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Intereting comments on the last couple of pages.

Loz nice of you to stick up for James. About Buddug stalking him. But can I just point out one thing. James chose to stand for public office. That means he has to put up with people coming on here challenging him as well as saying how wonderful he is. If he doesn't like it, I think its time to not be a councillor.

And James - good you've come on to talk about the Bedroom Tax. But I'm sorry "The tory part of the coalition have extended it to publicly owned accomodation." You can't pick and choose which bits of the coalition programme are yours or not. You are in coalition. Its your programme.

Its like I get a bit sick and tired of reading Simon Highes platitudes in the Southwark News about the Health Service, Student fees and the Bedroom Tax. Yet when you read how the votes go, he either backs the coalition or worse abstains.

Hi reddulwich,

The primary purpose of this thread in the General Issues area of the forum is to help with casework.

The lounge is normally reserved for political debate.

Yes the national party is in coalition and it feels good to have Lib Dem policies and views implemented.

Your comments could just as easilly be made for our actual MP Tessa Jowell. She voted for the orignal Labour introduced 'bedroom tax' which buggug and yourself didnt raise objections about on this forum.

In some respects it's great to be in a political party people have such higher expectations e.g. student tuition fees where people hardly raised the issue when Labour broke exactly the same election manifesto pledge when in power.

reddulwich Wrote:


> Loz nice of you to stick up for James. About Buddug stalking him. But can I just point out one

> thing. James chose to stand for public office. That means he has to put up with people coming on

> here challenging him as well as saying how wonderful he is. If he doesn't like it, I think

> its time to not be a councillor.

I agree, but there is a limit to what is 'challenging' James and what is just downright abuse. James can look after himself, but that doesn't mean I have to stand back and let it go uncommented.

As others have pointed out, this is a thread for raising local issues that James (and a few other councillors, of all political colours) can be made aware of and hopefully do something about. Using it to launch tiresome attacks against the finer points of Lib Dem policy just puts people off making use of what is a rather valuable resource.

Loz Wrote:

> > I agree, but there is a limit to what is

> 'challenging' James and what is just downright

> abuse. James can look after himself, but that

> doesn't mean I have to stand back and let it go

> uncommented.

I agree with this. It is not an issue of being able to 'challenge' each other in a healthy debate, it is the manner in which a select few are choosing to do this. No individual, whether in a public or private capacity, should have to deal with personal abuse.

'In some respects it's great to be in a political party people have such higher expectations e.g. student tuition fees where people hardly raised the issue when Labour broke exactly the same election manifesto pledge when in power.'

Unbe-effing-lievable! You're so deluded James. Nick Clegg reneged on raising tuition fees, but it's ok, because Labour did it too!? And Clegg raised fees much higher. God almighty. And James, you should know that people are afraid to post on your little thread because they would be shouted down by your idealogical disciples. All sheep, sadly.

You come on here and actually justify the bedroom tax! Jesus Christ! I'm not a champagne socialist. One grandfather was a slate quarryman, the other a bricklayer. My Dad was a draughtsman, and my mum left work at 15. But I was the first in the family to go to university.

And EDlove: you say 'No individual, whether in a public or private capacity, should have to deal with personal abuse.' So Ian Duncan Smith should not have to deal with personal abuse when he constantly attacks the disabled? Are you nuts!

It feels good, does it James, to have Lib Dem policies and views implemented. What, like the bedroom tax - for the disabled as well as the unemployed. It feels good to have Osborne today spouting how the unemployed have to pick up litter for their benefits. The dirtiest jobs for their sins. You are deluded and despicable.

I said in my Pm to you that I thought you were basically a decent chap. Now I know you are not. In your accident, you could have been maimed. However, you were not. You could have ended up on disability support. You are so lucky! Many others are not.

Loz Wrote:


> Unless you've missed the message, Buddog, take it

> somewhere else. This is not the thread for you and

> your dribble.

Yup. Take it elsewhere Buddog - your behaviour is abysmal, and then some.

Actually James Barber often digs at Labour, and the Labour lead authority that pays his wages/expenses.

99% of posts on this thread can adequately be dealt with by the poster ringing or emailing the council rather than using the middle man of JB.

JB often pushes his own agenda such as CPZ etc, as well as stirring up opinion against certain planning applications that he does not like. JB also asks posters to copy him in on planning apps when posters contact the planning officer - this is unfair to the planning officer as it is a veiled threat that a local cllr is involved-if JB was genuine in this aspect he would ask for said emails to be forwardd to him not copied.

JB also wastes a huge amount of council officer time in uneccessary work,and wasted associated costs.

