> that needs shifting. What do people suggest the

> ?50k could be used for if not the roundabout?

I agree... the usual someone trying to keep their budget ?.

The plans look like another change to the pavements too. Back to the way it was before they changed it last year!

A simple solution would be to paint the wall of the existing roundabout WHITE.

Amazing how a little white paint stops drivers hitting things.

Hi Monica,

I can see two CGS grants that look like yours.

1st for a repeat of the SNUB bags at ?10,000 applied for by you.

2nd for Recycle a Bike Dulwich at ?8270 to recycle 80 bikes applied for by Stewart Vanns.

The second one says it will be based out of ED Police station stable blocks. But at the last ED SNT ward panel we were told the stable blocks are no longer open for public use. Can you please expand on this as currently it doesn't look a feasible bid based on the info we have from the Police.

The SNUB bags. Could we share the costs with SSBA/Lordship Lane traders so they get a chance to show their green credentials?

CGS is a capital funding stream and we're meant to be able to show a long term typically 20year benefit. The application states that at 18months 60% of the original spend had stopped being an asset and then go onto say that after 5/6 years virtually none of the asset is left. Don't get me wrong I think the concept is great.

We do have revenue budget via the Community Fund.

On funding highway improvements. Very small schemes are often funded by CGS as they would never happen otherwise. That's the point of devolving capital money.

Personally I am quite happy with the roundabout as it exists, both as a driver and as a pedestrian. The zebra crossings are essential for pedestrian access to the surrounding roads, and they work well - traffic generally respects them.

The only problem I know of is that sometimes traffic builds up on the roundabout itself while pedestrians are crossing, preventing other movements. For example, if a pedestrian is crossing Lordship Lane, then traffic may be irrelevantly prevented from turning right from East Dulwich Road into Grove Vale. A bit of horn hooting may ensue, but this problem rarely persists for more than 30 seconds or so so really isn't a problem.

Given this, and the aforementioned low collision rate, I'd say if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Hi James

Thanks for the reply. SNUB have already spoke to Dagmar re the Bikes project, and have given her all the additional information needed. As far as the bag project is concerned, we applied for CGS, for the same reason we did originally. To increase the green credentials of East Dulwich. I believe the 2008 bag scheme help to reduce the use of plastic bags in the community. However local supermarkets are still giving out just as many bags, and now they are doubling up on bags, because the supermarket bags are degradable, and shoppers on a whole do not feel confident in putting heavy goods in the supermarket bags. I feel the Supermarkets and some small stores are not helping with the reduction. Smaller Stores and supermarkets now sell their own reusable cloth bags, however this is not seding out the right message, and We need to put the right messages out there.

The snub bag 2012 objective is no different to 2008, the message is the same, to raise awareness of climate change. No matter how small the change is, changing 1 thing in our shopping habits, ie using our own bags, can cause a ripple effect. I have not asked the SSBA to support the scheme, because I feel the scheme should be Cleaner Greener Safer sponsored for obvious reasons. The bags are capital not revenue. I sometimes wonder if Southwark council word their funding applications, correctly. I have applied for Transition and CGS, and on every occasion I have been given different explanations on what is Capital and what is revenue I hope that has clarified, and justified SNUBs applications.

going back to my original question, you have not answered in a very round about way. Is the roundabout under a protection order?

Hi eastdulwichhenry,

I couldn't agree more - Goose Green rounabout would be fine as it is if they fixed the wall.

Hi monica,

Sadly the info you've provided about the bike project beign repeated for a second year has'nt reach councillors who allocate the funds. So where would you run the project?

SNUB bags are FANTASTIC. I love the idea. But after the first experience they don't appear to meet the criteria of capital projects ie. lasting a large number of years - your application stated 40% of the bags lasted 18 months and after four years you need to repeat. BUT it is revenue i.e. it doesn't have a lasting affect.

We do have some revenue but only ?10,000. Hence why I asked if you'd apprached lordship traders to share the costs?

