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James Barber Wrote:


> Hi Fuschia,

> The 2010-11 Section 251 report (it has been

> renamed) can be accessed from this link:

> http://media.education.gov.uk/assets/files/xls/s/

> workbook%20budget%2010%2011%20southwark%20210.xls


> Council officials are still in the process of

> resolving some queries on the 2011-12 Section 251

> Statement, that have arisen after this has been

> uploaded onto the DfE website. These should be

> resolved by the end of next week.

I meant the budget OUTTURN as shown on the link I posted, where data is shown only for 2006-9, please

'We are required under section 52 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to prepare an outturn statement after the end of each financial year. Section 52 gives the Secretary of State power to make regulations prescribing the form of these statements, their content, timing and manner of the publication.

Regulatory provisions directly affecting the content of section 52 Outturn Statements are also made in the School Finance (England) Regulations 2008.

Purpose of financial statements

It is a statutory duty that local authorities must publish their outturn statements as and when prescribed by the section 52 and section 230 Regulations.

The statement is intended to:

?Provide schools, parents and others with an interest in education and children services with details about schools and LA funding and expenditure.

?Provide data for the Departmental Annual Report (DAR).

?Inform policy making.

?Inform the Treasury for monitoring purposes.

?Inform Parliament in its role of monitoring the Department's accountability for public funds. MPs ask about school and authority expenditure via the mechanisms of Parliamentary Questions or through the Education Select Committee.

It is important that schools forums and others have finance data available to them to inform debate about differing levels of expenditure between LAs and between schools. All local authorities prepared statements to a common format.

We must provide a hard copy of each outturn statement to the governing body and headteacher of each school maintained by them if they do not have access to the internet.

We must make a copy of the whole statement available for inspection by parents and others in the community at all reasonable times and free of charge.

We must make a copy of the whole statement available online which is maintained and accessible by the public. Each school must however be provided with hard copies if they do not have access to the internet


james - in the Family Room Discussion, there is a thread about the new peckham rye one o'clock club and the lack of fencing. i'm not sure why they got rid of the old fencing and they seem to be saying its down to cost.

however i would have thought that toddler safety should have been high on the agenda, particularly as a number of parents have said that they are worried about the lack of fencing (problems of e.g. fast cyclists and dogs being able to get in the play area).

is this something you could get involved in? i appreciate its not your ward, but many of us east dulwich parents use the one o'clock club. many thanks

Hi Artfuldogger.

I'm hopeful that this extra traffic is due to the road works that have been taking place on Peckham Rye. Can you please keep me posted via email if its still a problem still in a months time.

Hi Bob,

What is it about the Silvester Road sorting office that is wrong?

Post going awry, speeding vans?

Hi Fuschia,

I thought I'd sent you a link to the DfE website where they keep this. Has the email got through with the link or not?

If you email me, in confidence perhaps, to let me know why you need this so I can decide how much effort to keep putting into this.

Hi James. Apologies if this has come up elsewhere on the site recently... I wsa looking on Wikipedia earlier to see if there was any mention of when the bendy no.12 bus would be replaced by a double decker and it said November 2011. I was surprised to see that you were the source of the information. Fame at last! But the info was from something you posted over a year ago so I was wondering if you knew whether that date was still valid or if it had been pushed back?



Hi Philphilphil,

Yes I can confirm that November 2011 is still the planned date - this was from talking to the bus comapny liaison manager about 6 weeks ago.

Hi bob,

Sorry, I can;t keep tabs of every thread all the time.

Can you (and anyone else affected) please email me a summary of the problem and I'll dig out my Royal Mail contacts.

Hi PhilPhilPhil,

Their will be more double deckers and taking into account fare doudgers who from other conversions back to double deckers stop taking busees an increase in capacity.

But some bright spark will state the route has less capacity which although true doesn't explain the whole story of the 'free buses'.

Hi James.

Thank you for your reply the problem is missing mail/post from the sorting office in Silvester Road to the E Dulwich area, there are hundred's of Post's on this issue, going back to the start of this Fourm.