JB also thinks that EDF is the only voice of ED and forgets about the elderly and poor that can't afford/use the net.

So all of this JB works tirelessly for ED is very one sided. JB may do good work at his case surgeries but it's all smoke and mirrors on here.

In response to buddug - both my husband and I are disabled. I have been classed as disabled since childhood following an illness. I was one of the lucky people to have been able to attend main stream schooling - this was unheard of in the 1950s and 60's for a child with special needs, and had 5 years specialist help on a weekly then monthly basis from the NHS. I struggled to get a job when I left school with one A level - the Civil Service turned me down as a clerical officer as I was too disabled for them at ?10 pw ( 1968 wages) but I was good enough to be employed as a clerical assistance at ?5 pw. Fortunately the GLC saw beyond my disability and gave me a job at ?13 pw so I stuck 2 fingers up at the Civil Service. I have since then gone on to get a degree and a post graduate professional qualification.

Many disabled people just get on with life - not all of us want special attention. My husband is bipolar and has been since the age of 17 - he has had over 50 jobs in his life as soon as his mental health plays up, he gets sacked.

I know what it is like to bring up 2 children on one income, where the choice is between housing costs and food. My husband was forced to retire at 59 on health grounds and does not get any money from the state as his works pension is ?2 over the amount to claim ESA.

There are some very genuine cases out there who need help to appeal and the CAB and other agencies can assist with that

unlurked Wrote:


>99% of posts on this thread can adequately be dealt with by the poster ringing or emailing the council rather than using the middle man of JB.

> JB may do good work at his case surgeries but it's all smoke and mirrors on here.

What? You are actually saying that councillors like James Barber and Renata Hamvas should not use the EDF to make themselves available to the people of ED? Because people could just ring the council? Really? Why don't they then? Ummm...

Councillors being criticised for making themselves MORE available on more channels? That really is the stupidest thing I've read on here in a while - and I've read buddog's posts.

buddug Wrote:

> And EDlove: you say 'No individual, whether in a

> public or private capacity, should have to deal

> with personal abuse.' So Ian Duncan Smith should

> not have to deal with personal abuse when he

> constantly attacks the disabled? Are you nuts!

That's correct. No individual should have to deal with personal abuse. It is quite right that individuals/politicians are challenged and debated with on their views/policy etc, but to personally attack someone is completely unnecessary.

I note that, yet again, you are resorting to name-calling in order to attempt to prove your point. I presume that you are using the word 'nuts' in a derogatory manner (notably with very little regard for those who have mental disabilities). Please just give some thought to what you are saying and the potential impact on the recipient, as well as those who have to read it.

Hi unlurked,

I thought my responses dealt with whatever issue people have had problems with and explained how people could report matters themselves. Equally many people posting requests for help have tried the official channels and are escalating issues to me as their local councillor.

For those that don't have or don't wish to have access to this forum we regularly print and deliver Focus leaflets and letters about specific issues, write a regular column for the SE22 magazine and we have posters on noticeboards. All detail how residents can contact us. All take considerable effort.

Any volunteers to help?

As for being CC'd on planning emails from residents. That's simply to know how people feel about a scheme and whether we've missed something we should have called-in for councillors to take the final decision rather than officers under delegated powers. The idea that planning officers would be intimidated by this is ridiculous.

I also make no apologies for trying to shape and in my mind improve the area. Little point in being a councillor if you don't have a purpose or sense of direction. Still an awful lot to do but we've made massive strides even while in local opposition for the last three years.

Now can we please all get back to local issues on this thread please.

Loz Wrote:


> unlurked Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> >99% of posts on this thread can adequately be

> dealt with by the poster ringing or emailing the

> council rather than using the middle man of JB.


> > JB may do good work at his case surgeries but

> it's all smoke and mirrors on here.


> What? You are actually saying that councillors

> like James Barber and Renata Hamvas should not use

> the EDF to make themselves available to the people

> of ED? Because people could just ring the council?

> Really? Why don't they then? Ummm...


> Councillors being criticised for making themselves

> MORE available on more channels? That really is

> the stupidest thing I've read on here in a while -

> and I've read buddog's posts.

99% pointless duplication of work/effort on this thread as all can be adequatley done via phone etc like the rest of Southwark residents do rather than use of a middleman. JB works no harder than other cllrs. Loz, go and post some leaflets, JB has asked for volunteers!

It's that time of the year for cycle and traffic counts.

They do this with a video survey apparently.


Dear ward Councillors,

I am writing to advise you that between the 28th September and 13th October 2013 the Council will be undertaking cycling counts as part of our annual monitoring programme to see how travel is changing in our borough. These are undertaken via camera which will be installed in various locations in the borough including your ward (see attached map for locations). These videos will be used to count the number of pedal cyclists using that road and no other purpose i.e. enforcement.

