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James I'm still waiting ( since Nov last year ) for your clarification on entrance requirements for Southwark secondary schools.

At the moment we have

Faith Schools - individual entry requirements

Charter - geographical

Kingsdale - 3 bands ,lottery within those bands + scholorships

Bacons - inner and outer catchement areas + banding

Harris Federation - 9 bands reflecting national rather than local attainment

How can parents make sense of this ? How can schools "results " be compared when there are so many different criteria for entrance?

How is it helpful for primary school kids to sit assessment tests for the schools that band ?

How can this be described as a " common entrance policy " ?

Went for a walk today and was in Centre for Wildlife Gardening where we saw a sign saying all Southwark Residents could claim their free tree. We live in a flat but we may get one and plant it somewhere anyway...

Meanwhile, on my thread in the Lounge called My Post Prandial Walk I mentioned that I witnessed two occasions on the walk where kids were peeing in the street with their parents looking on / condoning it. Other folks have said that there is a lack of public toilets at our shopping centre (ie Rye Lane) so could you suggest the idea you and I discussed previously about pubs restauratns and cafes to be on a scheme where the public can use their toilets?

Hi Medley,

I suspect the bus only section of Rye Lane (bit just south of Peckham High Street) has been allowed deteriate as its due to a complete overhaul to enable a south bound contraflow cycle lane. Should look really good when finished before April and fill a gap in Southwark cycle lane network.

Hi Monica,

Reason for different trees for different location - London Plane trees can get bigger than Pear Pyrus Chanticleer which apparently tend to be more slender. Probably worth pointing out that when it does fruit the pears are about the size of peas. So it should'nt create much of a hazard on pavements.

In your opinion will this be a problem at 45 Lordship Lane?

Hi Peckhamrose,

Peckham Rye shopping area and public toilets. This is one area that seems to have several public toilet the Pulse leisure centre or Peckham Library or Macdonal's even. Sure others.

In East Dulwich. We've approached Iceland with no joy yet.


Not sure if you can help.

About 3 years ago I met with someone from Southwark Council about the congestion on Homestall Road / Harris Girls School. This tends to be particularly bad when there is an event on at the school, and even more so if combined with a big football weekend in the park (Sunday lunch time was horrendous).

I think at the moment it is even worse because a lot of people are using Homestall Road and Colyton Road to avoid the horrendous traffic problems at the big crossroads at the corner of Peckham Rye.

As a result I have seen some major traffic jams, dangerous driving and near misses along this stretch of road during recent weeks.

3 years ago the man from Southwark discussed with me how having some double yellow lines to create passing points would alleviate the problem somewhat but nothing ever came of it.

I wonder whether you might be able to pass this on to the relevant people, in the hopes that we might be able to keep traffic flowing a little better?

Many thanks.

re toilets in Peckham .

Toilets in Peckham Pulse - but these are not really near the main shopping drag.

And toilets in McDonalds.

No others.

Used to be public toilets at end of Holly and Elm Grove junction.

Ideal situation ,sadly missed.

It really depends on the age of the child peeing. Young children who are only just getting used to being out of nappies are unable to hold on for very long at all. That, to me is perfectly acceptable if the parents make them do their pee on the road.

I hope you have already heard the awful news about another child death on the junction of Peckham Rye and East Dulwich at 8.30am this morning. This is not the first and will definitely not be the last unless something is done. At the moment the situation is worsened with the awful road works - which many people on here have been complaining about - but even when gone this junction is chaotic.

Please can potential solutions here be discussed whether it be new traffic light timings, a lollipop lady or a pedestrian bridge!

This is urgent.

I'm afraid I had heard. I've spoken to a passing nurse who described in detail what happened and how she helped the 10 year old girl. Very distressing. I felt distress just from that conversation. I have two young kids I treasure. I can only begin to imagine the grief her friends and family will being going through.

I'm going to take a couple of days of from posting.


I am a keen cyclist but unfortunately last week run-off the road on Crystal Palace Road last week. Luckly I managed to avoid injury but would like to know if anything can be done to improve the street. The problem is that the road even though is already 20 mile an hour zone is total disregarded by drivers. Is there anything you can do to install average speed camera over the area, or block off the exit on East Dulwich Road to prevent the road being used as rat run, rather impatient drivers sticking to the main roads.

There are bumps in the road, aren't there?

It is an easier way to get to Dog Kennel Hill by going down CPR and turning left to the roundabout rather than having to turn right into Lordship Lane off one of the side roads at busy times, and I do this myself. Don't speed though, naturally ....

edf Wrote:


> Hi,


> I am a keen cyclist but unfortunately last week

> run-off the road on Crystal Palace Road last week.

> Luckly I managed to avoid injury but would like to

> know if anything can be done to improve the

> street. The problem is that the road even though

> is already 20 mile an hour zone is total

> disregarded by drivers. Is there anything you can

> do to install average speed camera over the area,

> or block off the exit on East Dulwich Road to

> prevent the road being used as rat run, rather

> impatient drivers sticking to the main roads.

Hey edf, sorry to hear about your 'accident' I cycle up and down there every day too.

What exactly happened and where was it, if you don't mind me asking?

It's like the Krypton factor challenge there everyday!!


sniffy Wrote:


> edf Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am a keen cyclist but unfortunately last week

> > run-off the road on Crystal Palace Road last

> week.

