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The East Dulwich Community Centre has for the last few weeks, been picking up used baby nappies from its grounds.

Not clear whether someone is disposing of the nappies by chucking them over the fence or whether foxes are getting into bags/bins. Should this be reported to environmental health? Are nappies classed as clinical waste and should they be in a yellow clinical waste bag and collected seperately by bin men? Generally 6 plus nappies each day sometimes more.

Hi Pugwash,

I'm really saddened to hear aout this. It doesn't sound like foxes if so regular a pattern and number.

Nappies could technically be clinical waste but can you imagine the palova it would cause to families - so I'd hope not. You need to try and work out who's doing it. If it persists then we'd need to get the Anti Social Unit (SASBU) involved. Please keep me posted.

Hi BeccaL,

I thought it was a public right of way and would be highways. But its not shown on the Southwark Council map or Google maps. Or at least Firemens Alley is shown from Lordship Lane to Dulwich Park but not all the way through to Dulwich Coomon (South Circular). So I suspect the northern half is highways and southern half council housing. Which bit is causing the problem? On Saturday the southern half from memory didn't look covered in leaves but I was just walking past. Eitherway I'll report the issue and ask questions over who runs it and why its not shown fully on maps.


The role of property developers in the proposed Controlled Parking Zone

I have been asked to send this letter to you by a number of local residents. I am sending this as an open letter as I feel that the information that has come to light today will quickly spread as rumour if not and that you should answer in a public forum

Over the past few weeks there has been a heated debate on the East Dulwich Forum about a proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) at East Dulwich Station.

Many people, myself included, have felt that you have been promoting this scheme, that you seem to have been attempting to drive the scheme through and not holding a balanced view of the needs & concerns of many local stakeholders. I have felt that this is not appropriate behaviour for a local councillor. Time and time again you have told us that this scheme is required, there is a significant parking problem and that it is being consulted on in response to ?substantial demand from local residents? (which turns out to be c.40 people in 3 years)

There has been much anger that residents in the surrounding area were not consulted and only found out about this through word of mouth. Despite this, over 1500 local residents & businesses signed petitions against the scheme in a 4 day period. When asked to extend the consultation by a couple of weeks, to allow people to be informed and public feeling to be properly judged the council refused.

Many people like me, are wondering why a councillor, who always seems to have done a great job of engaging with the local community, seems so intent on ignoring local feeling and promoting this scheme.

Today I learnt some most disturbing information:

1. It appears that the East Dulwich CPZ consultation has been funded by a property developer to the tune of ?20,000

2. It appears that said property developer is looking to build 20 flats on the site of East Dulwich Garden centre


3. It appears that the development will provide only 2 parking spaces (for disabled people) for the entire 20 flats, so is being promoted as a ?car free? development

4. Two local councillors voted in favour of the application, one of whom was you, James Barber

On behalf of my fellow residents (and I?m sure many other people who voted for you) , may I ask that you please clarify the following:

1. Can you please explain whilst during 2-3 weeks of debate on the CPZ ( a debate to which you were a major contributor) you failed to mention, once, that this property development was planned. Not once did you mention it, even during some of your very detailed arguments in favour of the scheme.

2. During the same period, you failed to mention that the consultation was being funded by a property developer (or part funded?).

3. Why, during the same period, you maintained that the consultation was being performed in response to requests by residents, not mentioning that the development was also driving it?

4. Why the consultation documents presented to the local community did not mention this development or it?s likely impact on the local area ? the fact that it could only really proceed if a CPZ went in. The documents had VERY detailed analysis of car usage & parking patterns but failed to mention that 20 homes were being built with no parking.

5. A shortage of money has been repeatedly given as the reason for not consulting a wider area (due to council cuts) but actually you had access to private finance through this developer. Why was the developer not asked to fund a wider consultation?

As well as these questions, I strongly suggest that you take the opportunity to show that you have no relationship with the property developer. As I have said many times, I am not a conspiracy theorist, but many are (and quite a few of the ?conspiracies? in relation to this proposed CPZ seem to have been true) .

Hi grisett,

I'm sorry you're so very badly misinformed and that you appear to have taken such umabrage with my actions. Your questions feel like an attempt to smear.

