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Re: streetlights and blinkers. To my knowledge it has not been tried anywhere else, I keep hoping a local authority somewhere will try it. At the same time as passing a local byelaw requiring all business/commercial premises to turn off ALL their lights once they have ceased trading for the day. This would include illuminated shingles, lights in windows, illuminated name signs etc.

Hi Amelie,

First step is getting businesses to turn of their lighting in the middle of the night.

Whenever I've seen planning applications I've endeavoured to ensure hat any shop front lighting is on a timer to go of at 10pm but they on;ly rare come up.

Street lgihting all having blinkers.

Do you know how much they cost and which street you'd like to propose a trial on?

Building on the lighting query.

The house across the road from me has had a security light fitted at the front of the building. Its quite high on the wall (about 8 feet) and goes on whenever anything or anybody goes past the house. In doing so its light illuminates my front room. On a busy evening my flat feels like a disco.

Is there anything that can be done by the council?

Hi James

Any update on this one ?

Terry Thomas esq Wrote:


> Hi James


> Can you provide an update on the 'loading bay' on

> Barry Road outside the new development (the mews)



> The loading bay appeared to be suspended during

> building works, and it is now causing problems on

> Barry Road and surrounding streets with lorries

> unable to use it (cars parked in it as the sign is

> missing)


> The main problem I have seen recently was a lorry

> parked in the narrow section of the crossing to

> unload bacause there wasn't anywhere else to stop

> (okay he should not have stopped there but...)

> this caused problems for other motorists and the

> buses along Barry Road.


> Any update would be welcome

Hi Terry Thomas esq,

I can see this being tricky to resolve. If some of the uncontrolled parking is removed and replaced by loading/unloading bay/s then suspect will always be full of shop customers parking.

I'll seek officer advice about what they think can be done.

Hi James,

Re: Barry Road resurfacing

I would appreciate an update on this please. In response to Dickensman?s post of 24 December:

?Hi James. Have contacted Southwark council several times about the condition of Barry Road and resulting vibrations from heavy traffic. This getting progressively worse and shakes my house! Have not yet a useful response from the Council. Any ideas? Thanks!

Wrote headphonauts.

Hi James,

I have the same problem with the house being rattled and shaken mostly by the 12 bus but in fact any lorry such as the binmens truck has much the same effect it rattles and shakes the back of the house. I have contact the council on the state of the road surface several times over the last two years but to no avail.

What would you suggest I do now??

You said:

?Hi Dickensman,

IF you think it's the road surface then relatively easy to fix.

If you think it's a raised area such as the one on Barry Road where it meets Goodrich Road then you'll need to prove that the vibrations come from the road and have someone suitably qualified such as a structural engineer to formally claim for damages.

If the former I can help if the latter then without that professional proof I wont (from experience) be able to successfully help you.?

However now you are implying that the priority to resurface East Dulwich roads has already been set.

Surely being the Councillor you must be able to use your position to influence this, as the cracks are getting bigger and the vibrations are getting worse. Sometimes they are so bad I wonder if the house is going to collapse. The resurfacing of Barry Road is a necessity and needs to be looked into as soon as possible. Just patching up the cracks, which is what has been done in the past, isn?t enough, in fact it just makes it worse.

I would appreciate if you could please update me on this.

Thank you

James, below are the first steps (stitches?) in what might become a longer thread -- FUNDING CUTS, "BIG SOCIETY", AND SHOVELLING WALKS. I originally mis-posted it to the Forum in general, whence it disappeared into the Lounge. Narnia and Annette Curtain wrote -- SEND IT DIRECTLY TO JAMES! So here it is.

Posted by: Alex K Today, 11:50AM

When living in the States (Philadelphia) we were required by ordinance, within 24 hours of the end of a snowfall, to have the walks in front of our house cleared a yard wide and gritted. Officers patrolled and fines were issued for non-compliance. Every householder / renter, every custodian (in apartment buildings), had a snowshovel and a grit bucket -- or an arrangement with a teenager two doors away, a neighbour, or the like, who would do the shovelling. Our renters' insurance included liability for slips and falls on "our" walks. And there was much more snow in Philadelphia than in East Dulwich!

