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Hi cate,

The head of parks assures me that they've had people working again today clearing ice and gritting paths.

I wont get a chance to visit Dulwich Park before the weekend.

Will you and can you feed back to me please?

Hi James, re suggestions for side pavements that need gritting, may I suggest the path that runs diagonally down the side of Goose Green playground?

It still has impacted ice on it this evening and is a route used by many children on their way to the park and St John's School.



James Barber Wrote:


> Street cleaners were told to go litter picking in

> the snow as without salt being released for side

> roads and pavements Southwark managers were

> concerned clearing the snow might result in ice .

> Fear of litigation.

Well... if they'd cleared the pavements of snow, they might have got a little slippy at night while the temperature was so low. But, we've now got even more slippy pavements since they are impacted ice now with little sign of melting 4 days after the majority of the snow went.


I asked about the diagonal path on Tuesday.

Hi cate,

I've queried why leaf blowers and not grit or your suggestino of horse track sand at least.

Hi Applespider,

I agree. This is not how I would decide to hold back salt and grit.

Strange situation when 1 DEcember stated by the amdinistration had 1,000 tonnes in stock - which I suspect was number from 29 November before snow fell. On Friday after only doing very main resiliency roads stating they had 400 tonnes. Where had it all gone?

So far the lead officer has blanked my questinos around this - which appears even more suspcious and he has a normally very proactive PA when he's not around.

Hi James,

Any news on the speedbumps and 20 mile an hour zones for Matham, Ashbourne and Chesterfield?

It sounded like it was floundering on the rocks of bureaucracy despite the overwhelming response to the consultation backing speedbumps and speed restrictions.

Is this the economic version of a philibuster? The longer the council ignore this, the closer they get to the next budgetary year when they can just say they have no money for anything?

I know you are fairly close to this so wondered if you'd heard anything?

Am considering bombarding the officials in charge of this with correspondence and passing out their email address to the neighbours in the hope that they get fed up and decide just to get on with the work that was consulted on. Perhaps you could get a response straight from the horses mouth to save a bit of time an effort?

Thanks again


PS Hope your office hasn't been stormed by students this week!

James Barber Wrote:


> New East Dulwich trees.

> We're about to order 30 new East Dulwich ward

> street trees. If you want to see the details -

> please see attached.

Very disappointing that there's not one native tree among them. I had a conversation with Southwark's head of Trees Strategy who expressed enthusiasm for planting native trees whenever possible.

It's not narow nationalism to ask for this but a concern for London's wildlife - most non-native's are effectively sterile of insect life (apart from nectar-gathering) and this has a knock-on effect on bird life, possibly including our dwindling house sparrow populations.

Hi BrandNew Guy,

We've planted many native trees but have largely run out of big open streetscapes to plant them.

These trees are intended to be in smaller more confined locations on the street but not species that will grow big and cause problems for residents. They have the happy extra of blossoming beautifully.

If you'd like to be involved in next years round of street trees in East Dulwich please email me direct. I did ask for any thoughts or volunteers but this request regretabbly missed you. So please do step forward ot help us next year.

Hi James, a minor whinge, but is there any influence you can bring to bear on the contractors who collect the recycling so that they put the empty boxes, lids and bags back after emptying them? I know that Southwark replace them for free, but I'm getting bored of calling for replacements, and it would seem an easy way to save a few quid.

Thanks, Rob

Southwark Council has a consultation about introducing Dog Control Orders.

The consultation is rather leading - no questinos about whether you agree SOuthwakr has a problem or not, where any problems might be.

But if you want to complete the online consultation - http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/200005/animal_welfare/1933/dog_control_order

James Barber Wrote:


> Southwark Council has a consultation about introducing Dog Control Orders.


> The consultation is rather leading - no questions about whether you agree SOuthwakr has a problem or

> not, where any problems might be.

This is the statutorily prescribed way of consulting about a specific proposed order:

Procedures before and after making, or amending, a dog control order

3. ? (1) Before making a dog control order under section 55 of the Act, an Authority shall?

(a) consult upon its proposal to make the order by publishing a notice of that proposal in a local newspaper

circulating in the area in which the land in respect of which the order would apply is situated;

(b) consult every other Authority having power under section 55 of the Act to make a dog control order in respect

of all or part of the land in respect of which the proposed order would apply; and

© where all or part of the land in respect of which the proposed order would apply is access land, consult?