Is anyone on the council able to help with the ongoing problem of FREEZING showers at Dulwich Leisure Centre? Since the autumn the showers in the men?s pool changing room have not worked. They are always cold and several of them don?t turn off. I have complained to the duty manager on several occasions and all he is able to say is they know about the problem and are trying to rectify it. I don?t blame the staff but someone must be held accountable for what would appear to be a wait of council tax and Lottery Heritage Fund money by having contractor install a system that is not up to the job and is not made to put it right.

There is a similar situation with the Camberwell Leisure Centre baths. Here not only do the showers not work but the wood surrounding the skylight above the showers is now rotting due to the condensation; ridiculous! I am not one for complaining but when there is obviously amiss I have to say something. If there is a more suitable thread for this topic I would be please to learn of it.

Hi James

Thanks for this, however it was up to Dagmar, to take forward the information, we had provided. Im a little confused with your answers re the Bike project in all honesty. We have had ongoing support from the council, park and police, who have shown nothing but enthusiasm for the project. Because of the ongoing situation with the police station, the bikes project would be run at Peckham Rye park. Stewart Vanns, SNUBs bike project manager, has an ongoing professional relationship with Mark Newham and Roger Stocker. Again they both showed enthusiasm for the project. This was clear on the additional information we provided, when we were asked. "Why did it not reach the councillors" who allocate the funds???

As for the bags application, did you read the application? May I suggest you actually read the application again, if you have already done so. I know this may be taking up your precious time. But hey call me old fashioned, that's what councillors do. They represent the public to the council. And you still have not answered my question about the roundabout being under a protective order of sorts, from my two previous posts. Do I have to find out myself?

Can anyone who is interested in keeping the roundabout as it is, find out if the National trust have an involvement, or protection order on the aforementioned roundabout. Thanks

Hi James

I have a somewhat minor complaint to make but I'm not sure who to, so I'm hoping you can forward this to the appropriate person.

We had someone knock on our door last week on behalf of the council offering a free consultation on saving energy. We've just moved into our house and it sounded like a good idea so I booked an appointment for this morning. No one turned up. Then I got a call this afternoon from Climate Energy (who are doing this for the council) to say I had booked an appointment for next Wednesday but they didn't know if it was morning or afternoon. I *know* that the woman I spoke with wrote down today's date because we had a discussion about it whether it was the 23rd or 22nd and I watched her write it, along with specifying morning, next to my contact details. So someone somewhere must have made the decision that it wasn't important to stick to these commiments or inform me that they wouldn't be.

I'm currently looking after toddlers and not in paid employment, so staying in for the morning was not the biggest inconvenience, but I did turn down more attractive opportunities. I'm a bit annoyed to have been messed around like this and wonder if there are others who were disappointed for whom the inconvenience was more serious. It seems quite contemptuous of the public to treat them in this way and it really isn't the level of service I want to have offered in my name (as a Southwark resident, voter or tax payer).

I don't know if the fault lies with Climate Energy (and so, I suppose, whoever contracted with them) or directly with someone at the council, but I do think it is a shoddy and inefficient way to treat people.

Just wanted to weigh in on the issue of plastic vs cloth bags vs paper bags issue - there has been some talk recently about this - particularly due to the environmental impact on making cloth bags vs reusing platic ones. Here is a link to an article:


But as the article points out:

'All bags have an impact. The best solution would be to use a cotton bag several hundred times, probably using it constantly for years. If you are not going to do that, a plastic bag ? re-used as a bin liner ? is the next best option, better than paper. Avoid accepting a plastic bag unless you need one, though.'

Scruffy Mummy Wrote:


> Just wanted to weigh in on the issue of plastic vs

> cloth bags vs paper bags issue - there has been

> some talk recently about this - particularly due

> to the environmental impact on making cloth bags

> vs reusing platic ones. Here is a link to an

> article:


> http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/green-liv

> ing/plastic-fantastic-carrier-bags-not-ecovillains

> -after-all-2220129.html


> But as the article points out:


> 'All bags have an impact. The best solution would

> be to use a cotton bag several hundred times,

> probably using it constantly for years. If you are

> not going to do that, a plastic bag ? re-used as a

> bin liner ? is the next best option, better than

> paper. Avoid accepting a plastic bag unless you

> need one, though.'

