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veryseriousgirl Wrote:


> James, it is 31 Shawbury Road, but the council

> have already confirmed to me that they will be

> selling the house as it requires extensive

> renovations to be fit for occupation. I

> understand that paperwork has been submitted and

> is awaiting approval and that the house will be

> auctioned at some point in the future.

Do we see Southwark up to their usual expensive procedures costing the tax payer money?

Why sell the house when they could refurbish it for ?30-?50k we're not talking high end granite and hardwood flooring are we then use it again for another 40 years?

Once sold what happens to the money? Does it just get spent on staff and nonsense? Or does it go to some shocking poor quality housing substitute?

I can't for the life of me see any benefit to the council selling that property.

This looks very wrong on several levels.

The whole Housing dept of Southwark is iffy. They sell off houses and flats cheap, and the owner then leases them back

to the Council, who then let them to tennants, HOW CRAZY IS THAT.

And how much does that cost the rate payers.?

It does look dodgy must cost us an absolute fortune.

James do you know what happens to the proceeds of the sale of houses like 31 Shawbury Rd and why is it not viewed as suitable for refurbishment and continue on as council housing?

It appears that more and more period houses are being sold and the council tenants are re housed on estates, is that the intention of the current Southwark management?

More and more yuppies like me living in areas like East Dulwich without London experience of living side by side with council tenants and the social benefits of social integration.

Is there any evidence that some councils have a plan to keep housing of a type which will continue to vote in their direction ie by making their lot pretty grim?

Cynical I know ?? but it does sometimes look that way.

Its more complex than that. For the logistics of out of centre locations to be viable a certain number of bikes do need to be returned. The costs of ferrying bikes is part of the decision regarding viability.

the-e-dealer Wrote:


> They dont expect people to return the bikes. They

> are retuned in bulk by Lorry.

Hi James,

Many parks and greens have in the last couple of years benefited from having permanent ping-pong tables installed. They are proving to be extremely popular, partly due to the fact that different generation can have a good play together, the tables themselves "play" well and also, what a fun way to get good exercise.

I live near Peckham Rye which as you might have witnessed is very popular with people doing exercise and sports. It would, I am pretty sure, please a good number of us to be able to use a few of them.

So may I kindly ask you to push this request with the council whenever it is most likely to be heard with benevolent ears.

I look forward to hearing from you on this subject,



PS : To other forum users... If you are in favour and keen to see tennis tables in Peckham Rye, let James know.


Table tennis : yes please, lets have some Olympic legacy on Peckham Rye!

There are a few good sheltered spots where it would be great to have them. Not everyone loves football or running. Where

there are tables they seem like great fun and are well used.

Hi Bessie1974,

What a great idea. Perhaps Goose Green would also be another great location.

The best way ot make this happen is to use the Cleaner, Greener, Safer funding stream. The next round of funding cover FY13/14 will be released later this month - this Friday from memory. As soon as it is I'll post the links and explanations here.

Hi Fazer71,

When the council sells properties the receipts go into the capital program. Much of the capital program topped up by central government are being used to improve remianing council properties.

The council has announced it will build 1,000 new council properties but I've been told it will sell more than that number through the right to buy.

As for the economics of 31 Shawbury Court. The council has a large number of what are called acquired street properties like tihs one. The council isnt very good at managing such standalone properties for tenants and is really bad for leaseholders. So selling such properties and concentrating on estates makes sense to the housing department.

James Barber Wrote:



> council isnt very good at managing such standalone

> properties for tenants and is really bad for

> leaseholders. So selling such properties and

> concentrating on estates makes sense to the

> housing department."

James, are you able to help leaseholders in any way? My neighbour and I are leaseholders and have been through Southwark's three stage corporate complaints procedure to no avail. We are trying to get the council to repair the building after subsidence damage, it is insured but for whatever reason, they have been incapable of arranging the repairs.

Because it relates to the freehold, the old insurers won't let us leaseholders arrange the repairs. It's been going on for three years now and we are beyond despair.

I've emailed Peter John but he never replies.

Hi crackingup,

I'm sorry to hear your South Camberwell ward councillor Cllr Peter John hasnt replied.