(i) the access authority for that access land, and

(ii) the local access forum for that access land, and, in respect of any of that access land that is not situated in a

National Park, the Countryside Agency.

(2) The notice referred to in paragraph (1)(a) shall?

(a) identify the land in respect of which the order is to apply, and, if any of the land is access land, state that this is the case;

(b) summarise the order;

© where the order refers to a map, state where the map may be inspected at an address within the Authority's area, and that any inspection

shall be free of charge at all reasonable hours during the period mentioned in sub-paragraph (d);

(d) state the period within which representations may be made in writing or by e-mail, such period being not less than 28 days after the

publication of the notice; and

(e) state the address and e-mail address to which representations may be sent.

(The Dog Control Orders (Procedures) Regulations 2006)

It's unclear to me whether the council's consultation is intended as such a consultation, or is simply a general consultation as to whether specific proposals for Dog Control Orders would be generally welcome if made (in which case they would then have to go through the formal procedure, as above, if they wanted to make any). I suspect, and hope for their sake, that it's the latter. But I think it might be sensible to get some clarification.

RobMiller Wrote:


> Hi James, a minor whinge, but is there any

> influence you can bring to bear on the contractors

> who collect the recycling so that they put the

> empty boxes, lids and bags back after emptying

> them? I know that Southwark replace them for free,

> but I'm getting bored of calling for replacements,

> and it would seem an easy way to save a few quid.


> Thanks, Rob

I was surprised to recently discover that they're supposed to put the lids back on the blue box as ours has never, genuinely 100% of the time, been put back on.

James Barber Wrote:


> Hi Louisiana,

> I've reported that empty salt bin.


> I've also reported the following empty salt bins -

> Goodrich School corner of Goodrich and Dunstans

> Road, corner of Dusntan's road with Forest Hill

> Road, and corner of Barry Road with Upland Road.


> If anyone spots other empty salt bins I'll also

> TRY getting them refilled. It does appear that

> salt in Southwakr is already running low.

Hi James

I checked the grit bin last night and it's still empty. That's more than two weeks after I called Southwark to get it refilled, and more than two weeks after I last wrote on this issue on this thread.

And of course now we have snow again.

Are none of the ED grit bins being refilled?

Hi louisiana,

Councillors haven't been told this but item in South London Press.

Southwark Council are close to running out of salt and will only be putting grit on major roads. Stated that no grit on pavements, side roads or side road pavements or in salt/grit bins.

Incredibly frustrating being in opposition. When we led Southwark Council we had problems last winter but never ran so low of salt so quickly despite spreading more.

Last winter officers were very clear in their advice that 1,000 tonnes was more than enough.

My hunch is, due to officers not asnwering quiries, that Southwark started the winter with 600 tonnes and another 400 tonnes on order for deliver mid December. That they used much of the 600 tonnes up and that the 400 tonne delivery has been diverted due to the earleir than usual snow and not delivered. One local paper called me to ask if I'd heard Southwark had sold lots of salt to Bromley. I don't believe that I suspect the bulk of that 400 tonne order has been diverted by the supplier.

Eitherway, I obtained a quote for 5,000 tonne salt barn a year ago (?160,000) but very strong officer advice was it was unnecessary. I'll be pressing for this as it seems clear 600 or 1,000 tonnes isn't enough. And that all the stocks required for a winter need to be in place by 1 November latest every year.

Hi James,

Any way Southwark council can put leaflets in people's houses asking them to clear the pavement in front of their own houses? they do that in Canada. In fact, its law. I wouldn't expect the council to do it given how stretched they are, especially on side streets(though reduced price snow shovels would be rather good). The problem is that if people even leave a thin layer, and then it melts a bit, it turns to ice. Not safe for pedestrians, especially old people and kids. But if its cleared fairly promptly, all is fine. How can Southwark help to encourage this community spirit? (sorry, don't mean to sound all big society....).

"Incredibly frustrating being in opposition. When we led Southwark Council we had problems last winter but never ran so low of salt so quickly despite spreading more."

It is colder since Nick Clegg slithered into Coallition though isn't it?

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