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Tomorrow is the councils budget setting assembly.

If anyone has a particular issue they'd like me to raise please do let me know.

The proposed budget can be seen here:


The Lib Dem proposed amendments which will fail are attached....but always a chance Labour councillors, as per the 8 in Lambeth, wont have been paying council tax and therefore can;t vote....

James - I suggest that one of the alternative ways of saving money is to increase debt collection from those Southwark Residents who have not paid rent/council tax/community care charges. There are obviously some people who genuinely do not have the money or have not claimed the appropriate benefits - there needs to be more staff able to visit these residents and help them claim benefits.

Community Care Charges - Lewisham Social Services send a letter to all those receiving community care services and arrange to visit them at home within 6 weeks to complete a financial assessment form. They also have welfare rights training and can get additional benefits for those who have not claimed. Officers can also identify those residents who need practical help in form filling and managing money and can alert the appropriate services.

@Emily: You sound frustrated, and (no doubt unintentionally) a bit shrill. How long have you been waiting to hear from JB?

I wondered why JB took a while -- two or three days -- to respond to an e-mail of enquiry from me. It turned out that in my case, at least, he was doing some research before answering. His acknowledgement of my e-mail and his answer / response to my e-mail were one and the same.

My take on JB is that he indeed does have every intention of answering messages -- as soon as he has an answer to give.

Hi Emily,

We've had PM and post exchanges on the forum. You've made some very strong allegations which I need to explore and form my own opinion. I have received your email and replied to earlier other ones.

Hi Pugwash,

The process you describe Lewisham taking seems eminently sensible and I'll ask if Southwark could adopt similar.

Regards james

Underhill Road junction with Barry Road.

Number of collissions have occurred at this junction. Earleir this year I met with council highways officers and the local Police. We agree the first step was to renew the road markings. This was completed some time ago. Council officers have slgihtly rearranged projects so that during March the agreed entry treatment will be installed as per attached.

WE also agreed that the eatern arm would ideally have the Give Way sign replaced with a STOP sign. Apparently the junction doesn't absolutely meet the criteria set by the Secretary of State at the National Department of Transport. Officers have agreed to aplly for it and copy me so hopefully we can together try and make that happen as well.

Any thoughts please let me know.


At the moment the junction is even more hazardous as large lorries supplying the building site (the former wood yard) regularly park at the juntion itself, occupying the whole of the carriageway that enters travelling north into Barry road, forcing drivers leaving Underhill to pull into the opposite lane - thus blocking people trying to get into Underhill from Barry or cross over from the Whately Rd side of Underhill. A couple of days ago a large car was left stuck across Barry waiting for traffic to ease so that he could enter Underhill (he had committed before the carriageway which was his right of way was blocked by traffic pulling out to pass the lorry). Because the Underhill entrance has been considerably reduced as a traffic calming measure the road is even more congested than if Underhill had retained the width of entry into Barry Road that it initially had, when traffic might have passed the parked vehicles mor easily.

Sometimes driver's mates do try to control the traffic, but not always. And the whole of the Underhill side along the building site is often parked up with trade vehicles, as well as the juntion entry being parked in.

The licensing of Dulwich Hamlets Football Club is being reviewed due to the recent shooting.

If you have any views on this please email [email protected]

If you could copy one of the South Camberwell ward councillors [email protected] and myself that would be really helpful.

The consultation is at:


The deadline is objections or support is 3 March.

I met Southern Railways today at East Dulwich station to officially open the new passenger shelter on platform 1 (facing London Bridge). See attached photo. The East dulwich councillors contributed ?6,000 from Cleaner, Greener, safer funding, roughly half the cost.

Useful discussions about what future works could be undertaken to improve the station.

If you have any idea please do let me know.

I had'nt appreciated that ticker office is open from just before 6am until midnight - they also ensure the ticket machines are operating and keep an eye on things generally.

I think that's a bit unfair TT. I'm not a political supporter of James or his party but I think it's hugely impressive that a local Councillor is even prepared to communicate directly with people in the way that James does. My experience in the past when part of a local amenity group is that most of them, plus my local MP Harriet Harman, can't even be bothered to reply to emails/letters.

The train company would have asked for someone from the council to be present and if this initiative was in fact generated by the local Councillors, why shouldn't they be there? I find it a bit heartening to have people in public life who can be bothered with the mundane things that actually make a difference to oiks like me, and personally would prefer not to get drenched and frozen waiting for "the train to London Bridge which is x minutes late" (again).

I thought the main cause of the problems on the Barry rd/Underhill rd cross-road was restricted visibility for the

traffic coming from Underhill rd on to Barry rd.

The "STOP" sign I am sure is well intentioned, but does it address the cause?

As far as I can tell from the diagram on your link I cannot see any improvement for the Underhill road driver's view.


Hi Alex K,

No saldy its not. I believe its his boss. I had thought I'd be meeting Barry as it was Barry I'd spoken to a number of times about what he thought East Dulwich station needed next that we, East Dulwich councillors via our East Dulwich ward CGS funds, could help him with. Unusually, the side the covered area went on is in South Camberwell ward (whose councillors had declined to contribute).

Any ideas what the station needs next?

The pavement lights being fixed perhaps?

The bicycle lockers seem to attract lots of flyposting?

More cycle lockers somewhere else?

Indicator panel before you go up to Platform 1 facing into London Bridge?

It's slowly taking shape: B. Jones and J. Barber never seen in each other's company (cf. C. Kent, S. Uperman / B. Wayne, B. Atman, et al.).

I have long suspected that there couldn't possibly be TWO such communicative and helpful people on the Forum -- one poster, two identities --

-- well, it's a hypothesis. Go on, disprove it.


That second indicator panel for the uphill entrance would be sweet. Yes, please.

When the garden centre is knocked down for the inevitable block of new flats, perhaps some space could be claimed to permit moving the bicycle lockers off the footpath, and / or a public lavatory erected. (Rather an eyesore, those lockers, eh? Not the happiest of "street furniture".) The plot of land now occupied by the garden centre falls within your remit, I think.

ilondoner Wrote:


> Is there anything you can do about the number of

> betting shops in Peckham/East Dulwich. I counted

> at least 10 between Peckham Rye and Camberwell. I

> was under the impression that they had to apply

> for a special license?

Who says they haven't all got the appropriate licences?

Hi ilondoner,

All these betting shops I'm sure have the correct legally required licences.

Tessa Jowell our local MP when she was the Culture Minister changing licencing laws. Previously an applicant had to prove a need for any new licenced premises. After her law was passed objectors had to prove that a new licence would postively cause harm. The grounds for doing this are very hard. Effectively its become a near free for all. It was around the time she was trying to create super casinos.

Lots of concern about dog poo problems locally.

One way to try reducing it is to place occassional anti dog poo stickers on lamp posts reminding dog owners of the penalties involved. They don't solve the problem but officers assure me they help reduce the problem.

Council officers were in the process of reprinting these stickers. They'd gained approval from the councils 'comms' department but have failed at the Public Realm department hurdle as it will impact on the street clutter policy.

Ironically it appears they'd prefer more dog poo and no stickers than stickers and less dog poo.

You definately have to keep a sense of humour as an opposition councillor.

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