Might not such an ordinance, brought into effect in Southwark (or at least in SE22), perhaps coupled with a warning to check the terms under which one is insured, save money for the Borough and spare some other service from funding cuts? Could it be brought into effect in time for the 2011-2012 snow season?

I'd rather shovel my own walks than lose two days' service in the week at the Grove Vale library branch, for example...

Posted by: Narnia Today, 05:25PM

As excellent an idea as this might be, I don't think it is fair to expect Mr Barber to pick up on a particular thread amongst many threads, when he has his own thread for specific questions for him.

Posted by: Annette Curtain Today, 06:13PM

Why doesn't someone "shovel" this thread over to Ol' J.B.?

Hi James

Having just got back from taking my daughter to school I was horrified to spot road works signs suddenly being erected at the junction of East Dulwich road and Peackham Rye. As you will recall this was where an 11 year old was killed last January when roadworks meant that for many weeks there was no pedestrian crossing facilities. James are you able to check out as a matter or urgency what works are being planned, timescales and if there will be the pedestrian phasing that you mentioned in your recent reply to my inquiry. I hadnt got a chance to go and check out the Denmark hill set of works that you mentioned to see how easy it was for children to work out. I feel very anxious about this junction especially as many parents will have sent their children who are of an age to walk by themselves to school and won't know that theses works are occuring. Given your comments in your post last January about hoping further works could be scheduled in school holidays it is very frustrating that half term is only a week off. Hopefully I am getting in a state about nothing and maybe the roadworks are only planned for today and will be finished by end of school today but I would appreciate any info.

malleymoo Wrote:


> With respect to the collission site and temporary

> lights not having pedestrian phasing. Southwark

> Council officers have told me that at present no

> temporary traffic signals with integrated

> pedestrian phasing have been approved by

> Department of Transport for use. That this is an

> industry wide concern and discussions are taking

> place with the Department of Transport, London

> Council's (representing all councils in London)

> and Transport for London with an expectation that

> approval will be given. No time scales yet on

> this.


> Clearly this means that when permanent lights are

> replaced with temporary lights existing pedestrian

> phasing is lost. To deter pedestrians from

> chancing this ridiculous situation barriers are

> placed but clearly some will try dodging traffic

> to cross a road.


> This is clearly a national issue.

> I've asked Southwark officers what timescales they

> understand for type approval of such phasing by

> the Dept of Transport.

> I've asked GLA member Caroline Pidgeon if she can

> ask Transprot for London what they understand the

> timescale to be.

> I've also asked simon Hughes whether he could ask

> a Parliamentary Members Questions to the Dept of

> Transport when they anticipate type approval.

> WHen I hear something I'll feedback on my

> councillor thread.


> In the mean time I've asked officers that

> generally for SOuthwark where pedestrian crossing

> near a school will be temporary out of operation

> that such works take place during school holidays.

> Clearly many utilities undertake emergency works

> but where not an emergecny this would a

> difference.


> --------------------

> Regards [email protected]

> 07903 964130

> Liberal Democrat Councillor for East Dulwich Ward


> Chairperson of Dulwich Community Council, Lib Dem

> Environment & Transport spokesperson





> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




> Hi James as it is now a year sinc the tragic death

> of an 11 year old girl on the junction, I thought

> I would ask if you are able to update us on events

> since the accident. More specifically are you able

> to let us know if the council road safety team

> were able to draw up any recommendations to try to

> prevent further accidents on this stretch of road.

> Also I am not sure if the inquest would have been

> held yet, but if so were there any findings from

> this or the police investigation about the role

> the temporary lights may have played in this

> incident. Also are you able to establish are we

> any closer to the department of transport

> approving integrated pedestrian crossing

> facilities.


> As you will recall the loss of this young girls

> life was distressing to many people within the

> community and passing the site on a daily basis

> and seeing the fresh flowers to mark the

> anniversary it would be good to know if lessons

> have been learnt from this tragedy.

Hi malleymoo,

God, that junction having road works makes me feel sick.

It was less than a year ago that young girl died.

I've contacted the two leading council managers to ask:

- for assurance that pedestrian phase will be part of any temporary traffic lights.

