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Hi bynameHere,

Weeds are incredibly destructive to highway fabric. So t council needs to keep them at bay to avoid spending lots more on highway renewals. So that's a kind offer to weed your street but the council would need to know that it would happen reliably for years.

Hi Roy of the Rye,

Which bits of Dunstans Road?

Regards james

resident25yearsED Wrote:


> Another self serving politician trying to look

> good

Cllr Barber is a shining example for all local councillors. He's not perfect as he's a Lib Dem but self serving politician he is not.

James, a scratch of the head -- are Southwark Police still responsible for the upkeep of the building that they once occupied on Lordship Lane?

The frontage is blocked off equally by traffic barriers and by weeds that have grown up around them. The weeds do tend to lower the tone.

Can you put a word of remonstrance into Officer Friendly's pink and shell-like? Or if it's not his responsibility any more, into the p. & s.-l. of whomever owns the building?

resident25yearsED Wrote:


> James Barber Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is James Barber and I am one of the

> three

> > East Dulwich ward councillors. My two

> colleagues

> > are cllrs Rosie Shimell and Jonathan Mitchell.

> > We're Liberal Democrats and part of Southwark

> > Liberal Democrats.

> >

> > If you have any issues or concerns related to

> East

> > Dulwich or Southwark Council then please let me

> or

> > one of my colleagues know. I guarantee we will

> > listen and answer all ideas and issues raised

> and

> > hopefully help you solve them. Normally I will

> > look in two or three times a week to see any

> new

> > postings. Alternatively you can email me

> directly

> > on james.barber@southwark.gov.uk.

> >

> > I look forward to hearing from you, James

> Barber


> Another self serving politician trying to look

> good

What a stupid comment, would you rather he was completely invisible? Having only been an ED resident for 2 years I think we are extremely lucky to have such a pro-active a councillor in James, and this a great forum to address concerns directly to him.

Agree James is exceptionally good. Jonathan Mitchell also a good councillor but currently off sick following a heart attack - though I did hear he was due back this month. Have known James for some years as a councillor and amazed at the extent of his knowledge on local affairs.

The 3 ED councillors have their surgery in the East Dulwich Community Centre

For several months I've been trying to arrange for Southern Gas Networks to come and present what their plans are for East Dulwich and the greater Dulwich area.

I've just been told its agreed for them to present those plans at the next Dulwich Community Council 15 September 7pm at Dulwich Library (1st floor).

The meeting will also dicuss the Library Review and Lorship Lane crossing (pelican crossing outside Coop/Somerfield and East Dulwich Grove.

Hello James

We are very concerned about Peckham Rye - a public area of common land - being turned into a dirt track by the new school in Forest Hill Road who are trying to weedle their way to using the Rye for sports for up to 1000 boys.

We did not want a school of this size here (on a tiny site) in the first place and rigidly protested.

If the boys start using the Rye as a sports field that will be the end of public access.

It must not happen - there would be an uprising and we could all do without that.

Hello Val162,

having had discussions on this, there is probably no legal grounds to prevent the school not using the park at all, as it is a public area. They do, however, have an agreement with another educational establishment for PE etc and the boys are bused there.

Yes, I agree we do not want an uprising amongst Peckham Rye Residents! Dialogue with your friendly Peckham Rye councillors is likely to have a much better outcome :)

Renata ;-)

James Barber Wrote:


What otter streets need weeding?


> Regards James

hi james, Landells Rd (between junctions of Underhill rd and Goodrich rd) need a weed please.

Many thanks for your input regarding the kids play area in Peckham Rye Park.

Hi Val162,

I'm afraid Renata hasnt given the whole story.

The Planning Permission for the relatively new East Dulwich Harris Boys Academy included what is called a Section !06 (S106) agreement. This is a legal agreement aimed at agreeing measures to help mitigate or resolve any disbenefits of a new developement. Party of the S106 for this school was that they would not use Peckham Rye Park or Common for sport.

Instead they use the excellent on site gym - they building is quite a tardis - or bus the boys to sports fields in Dulwich Village (the site previously used by Southbank Uni).

This school is already heavily oversubcribed. Huge increase in demand for secondary school places and without this school being planned and built locally we'd have much bigger school demand issues.

I would really recommend you visit the school. I have and was very impressed with what they've created.

However, you will see boys on Peckham Rye as the sports pitches are booked by other schools based further away.

So we have the perverse situation of kids from ED Harris Boys school sited across the road from Peckham Rye with local kids attending the school being bused out of the area and kids from outside the area being bused in to use Pekham Rye football pitches.

I've visited the school and they are absolutely clear what their S106 obligations are.

So, they are planning to invest a lot of money in renovating and fixing other local pitches (Athenlay FC). So you may well see ED Harris Boys in sports kit in the future jogging across Peckham Rye to that football ground.

Hopefully one day when the school has filled up and has more lcoal connections we can get the S106 block on booking football pitches as other non local schools are allowed to lifted. I'd also hope that Southwark jointly with the school could install drainage on the common allowing more football pitches availability (they flood at the moment).

I'd hope that such a deal would see the rubbish changing rooms on PEckham Rye replaced with access to the excellent ED Harris Boys changing rooms.

Tonight the Dulwoch Community Council will decide whether Lordship Lane should have a new crossing outside Coop/Somerfield and at the junction of East Dulwich Grove with local parking ammendments to ensure no overall loss of parking.

The meetnig starts 7pm at Dulwich Library meeting room (368 Lordship Lane) on the 1st floor.

If you have a view either way do come and help inform our decision making.

I would be interested in finding out how many times the numerous meat and food shops in Peckham Rye are inspected by the council?s environmental health officers. Last week I was out shopping and the stench from the numerous shops was unbelievable. Is it legal for a shop to sell meat, fish, clothes and phone cards from the same premises?

"I've visited the school and they are absolutely clear what their S106 obligations are.

So, they are planning to invest a lot of money in renovating and fixing other local pitches (Athenlay FC). So you may well see ED Harris Boys in sports kit in the future jogging across Peckham Rye to that football ground."

Hi James

I'm really please that Harris Boys are planning to renovate and use Athenlay FC grounds for much needed sports facilities (my son is in year 7 at HBED) but have heard from a local resident that there is some opposition to this and a letter has been distributed locally asking residents to protest. Naturally Im keen to add my voice in support of Harris Boys use of the grounds, do you know if there will be any council meetings where the matter will be discussed? Is it a matter for council input?

And you are quite right, it is ridiculous that Harris boys are unable to use the park, when kids from other schools, and indeed Harris girls school frequently use it!

Is there any way to put pressure to get the traffic lights and crossing at Grove Vale (near the junction with Oglander Road and opposite Goose Green School) up and running ASAP? For us parents taking their kids to the school from that side of East Dulwich getting to the school has become a nightmare - the nearest crossings are 5 minutes away and it is very dangerous at rush hour to try to get across without the lights. I haven't noticed any workers working on the crossing or the traffic lights this week. Surely they could put up temporary traffic lights - or at the very least use a lollipop person to help the children and parents cross in the morning and afternoon?

Hi Coach Beth & Townleygreen,

I'm also surprised how long this is taking. I was assure it would be finished before schools returned.

I've contacted council officers to ask when they're now planning to complete the works and to ask what is causing the unacceptable delays.

James and Renata,

With regard to use of the Rye for more schools as a playing field, as many of us have already pointed out, the park was never designed to be a school playing field. Repeated and regular use by many schools would change the park beyond recognition- we've been through the details many times. It would no longer be a park but an extension of the various schools.

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