There was something about this on the television a few weeks back. I think they said you had to use a heavy duty plastic bag (the sort you normally pay for) at least 40 times to be equivalent to a modern thin supermarket bag.

I got given some cotton bags when I bought clothes in white stuff, and use them instead. They go in the washing machine every few weeks.

I've still got my East Dulwich SNUB bag which I use for heavy stuff but I don't see many others with them even though there were lots to start. What happened to them all?

The bit about bin-liners is important. If you say no to a supermarket bag and then buy a roll of bin liners, what's the point?

Apologies for a few days of with family emergency.

Hi freirnlocal,

I'll ask abotu the freezing showers - this seems a recurrent theme.

Hi monica,

Many thanks for the feedback hear and via email. Sure we'll get it all sorted. SNUB do great work and I'm keen to support it.

Hi Ossa,

I'm really sorry abotu this muddle. I know that staying in with toddlers and not getting them out and about can be a realy pain. So far, you're the only person to report having any problems. Several other on this forum have reported very proactive behaviour. Please do try again and email me if your the slightest problem. The whole point of thep roject is to make energy advice and actions as painless as possible.

Hi Scuffy Mummy, AbDabs,

Bags are, for me, an interesting subject. Brown paper bags a la USA shopping take more petroleum than plastic bags. On an eco course I did we had to produce an essay on the life cycle management of such bags. Fascinating.

As you say cloth bags can be the most eco friendly solution if used repeatedly over several years. But they also have a psychological aspect of making people think about shopping locally.

And yres one does wonder where all the original SNUB bags ended up. Come on people get them out again.

Hi the-e-dealler,

My mind is boggling at what you must wear with huge pockets for all your shopping.


The original SNUB bags from 2008 are still around, and I still see quite a few. However we have applied for funding through CGS, for more SNUB bags, if we are successful, the bags will be made from strong cotton and not hessian. I am going to take the idea from the Green up Peckham cloth bag. Apologies for the lack of originality, however I have one of the Peckham bags, and I feel its a lot stronger. The original Hessian SNUB bag, is still going strong however, and with the ongoing requests for an Updated ED cloth bag. We at SNUB would like to distribute the free bags to ED residents and Dulwich residents, dependent on the success of the funding, if we get it from each ward. We were asked if ED traders would donate, however because we are such a great community, we are hoping CGS can fund the scheme again. :) Apologies for the blatant plug, however SNUBs projects are successful, because we do have a great community. who are passionate about sustainable, greener, cleaner and safer living.

If you have any questions re the SNUB bags or anything else SNUB are doing ie The Recycle a Bike project, with the local teenagers and police please do not hesitate to ask.

The Dulwich community garden project, has its very own thread, and I try to update it as and when possible.

Thanks James for letting me hijack your thread so blatantly :)-D


Edited because I am tired and cant see after 10pm :)

Are the thin nylon bags no good then? I've been using them for years, probably get 300ish uses out of one before it gets a hole too big to ignore. I have thick cotton bags (from various green giveaways!) but find them too bulky to carry around with me, so rarely use them instead of one use plastic from the shop.

(sorry to hi-jack your thread James, and thank you for your response).

I got a couple of hessian and one original cloth SNUB bags back in 2008. The lining has started to go from the hessian, but I still use them regularly, not just for shopping but for swimming, picnics, ballet...all sorts. I don't get nearly so much use out of the cotton, so a vote for more hessian ones, please!
James ,what is the name of the person in charge of refuse for southwark? I've tried calling on Friday and today (Saturday ) but noone (including the press office FFS!) seems to know. Once again hindmans road is festooned with general detritus - and the street cleaners have again fly tipped their own streets by leaving the blue street-bin bags out on the street overnight .The foxes have obliged by tearing them open and dragging the contents up and down our street. And the out of hours "service" tells me it won't be cleared til Monday. Nasty. I'm sending the pics to SLPress. This happens almost every week and it's fuc&@ngg annoying. How do I make a formal complaint about fly tipping?

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