No legal agreement has been signed with the developer. Council planning officers are asking for ?20,000 to be incldued within the Sectino 106 agreement with that developer towards a CPZ consultation. But I repeat nothing has been agreed or signed. And no developer will retrospectively pay for a CPZ. So in all likelyhood the money will sit in an accoutn for many years to come until another S106 consultation happen one day. As happened with the S106 for 72 Grove Vale which I understood was used towards Herne Hill CPZ eventually. You've suggested I voted in favour of the development - no I attended the planning committee as a local ward councillor and spoke in favour of that scheme as I believe Grove Vale needs a proper local library and this scheme will deliver an excellent one. This new library now has cross party support.

With regards to the proposed CPZ. I have time and agian stated its a choice between experiencing parking pressures or paying for permits and having the inconvenience that causes and that for every resident that balance will be different.

I have suggested and encouraged everyone to respond to the consultation regardless of their views or locations.

I have tried to ensure I've found answers to everyone's questions - CPZ consultations are very expensive and don't happen very often.

I think I've answered most of your questions. But I'd also add developers never ask to pay extra money in S106 or to restrict their home buyers from being able to parking locally. The developement is for 20 homes 10seconds from East Duwlcih station entrances out of a consulted area of 1,146 homes. It doesn't make a material difference and I doubt many people in said 20 homes would want a car - they would also be given car club membership for 3 years from memory by the developer.

As for any relationship. Please see my declaration of interests. I have never taken or received anything from any developer ever. I've been offered pints in pubs twice as part of rounds and always refused.

I've been offered bottles of wine by grateful residents and have always refused on principle that I never accept gifts of any size - excepting the odd chocolate biscuit.

Hi Fuschia,

Just had it confirmed that Southwark Council no longer work to 2 hours SLA to remove dog poo but now a 48 hours SLA - largely because they now expect the alternate day litter pickers to remove. But that they will try and do it in 4 hours where possible.

To report it online you need to used ther Street Cleaning/ Swpeeing Request or call 020 7525 5777 or 2000 - both numbers given on different web pages. Please try this and let me know if it doesn't work for you via an email.

James Barber Wrote:


> Gill, mention what?

James, you are still playing the fool when it suits you. The fact that the developer is contributing to the CPZ consultation was not mentioned at the last Dulwich Community Meeting which shows the lack of transparency this consultation has and how flawed it is on every level. See my post in the CPZ thread.


The developer isn't contributing to this CPZ consultation. The consultation is over before they've signed anything. I've repeatedly asked council planning officers that the S106 doesn't include this as they're are better things to spend ?20,000 locally.

Quote James barber: as there are better things to spend ?20,000 locally.

Sorry James. Like taking up road humps and putting them down again, just so as buses can avoid them. There has to be something in it for the developer, otherwise he would not offer ?20,000.Perhaps I was being a bit unfair on you as it was your Colleague Mr J Mitchell that was supposed to be helping the residents in Ashbourne Grove with their parking problems, and as usual, nothing was done, except to put humps in, that are not big enough to slow down a snail. It seems a bit odd giving planning permission for twenty flats with no where to park their cars, and at the same time PCZ is just waiting to come in around the corner for implementation. Why, do you not, do what the Majority want, and after all we all live here, some a lot longer than others. I have seen East Dulwich come from a Nice area with just the right amount of people in, to an overcrowded place with too many people in, and if you stupid Councillors and Government carry on with such ridiculous laws, like allowing planning permission for flats and houses without any consideration for car parking, then things will get a lot worse, hence your PCZ, without consultation. It appears to me that nothing is well thought out, in regards to various schemes that are thought up by the brains trust (Southwark Council) until after the money has been spent, and it?s too late, they then spend more money putting it right or just letting the residents get on with it. No one is accountable as they all blame each other, and who ends up footing the bill, yes muggings the rate payer.


Hi Fred,

I agreed about the accountability. That's why I put so much effort into reading and writing on this forum.

The developer gets planning permission and Southwark Council/residents get s shiny new library and several hundred thousand pounds of other stuff.