Should you get any resident enquiries over the next few weeks please feel free to inform them of the reason for the cameras or forward them on to me and I will be able to provide further information.


Oh Jesus. 'It's that time of year for cycle and traffic counts'!

Meanwhile, back at the reality ranch, severely ill and disabled people on your patch who are absolutely unable to work (unlike you and your husband, Pugwash!) are not 'needing to be left alone' and ignored ? because they are now on below subsistence benefits, i.e. are on starvation rations, due to the bedroom tax. But do put cyclists first, why don't you! Too pathetic for words... Talk about fiddling while Rome burns!

Buddug - you know F all about me and my lifestyle so butt out.

You are doing a disservice to the members on here who want to interact with local councillors and are doing nothing whatsoever for the issues you are trying to raise as it is hard to see beyond your stalkerish harassment of JB.

James Barber Wrote:


> Hi singalto,

> That did conjure a wonderful picture in my mind me

> wearing a batman outfit and somewhere a batman

> spotlight in East Dulwoich. Great for a dreary

> Friday morning. Thank you.


> Hi buddug,

> You're very welcome to shadow me to discover the

> work I do for residents.

> Casework over the last month - successfully

> helping a family 5 years of escalating debt and

> avoid them losing their home (one of my favourite

> bits of casework this year - bit cheaty of me

> because it was resolve in the last month but came

> to me 6 months ago), a home swap, business rates

> chaos that nearly killed a local shop, two

> residential council tax cases, Plough Lane wheelie

> bin invasion from Landells Road, road and pavement

> maintenance complaints, primary school problems,

> new schools, new cinema, admissions problem, new

> neighbourhood watch scheme, loft insulaiton for a

> council home (hope to extend this to all in ED),

> dog poo bin move away from immediatley outside

> someones front door, police enforcement of white

> lines, missing street name plate, new Grove Vale

> library, lastly being available to answer issues

> and queries such as yours and other more casework

> oreintated issues.

> I have to be honest I do now try and keep some

> emotional detachment from peoples dreadful

> problems. When I first started I didnt and it

> really got to me but more importantly was

> affecting my family home life. It can be really

> quite depressing as well as uplifting helping so

> many people. So I hope I'm still empathetic and

> really helpful but I can't solve every problem

> myself. I do try within the limits of being a

> councillor to do my best, trying to engage help

> from others, sign post people to help where others

> can more obviously help.


> I'm sure you along with me will welcome a test

> case reported this morning where a blind man has

> successfully argued he didnt have a spare bedroom

> but rather a store for essential equipment to help

> him manage life being blind. Good call by the

> judge from what I've read. It would take primary

> legislation I believe to undo this judgement and

> the implications for all disabled residents. I

> would even argue this would/should extend to those

> on housing benefit in private homes.


> The Southwark Council home swap information is

> here:

> http://www.southwarkhomesearch.org.uk/data/asppage

> s/1/1178.aspx

> The mechanisms can also be used to move anywhere

> in the UK or RoI.


> Yes the council does support people downsizing

> properties:

> http://www.southwarkhomesearch.org.uk/data/asppage

> s/1/1305.aspx

> It's not as generous as it used to be. The sums

> seems tiny now. And the lump sum is suspended at

> the moment. The incentive to move is curreently

> much higher so Labour Southwark Council has

> withdrawn this incentive of several thounsand

> pounds.

Buddog perhaps you could take the messy bedroom tax over to the lounge as was suggested few posts ago. I would also add that expressing your dislike for James, here, ad infinitum has gone from tedious to ugly and back again.

I hope you can redirect your hurt and anger over this issue in more positive ways, actions that will hopefully have some real impact for those you seek to champion.

Let's leave this thread to Cllr Barber.

Hello James,

With regard to the new Morrisons development (+ flats) next to East Dulwich station on the site of the old garden centre, can you confirm that the development includes "a new Grove Vale library - double the size of the current one" as stated on the forum last year?

The new development with planning permission 2011 for the old garden centre categorically has a new grove vale library.

It's taken significant effort to ensure this.

I think the confusion is that the 2011 planning permission due to economic situation changed the scheme from 22 flats and a new library to 22 flats a new library and a shop unit. That shop unit has turned out to be Morrisons local because M&S and Waitrose didn't want to take the unit (too small for their ambitions for ED).

The new library will be double the current library size. Hopefully it will feel bigger than that being one large space with outside if narrow terraces. BUT the library will be to the rear with a wide passage way to reach it and massive letters saying library.

Is this sufficiently clear and answering your question?

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