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Personally i would like to see part of the site to be some form of medical centre i.e. Older persons out patients like the current Betty Alexander Clinic. Some rehab facilities, X ray and blood tests (as now). Part of the site to be developed by a Housing Association as an Extra Care Sheltered Housing Unit. A small private sheltered housing block (for those home owners who need to downsize or have extra support) A few bungalows for those with disabilities and possibly a small nursery. I do not think the site would be big enough for a school.

Hi Pugwash,

I'm sure we can be a little mroe ambitious for what the Stion 106 of the hospital site could procure - but great list for starters!

Hi Dulwich House,

You PM'd me which I responded to at length.

Hi Chippy Minton,

The trial involved weekly food and garden waste collections, weekly recyclable collections and fortnightly for the residual waste. A few lesons learnt about some people wanting blue wheelie bins to replace multiple bleus boxes and bags and debate about whether food waste bags should have handles or not - handles costs a smidgen more.

BUT this autumn a new scheme purporting to be an extensino fo the food waste trial/pilot will be introduced to the dxisting 10,400 homes and 37,000 other homes.

It will be weekly collectinos for food and gareden waste and fortnghitly colelctions for recycleable and fortnightly for residuals. The pilot should high levels of recycling where weekly so they're changing it to fortnightly.

In essense the pilot is being ignored and a new untested scheme introduced.

Hi PeckhmaGateCrasher, Marmora Man,

Noted. Council officers were gonig to go to no handles but have agreed to my request to compare and contrast the two options using four blocks of flats in East Dulwich. 2 have no handles and 2 do have handles.

Hi adam85,

I don't know the latest news on the Camberwell Gym and will endeavour to find out.

Dulwich gym reopens this Saturday at 10am.

NOTICE: one of my ward colleagues has had a heart attack Councillor Jonathan Mitchell. All going well he'll be released from hospital tomorrow to recuperate at home. Our thoughts are with him and his family and that he makes a full and swift recovery. While Jonathan isn?t well please contact either Cllr Rosie Shimell or myself if you need any help or have ideas to make East Dulwich even more special.

Why is it being ignored? Crazy! What was the point in a pilot in the first place then?

Fortnightly recycleable collections won't be great for us if we have to stick with boxes - we already fill at least two blue boxes every week and usually more than that. Will we def be able to get the blue wheelie?

If Southwark go to fortnightly collections for paper/glass/tins as well as residual waste, it will be madness. We fill up a box of glass/plastic as well as a box of paper each week,and as it's collected weekly at the moment it's OK.

Isn't anyone from the Council looking at how much waste individual households are putting in their boxes/bags each week?

Hi Chippy Minton,

Yes, its crazty to run a pilot scheme involving over 10,000 homes, declare it a success and then do something largely different.

One of the concessions I've obtained is blue wheelie bins for those who want them. So yes.

Hi Freddy1929,

I agree. One of the really useful things about the pilot was for behaviour the counci lwanted to encourage those items were collected weekly and discourage fortngihtly. IT really boosts recycling. I can see lots of people bothering sa little bit less and more going to landfill than necessary.

REducing the total amount thrown out. Partly national legislation and agreement encouraging less packaging etc for things sold via supermarkets. Also, we all need to push back on packaging by considering changing who we buy from and of if we think it has too mcuh packaging.

The recycling / rubbish pick-up here on Abbotswood Road seems to work well. We don't have garden or food waste (those go into one of our two compost bins) and the regular rubbish bin, packaging, what-not: One bag every three, four weeks.

But oh!, the empty gin bottles...

For their sake alone, yes please, weekly blue-box collections.

Hi Alex K,

You sound like model rececylers perhaps you should brew your own gin....to recycle gin bottles.

Hi sky-blue,

I'll take a look at the weekend and then ask council officers to investigate. It can feel lame asking for enforcement officers to visit when I can't quote a named witness who's seen it (EDF aliases don't really do it). OR email me with a couple of registration numbers and I could report it tomorrow.

After talking to Elsie Road and Tintagel residents and Goose Green school I've formally requested that parking enforcement take place probably via a smartcar.

I've also suggested that the school may want to suggest an informal one way use along Tintagel for parents dropping kids of.

Hi Cora,

I'm sorry to say this was a decision the Labour run council took in February when they set their budgets. Cuts had to be made but they chose to cut by ?9M more than required and squirrel ?9M extra into reserves every year. Cynics in my group believe this is a war chest to go on a spending spree before the next local election in 2014 and to be honest it is hard to imagine why they would over cut now and eliminate or reduce valued services such as the noise team.

Weirdly the Labour budget was more right wing and cutting than even the tories proposed.

Best person to raise concerns/frustration/anger about noise service being drastically curtailed is the council and Labour leader Peter John - [email protected]

Yesterday their capital spending plans were revealed which include putting ?6M extra into reserves every year.

I received the rota for all our local streets to be litter picked. Terrible format so I've hacked it around to make it easier to find your street.

If you ever find litter picking didn't occur on one of the set days do let me know the details.

Libraries open with servies expanded to include whatever can be imagined.

Litter picked up and pavement kept tidy by fronting house or shop

What exactly am I missing

Save 9 million closing libraries which are the bedrock of civilized society while spending tens of millions picking up litter which anyone can do in a few seconds and as a part of social pride should do without being asked

What exactly as I missing here please explain

James are you able to interpret the swimming pool info? Only I sm fed up with fusion staff who seem to make no sense


My specific question is can instead rafts and rascals with an 8 yo and. 3 yo? Or us the 8 yo too old and not allowed in

Also, why does the leaflet seem to contradict itself saying in One sectiOn the ratiO is 1:2 fir children 5-8 but elsewhere talking about the 'under 4s' policy

Hi Fuschia,

My understanding is all children up to age 8 must be escorted by an adult over the age of 16. That 1-4 year olds must have an adult for EACH child and 5-8 1 adult can escort 2 children in that age range.

All children upto 8 can attend rafts and rascale BUT the adult child ration must be kept.

Example you've given of 3 year old you'd need one adult to supervise them 1:1. For the 8 year old technically they should be ok as my 8 year old has attended rafts and rascals and we all had a whale of a time - although when my son and I met the head of leisure earleir today we did suggest more fun floats were needed.

If you get really stuck please email me and I'll get a more formal response.

thanks for the street cleaning rota james. does this mean that for example on Landells Rd, litter should be picked 3 times a week, on Tues, Thurs and Saturday?

does 'litter picking' including picking up dog mess?


James Barber Wrote:


> I received the rota for all our local streets to

> be litter picked. Terrible format so I've hacked

> it around to make it easier to find your street.


> If you ever find litter picking didn't occur on

> one of the set days do let me know the details.

Hi James,

Back to the biodegradable bags thing and a bit of anecdotal evidence you may want to feedback. I reckon since we've been given the handleless bags, I estimate we use about a third more of them per week because you can't fill them as much due to them being harder to tie up if full.

Bags with handles may be that smidgen more expensive, but for us we'd use a lot less of them.


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