Not sure how Grove Vale could have been resurfaced without traffic being diverted down Melbourne Grove. Once you decice to divert the traffic you have to decide how to support busses on diversionary the route.

I think you're being very noble to complain about parking pressures but be against controlled parking. Good on you.

As for overcrowding. I think that's national policy to do with population strategy or lack of one. People have to live somewhere. Most house conversions to flats happened an awful long time ago. Since 2006 I've seen very little change. What's having more of an impact is people rented out homes and several adults living there. And families now seem to be hanging around. The population predictions for Dulwich area without new homes beign built are that we'll see an extra 6,000 people on top of current 33,000 by 2031 and then shrinking back again.

Hi BeccaL,

Apparently all of the Fireman's Alley is public highway managed. The last full detritus sweep was three weeks ago and the next one is due next week.

Litter picking happens every other day.

Can you please keep an eye of this and if it isn't fully swept next week let me know.

And yes sweeping every four weeks isn't often enough to be a clean and tidy borough but this is what the administration has chosen to reduce spending on.

I think I am off to bed as I had play enough football for now. We should never miss judge the woman or man wearing and old shirt never, never, never because you never know who are coming over to.... Miss judge people or discriminate others is the last thing I would of think of doing it and I will never and never allow my children to behave in such manner or attitude not matter how rich or poor they are because the world is round and not square.The poor countries are too far away from each other.So please don't you ever say it again that the plastic will ran away with a suck of full of ???? from the two nations. When the Nation plastic has end up in happening to her at the end.In saying this I am not discriminating to anybody but I am very surprise in the world we are living in.

And I am not here for the attetion or ... I will give you a number for you to see were I go for help.

Keep all your thoughts to yourself., as what you have said here you have offended me enough.

messageRe: East Dulwich councillor - can I help?

Posted by: gerritsmith 02 September, 2009 20:22

I see palm trees and exotic shrubs have sprung up all over Southwark. Whose idea was it to plant palm trees?

May we please have indigenous plants and tree which are beneficial to birds, bees and other insects and wild life. Birds and insects rely on local indigenous plans for their food and well being. Planting these exotic trees would reduce food source for the birds and could result in reduction of bird population.

Local plants are cheaper and beneficial, exotic tropical plants are expensive and environmentally damaging.

On Peckham High Street, outside Peckham Pulse there are six or seven huge pots with large olive trees. What is the point of them and how much did they cost?

Looking forward to your reply.


Umm... The fact that potted olive trees bring so much displeasure to your life is a little bit worrying. I understand your point about it being better for the environment to choose plants and trees that enhance the insect and bird life over exotic ones, but seriously leave the olive trees out of it. You're just being a bit grouchy.

The palm trees and olive trees have been there for years and the Palms of Peckham have become a symbol of the area. Southwark plants loads of indigenous trees and looks after them - look along Solomon's Passage round the new development.

James Barber Wrote:


> .


> Hi Freddy1929,

> The extra crossing on Lordship Lane. The rasied

> entry treatment across the mouth of East Dulwich

> Grove where it meets Lordship Lane has been

> completed. The two crossing will be installed

> starting in January. I asked that they only be

> installed outside the Christmas period as we don't

> want to harm trade or distract traders with road

> workers at Xmas. The works will take from 6

> January until mid March BUT most of that time will

> work wont be onsite but the elapsed time will be

> 10 weeks - concrete curing etc. Also, big

> depedency on TfL contractors to install the Puffin

> lights.



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    • Sorry Jazzer, not a Q for me but I would plant lots and lots of trees and turn it into green space - no dogs - just nature, as much as possible on an A road 🙂
    • Can you share your ideas for the site, please? So the residents can have an idea of what your ideas/plans consist of.
    • I would turn it into a green space. Having Dulwich Park nearby is not an excuse. Why should residents of Dulwich Village, having Dulwich Junction closed and refurbished multiple times (no end to this btw cause the Southwark council apparently has millions to waste) have it and people on Lordship Lane and A25 (South Circular) ? People living in the area have to put up with very high level of: air pollution noise anti social behaviour. How about transferring the skate park from the Grove Tavern parking  to Dulwich Village?
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