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Good morning James,

I sent you an email today about this but thought I would post my message here too, as I find that you reply more to these posts than emails. I wonder if any investigation has taken place yet regarding the vibration felt when traffic goes past the small patch of resurfaced area in Barry road between Sylvester Road and Underhill Road.

Also is Barry Road going to be swept up for tree leaves at some point? All other roads seem to be clear of leaves except Barry Road.

Thank you.



Hi Coccinelle,

I receive 60-100 councillor emails a day.

I visited your home and agreed the vibrations were really evident on the pavement. I contacted officers to ask them to investigate. Apologies but they've not responded so I will chase again.

The East Dulwich Police Sgt. has told me today:

"Well the good news is that yesterday our pro-active unit arrested a LARGE group of people for buglary in a neighbouring area. We have already recovered a very large haul of property from the dulwich burglaries."

Figers crossed we'll see a dramatic fall in attempts and actual burglaries.

Hi James, you could help sort out the issues at Dulwich Medical Centre and getting appointments or actually just getting through on the phone - its crazy and they are taking on new patients so the sign says outside. Read other posts on the forum.


Hi James, pretty minor request but....

The lights across the Rye from Roy Brooks to Somerton road are really useful now the days are so short, but the one next to the round caf? has been out for ages and that creates a really dark area right in the middle of the park. Any chance of contacting those who fix this?

ultraburner Wrote:


> Hi James, pretty minor request but....


> The lights across the Rye from Roy Brooks to

> Somerton road are really useful now the days are

> so short, but the one next to the round caf? has

> been out for ages and that creates a really dark

> area right in the middle of the park. Any chance

> of contacting those who fix this?

Go to the Councils website-it couldn't be easier to get thd lamp fixed. It's what the website is for.

Hi unlurked,

You're right but if it's been out of action for so long the normal channels don't work.

Hi ultraburner,

Have reported it. Suspect it will have a reason for not being fixed before. Whenever the local electric distribution company are involved it takes minimum weeks and often months.

How about unlurked go back to troll school as she's pretty low quality for a troll; We could meet on the rye and discuss it if you like?

The dogshit my 2 year old son got all over himself could have blinded him (toxocariasis) and maybe the lights being on might have let me see said shit.

Thanks James.

ultraburner Wrote:


> How about unlurked go back to troll school as

> she's pretty low quality for a troll; We could

> meet on the rye and discuss it if you like?


> The dogshit my 2 year old son got all over

> himself could have blinded him (toxocariasis) and

> maybe the lights being on might have let me see

> said shit.


> Thanks James.

Don't be ridiculous-if there was light your two yr old kid wouldn't have got dog shit over it! Nothing to do with council lighting, more to do with bad parenting.

unlurked Wrote:


> ultraburner Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > How about unlurked go back to troll school as

> > she's pretty low quality for a troll; We could

> > meet on the rye and discuss it if you like?

> >

> > The dogshit my 2 year old son got all over

> > himself could have blinded him (toxocariasis)

> and

> > maybe the lights being on might have let me see

> > said shit.

> >

> > Thanks James.


> Don't be ridiculous-if there was light your two yr

> old kid wouldn't have got dog shit over it!

> Nothing to do with council lighting, more to do

> with bad parenting.


Oh you really are on a roll tonight, unlurked, aren't you?

Are you as unhappy a person as your posts make you sound?

Hi James,

Do you have any idea how much is being spent on reparing the bollard at the Nutbrook street/Adys rd junction? It seems to get knocked over and repaired about twice a month. I assume it was put there for a good reason but given the time and money spent repairing it so often, maybe its best left down?


Hi James

The aircraft noise has increased again.

It's now constant aircraft are lower that before.

How is it 40 year no aircraft now all day from 4.30 am to 11.30pm+ constant and low.

Drone and Screeching Jets constantly.

I've been all over the world and lived and worked near airports but the noise we have now is a bad as anything I've experienced.

Really Insane!

I guess there's a lot of happy people in a another part of London who no longer get any noise!

Hi KidHardy,

I'll ask.

Hi Fazer71,

Many of the lower flying aircraft are related to London City airport which open in 1987 and grown rapidly.

The colder weather means noise travels further and louder so they might also help explain why it's suddenly worse.

Scotland had terrible storms a little earlier this week so also suspect a number of flights from had to fly in and out.

James, I live in Friern road and have now grown tired of the number of box lorries that park continually here, parking is a nightmare without them. What are the laws and regulations governing parking of commercial lorries on the public road on a permanent basis ?

Iam unsure if they belong to a single person but there are 3 in the road at 3.5ton plus and park on the road continually.

I won't get along to Friern Road before the weekend this week.

Can you tell me which bit of Friern Road please?

Generally as the street have unrestricted parking as long as the vehicles are taxed, insured, MoT'd, not obviously unroad worthy or blocking a drive then not much can be done.

If you email me we can discuss what else might be possible.

Hi James,

I live on Upland road and the top end has been shut off to traffic since yesterday. As residents it would have been helpful to have been informed of this. Do you know who I need to contact to find out how long it is going to last? Also, a sign at the roundabout at Goodrich road would be helpful to let cars know before they get all the way up to the top. Thank you in advance for your help.

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