- that the works be deferred until half term or Easter school holidays.

- that if the works proceed during term time lollypop people be employed by the utility to maximise safety for kids.


Is there anything that can be done about the ongoing road works in Rye lane. By the time they are finished it will have been over six months since we have been able to be dropped off at the station at night... and if the current rumours are true, a southbound diversion is about to be initiated as well :(

Hi spanglysteve,

I believe the Rye Lane works are to completely resurface it after all the gas and water works replacing over century old pipes.

So a few weeks time should see the end of roadworks for at least several years on this road. In fact the council could issue a notice 58 to block any works for two years. At which point lane rental comes into play in Sotuhwark which should act as a strong disincentive to road works.

With the current state of the road this will be a great finish to all those years of tribulations.

Regards james.

hi Alex K,

I know you VERY keen for a reponse from me.

So first thought is the government has given advice about clearing the path outside homes - The Snow Code:


I've another angle I'll come to you tomorrow on.

What must I do to get Barry rd re-surfaced?

It must be one of the busiest stretches in ED second to LL of course. Any bus or commercial vehicle shakes the house from front to back.

I contacted the council 2 years ago and nothing has improved, the pedestrian lights at the Underhill crossroad, that surface has been patched on a number of occasions but now it is deeper and more convoluted than ever, due to the buses pulling in at the stop.

Please James pleeeease get Southwark to act before the house crumbles to dust.

Hi Alex K,

Futher to Snow Code details I highlighted earlier this week.

Your ideas about making home and business owners liable for clearing snow and ice outside their premises on public footways I believe would require national legislation.

One avenue to try pushing for this is via our local MP:

[email protected]

Another is via the government Barrier Busting:


James, thank you. No room for local experimentation, "community as laboratory"... I overstate: Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland at least have some leeway; health-care items are subject to the postcode lottery.

Let me ask a different question, or pair of questions: Which of the responsibilities / duties that you now hold / fulfil at borough level could be devolved locally under "Parish Council" enabling legislation passed several years ago? Which of them would you LIKE to devolve?

Hi intexasatthe moment,

Lane rental is the idea that whenever someone digs up the road they rent the road (not sure if it applies ot pavements as well) that they're taking out of use for the duration of the road works.

The idea is this will incentivise people to minimise the time road is our of commission. The hope is that more imaginative methods will be use. Currently little incentive while occupying the road with road works is free.

Hope this makes more sense.

Hi Alex K,

I would say almost all responsibilities could be devolved - bit messy as no clear boundary between areas - but I can se very real merit in parish type councils in that more decisions would be takne very locally with more local scrutiny. That extra scurtiny would help improve many of the current decisions. Suspect the 'system' would anything could be so devolved.

One example is the Youth budget. We allocated ?4.5M pa. Our election manifesto was to devolve this budget to community councils to spend. In practice much of the Dulwich Community Council spend is done in thirds ie by ward. Then when people say nothing for kids to do they would have had an opportunity to decide how ?215,000 would have been spent. Currently huge overheads which moving to parish or very much more devolved budgetting would largely remove.

does this answer your query?

**embarrassment** I should have known more about your manifesto! Thank you, James. But as so often, an answer engenders another question.

Is any movement afoot in East Dulwich to organise such a "parish council"? Or, rather "parish councils"? I indeed DO pay attention to what lands in my letterbox, and I haven't received, to my recollection, any solicitation to take part in meetings at which such councils might take shape. Tell me what I've missed, please.

Hi Alex K,

No plans that I'm aware of to create parish council/s for the area.

Parish Councils I believe charge a precept - extra council tax - to pay for extra local things. The trouble is how do you define East Dulwich if that is the size of a potential parish council.

However, a slightly bigger remit is the current Dulwich Community Council whihc includes 3 council wards - East dulwich, College and (Dulwich) Village wards. The next meeting is 8 March 7pm at the Dulwich Picture Gallery. Wroth coming along even if its only to enjoy the pictures. This particular meeting will be focused on the Village ward area which includes the heart of Dulwich Village, western edge of East Dulwich, large part of Herne Hill.

If you do decide to pop along please do make yourself known to me.

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