Please email me on [email protected] explaining what happened, giving your address and contact details where your case has reached etc and I will do my best to help.

Dear James,

I am curious as to why very few secondary schools have posted up their GCSE results this year - only two or three have put up their results and there is scarcely a mention on the Southwark Council website. Is this because some schools are trying

to cover up their results prior to the approaching closing date for this year's Year 6s? We all understand that there have

been some shock results this year, especially in English but why hide results?

Hi Millymoll,

The totalled GCSE results are all provisional and finally confirmed after any remarking in January. This year the results have casued such consternation that much more remarking is taking place so schools are reticent to post results that they expect/hope will change.

BUT Southwark secondary level results are doing really well.

Hi James

You may have seen the posts relating to the accident on lordship lane at 10.15 pm on 16/09/12 this is the second high speed accident on this stretch of Lordship Lane. Cars regularly travel well above the speed limit on this section and there have been many near misses. There is a crossing island between Friern and Upland road, which is heavily used by the pupils of Goodrich School, and the Harris Academies to cross Lordship Lane and I have witnessed some very near misses as cars travel so fast there. I feel a sign that flashes slow down and shows the car's speed would really help slow traffic if positioned near Underhill or Overhill Road (on the left hand side of the lane when travelling towards East Dulwich). Also there is a lot of wreckage left from the cars on the side of the road and around the tree one of the cars hit and lots of petrol on the road and pavement as one of the cars petrol tank split during the accident, I will contact the council and ask if it could be cleaned up and would be grateful if you could do the same. I would also be very grateful if you have any insights into the council?s position on traffic calming for this section of Lordship Lane or how neighbours and myself should go about asking for some traffic calming measures. Thank you for your time.

Hi Lordship,

Looking at the last three years of crash data for this locaiton (www.crashmap.co.uk) 2009,2010 & 2011 shows 2 slight injuries over 2 crashes along the Lordship Lane around junctions with Friern and Upland Roads.

We have a number of other locations in East Dulwich which have more crashes and with more severity.

I personally think we should be deploying average speed cameras arond Southwark. Siemens is happy to provide them and fund requiring 3 speed awareness courses funded by speedsters per week. But it's complicated by the west side being in Village ward whose councillors have previously shown reluctance about controlling speedsters - hence the shared part of Melbourne Grove being one of the very few East Dulwich roads not 20mph.

Edited to add: Vision House planning application 12-AP-2841.

Proposals for 4 x 4 bedroom houses in this kind of backlands area behind 182 Landells Road. Cllr Jonathan Mitchell and I have asked for this applicaiton to be decided by a planning committee if officers were minded to grant permission. The Planning Committee chair person Cllr Nick Dolezal has helpfully agreed to our call-in.

Cycle Survey Count.

26/9 -> 13/10 some bicycle survey work is beng undertaken with CCTV cameras placed across osuthwark. Locally we'll see them on Lordship Lane between Friern Road and Barry Road and on the eastern Peckham Rye arm half way along the common frontage.

Christmas Event

1/12 Southwark Council will be funding an event around North Cross Road market to herald the start of the Christmas season. Hopefully the local traders association will be fully involved - SSBA.

Cycle lockers

Agreement for more at Halliwell Court - chuffed to get this to happen.


Before soft day breaks

quietly painting the garden with light

Before sleeping heart wakes

from the wonder of dream-filled night

Before hearing melodious Blackbird sing

Before restless Robin takes to wing

Flies a bird of a different feather

Forever killing sleep and the dream of a gentle start.

Hi citizenED,

Sadly no word yet but clearly something should be done with the land. Whether it be used to extend Bessemer School grounds closing the road or sold for housing or used for new council housing (now that govt policy makes this possible).

Hi James

I visited a local 'corner shop' yesterday and commented to the owner how much better it looked now that he was having a complete refurb of the shopfront. I was quite surprised when he told me the council suggested it and were paying for it. He told me that some other shops nearby had also taken up this offer.

When has it become the remit of the council to use our taxes to improve local businesses? Surely they should be funding their own improvements?

Is this ususal practice and the best use of council funds? My front door could do with a sanding down and a lick of paint but I doubt the council will do it for me.

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