I like many have jumped through all the correct hoops many times as per the recomended protocol laid down by the (Post Office) to no avail except (we are monotoring the problem) I am sure you will help many E Dulwich voter's if you could look in to this most serious problem.

Bob S


See thread here about the new crossing by Denmark Hill station. Because it's been moved further from the bus stop (heading towards Camberwell), and in fact means that to use it you have to pretty much walk past the station and then back again, it's basically redundant. I have yet to see a single person use the crossing, but whole bus loads simply cross through traffic instead. Any chance that pressure could be put on TfL to show some common sense and put the bus stop on the sensible side of the lights? It's only a matter of time before someone gets knocked down there.

Hi Peckhamboy,

The new Champion Park pedestrian crossing, from memory an unsafely replacement Puffin crossing for the previous Pelican crossing is positioned for the new Denmark Hill station entrance.

When will the new entrance be opened - I dont know yet but will find out. This is all connected with making access from street level to the platforms DDA compliant.

The following is what Councillors have been told by Southwark Councillor....

Councillors? briefing?


Here is the latest information on the council?s response to last night?s disorder


Key messages?

Here are the key messages from the police that we would be grateful if everyone could heed and pass on:?

Parents and guardians should know where their children are and they should be at home tonight

Onlookers should go home as they are hampering the police operations

If you see something suspicious dial 999

?All council services are operating today with the focus on getting the borough back to normal.


Services affected?

?Social care establishments, such as Sumner, Bradenham and Sunshine House will close by 4pm.


All libraries and leisure centres will close at 3pm today. Peckham Pulse opened later today as there were issues for staff getting in. Adult education services will also close at 3pm today.


Registrars will closed after 2pm citizenship ceremony that is to go ahead


Further closures are expected this afternoon.


Advice to council staff

Staff are being advised that it is business as usual in Southwark, but that managers can use their discretion and take a common sense and risk based approach as to when staff can leave. No staff are to be put at risk. The Leader has also thanked staff for their efforts. There are no reports of any staff member being hurt.


Council property

One council building (376 Walworth Rd) is reported to have been slightly damaged. But ?contrary to earlier reports, there does not appear to be any damage to Peckham library. Oliver Goldsmith school is also undamaged.


Community Safety

There are 25 community ?wardens on duty.?Thirty five uniformed officers will be available tomorrow, but there are no plans for wardens to be on the streets this evening due to safety reasons.

?Other community safety officers are on reassurance visits to local groups and are working closely with the police.


Waste services?

All waste services are running normally and the affected areas were largely cleared by 9am. A large number of people have come forward, either to the call centre or on social media sites, asking how they can help. The council is thanking those who have made this offer on social media sites. Those who have contacted the call centre are being thanked, having it explained that the clear up is largely complete, but are being asked if they would be interested to leave their contact details in case we need some volunteers to help in the coming days.


The civic amenity site closed at 7pm yesterday evening and will be monitored to see if it needs to close early today.



The parking service suffered some disruption earlier today as the contractors base is above a shop that was looted. A full service was to have been restored by 1030.?The parking service has been asked to take a softer approach today as people may have had to leave their cars at short notice. An on call vehicle removal service is available today.


Noise team?

The service was suspended last night, and will be suspended tonight and tomorrow too.



Rye Lane remains closed and there are partial pavement closures on the Walworth Road. Thames Water and Southern Gas have been asked to scale down their work sites to remove potential weapons.?Standard night operations were stood down last night and will not operate again this evening.



We have taken the decision to close down 21-23, 25 and the AHO on Bournemouth Road in Peckham.? We have displayed notices outside the building regarding homelessness out of hours numbers.?Housing repairs is operational and contractors will carry out their own risk assessments before attending requests out of hours.?All Area Housing Offices are to close.


Adult Social Care?

Some homecare staff were unable to make their visits last night so these will be done today. One homecare agency was burnt out and the lists of visits staff from that organisation would have done will be picked up by the council?s localities team.?Council officers are identifying vulnerable residents and have contingency plans in place. ?



The council?s health factor final event has been cancelled this evening and attendees have been informed. The organisers of community events being scheduled later in the week are being contacted to ensure full risk assessments are in place.


Emergency Planning?

The Local Authority Liaison Officer (LALO) is identifying rest centres in areas away from where the worst trouble has been seen.



Wardens are visiting businesses in the worst affected areas to share safety advice from the police (which is also available on the website) and to hear how shop owners think that the council can help. Practical advice is also being distributed by the council. Plywood is also available from the council should shops feel they would prefer to board up their properties.


Community meeting?

The community meeting mentioned in yesterday?s members? briefing will not take place at Cator Street tonight. A separate meeting is now being arranged with the police.

ayh Wrote:


> Hi James,


> I wondered if there was a central location we can

> access accurate up to date reports about which

> areas are affected and any police guidance on

> travel?


> Many Thanks

This is worth keeping an eye on. At the moment has mainly general stuff but was updated quite regularly with formal police advice yesterday:


Hi breadcrum45,

You should report such suspicious activities to the Police.

Hi Siduhe,

The advice is not to travel and especially not after dark. Public meetings have been cancelled. I've rearranged work meetings into conference calls for the remainder of the week.

Our postie (delivering to ED Road) confessed he mixes his letters up which could explain the missing mail. A "Sorry we missed you" card left at our house had my other half's name spelt with an M at the beginning of the surname instead of a W which brought much laughter behind the counter when I went to pick up the parcel from the Mail depot. I have had many letters and cards gone missing in the 2 years I have lived in ED Road.

James - my partner had a scare yesterday when some kids bombing around on bikes at Goose Green playground narrowly missed colliding with our 18-month old daughter.

He was going at quite a pace, which is obviously inappropriate in a playground where tiny children are toddling around. Is there anyone we could take this up with?


After 3 years of procrastination, dithering and obfuscation Southwark council has finally put speed bumps into Matham Grove, Ashbourne Grove and Chesterfield Grove. What a battle to get there but they are amazing bumps. Traffic on Matham has really slowed down.

James Barber has been a fantastic help in breaking through the council bureaucracy and instrumental in getting the funding put in place.

Thank you very much for all the effort James and for ensuring it happened.

Are councillors allowed to accept a bottle of wine as a thank you?

Hi Ko, if you go down to the park today, you will see fencing and equipment for toddlers is back but in a new location. There is some new equipment for older children, which is what you probably saw. There is more info in the Family Room Thread on this,


Gimme, You're very welcome. I'm afraid I don't accept gifts for my councillor work so can;t accept a bottle of wine or anything but if you feel strongly moved please do feel free to donate to Dulwich Helpline or attend one of their events.

Hi Ko, Apologies for not coming back to you sooner. I've had a response from council officials but due to a family illness and then bereavement haven't had a chance to post it hear. Please see attached.

I've responded asking when a solution will be agreed and put in place.

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    • I was in Forest Hill Road today, just past the Rye, and noticed there is a dentist next to the Herne (pub) that has NHS signs outside. I've never had any problems getting NHS dental treatment in East Dulwich, and I get regular check ups. I've been to three  different dental practices here over the years, all with NHS treatment. I think the difficulties are in other parts of the country. Malumbu has a good explanation above. I didn't hear the Radio 4 programme, but I'm guessing that a  radio programme is not going to have time to say where you CAN easily get NHS treatment, and is bound to focus on the negatives and the horror stories, otherwise it would be very boring! ETA: Re children's teeth, I think the major issue is not lack of dentists, it is children being given sugary food, drinks and confectionery which rots their teeth. The education of parents needs to be about this, not just about tooth brushing. And in some cases the poor diet may also be due to lack of money for healthy food. Though of course the lack of dentists doesn't help, if  the tooth rotting can't be rectified by fillings or extraction.
    • Well, I hope you like what you see, the hot air, lack of answers and continual blaming things on the last Government and the made up blackhole, I find are nauseating. The man needs to see reality, because I'd guess that if we had a snap election tomorrow and based on the first six months of this parliament, Labour would get trounced. When the election does finally happen and if that isn't before the people rise up and throw this lot out, Labour will not be voted back in for a millennium.  
    • Yes thanks that's exactly the choices I get.  I will block and if somehow they find a way back I'll report.
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