> > Luckly I managed to avoid injury but would like

> to

> > know if anything can be done to improve the

> > street. The problem is that the road even

> though

> > is already 20 mile an hour zone is total

> > disregarded by drivers. Is there anything you

> can

> > do to install average speed camera over the

> area,

> > or block off the exit on East Dulwich Road to

> > prevent the road being used as rat run, rather

> > impatient drivers sticking to the main roads.



> Hey edf, sorry to hear about your 'accident' I

> cycle up and down there every day too.

> What exactly happened and where was it, if you

> don't mind me asking?


> It's like the Krypton factor challenge there

> everyday!!


> S/

The incident happened when I was heading south on crystal palace road, approaching the CPT and the junction with Whateley Road. A few metres before the junctions the road is split by a crossing island which is where the incident happened.

I was cycling towards the crossing island from the south. I was approximately a car doors width from the parked cars a white van which was approached from behind. The White van travelling at between 35 and 40 miles an hour pulled out and started to overtake, on realising there was Crossing Island pulled left directly through my path, he came within less than an inch of hitting my handle bars as slammed on my brakes and swerved towards the curb. The was absolutely no excuse for over taking in the area, and even if doing so as a mistake could have easily went on the other side of the crossing island as there was no coming traffic. The driver did not even stop just continued accelerating along the road; unfortunately I did not get the registration plate, as I was a little shaken.

The one things which I could have done better was to maintain a road position a little further away from the curb\parked cars, as it prevents bad drivers for misjudging overtaking manoeuvres, and only allows them to overtake when there is no oncoming traffic.

Hi James hope your well. I am concerned about the state of the roads in East Dulwich, moreso Lordship lane which is full of pot holes. I appreciate there is heavy traffic on the lane throughout the day. Its great to see more cyclists on the roads, however I am concerned for their road safety because of the state of the ED roads. Can Southwark Council/DCC look into this?


Hi gh,

Some time ago you asked me about the traffic count results for Whateley Road.

At last I have the traffic count data. Apologies for the delay.

Whateley Road (east)

Mean speed 15.2mph

85th percentile 20.1mph

Whately Road (west)

Mean speed 24.5mph

85th percentile 29.8mph

Earlier this week I received the draft consultation about making the area bounded by and including Whateley Road, bounaded by Lordship Lane and bounded by Barry Road a 20mph speed limit area. Signage togin with which should see a marked drop in speed. Where this has been done before surprisingly most drivers obey the new lower speed limit.

After two years it gets reviewed and if it didn't do the job physical measures are considered.

During the two years we've provided state of the art speed 'guns' for the local Police to enforce.

Any questions, observations please do let me know.

Hi Monica,

Yes the roads in Southwark but especially the south including East Dulwich have suffered tremendously with all the snow and the freeze thaw action that causes. Probably as problematic is that the roads have been dug up so much with gas and water pipe replacements making the roads more suscetable.

I've been assured a program of making good potholes will start in the near future once the most pressing craters have been fixed and the weather has improved.

^ to be honest, i think they've done quite well patching up some parts of ED.

Potholes have been really bad this year as result of the recent weather. Within a week, the pot holes on my route were 'patched up'! As a cynic though, i have my own thoughts as to why they were so speedy at sorting this out.... don't you?

Claims culture innit!

EDF - Nasty situation, glad to hear you're ok fella. But as you'll surely agree, you/i cyclist alike... we have to deal with these risks every day. Drivers on mobile phones, fags out of windows into face, pot holes bla de bla

Moaning aside, i still love and far prefer to cycle by miles and miles, it's still better than the train/ bus or tube.......What does that say for the state of London transport!!!

(better risk being killed on bike than take the tube/bus/train!!!! FFS!)

Sorry Mr Barber, I'm not having that. Many residents, maybe thousands put this unread and expensive propaganda rag straight in the bin. It's junk mail, like a pizza flyer. I know how much magazines cost to produce and deliver and seemingly you do not. They are even more costly to us when they are dumped in piles by the side of the road. We pay to have it produced, then we pay to have it carted away. Perhaps you could let us know just how much.

This month, we have the additional benefit of a 12 page full colour magazine advising young entrepreneurs how to start a business. I doubt Southwark Council would have any idea how that's done.

Hi edf,

I'm sorry ot hear about your bad experience on Crystal Palace Road. It has full width speed humps which I find a pain to cycle over but my kids loving screaming weeee when on our bucket bike.

Average speed cameras. These are currently ?80,000 a pair. I believe non of the fines would end up with Southwark but with something called the London Camera Partnership. They're no allowed yet to enforce 20mph and the approval paperwork allowing this has been stalled with central government for years - its appears they don't want to offend speeders.

Locally we've arranged to buy state of the art speed 'guns' for the local Police. If you email me where it happened we can ask the local Police to undertake some speed enforcement.

steveo Wrote:


> Sorry Mr Barber, I'm not having that. Many

> residents, maybe thousands put this unread and

> expensive propaganda rag straight in the bin. It's

> junk mail, like a pizza flyer. I know how much

> magazines cost to produce and deliver and

> seemingly you do not. They are even more costly to

> us when they are dumped in piles by the side of

> the road. We pay to have it produced, then we pay

> to have it carted away. Perhaps you could let us

> know just how much.

> This month, we have the additional benefit of a 12

> page full colour magazine advising young

> entrepreneurs how to start a business. I doubt

> Southwark Council would have any idea how that's

> done.


Stevo - Brilliantly put!



> Hi edf,

> I'm sorry ot hear about your bad experience on

> Crystal Palace Road. It has full width speed humps

> which I find a pain to cycle over but my kids

> loving screaming weeee when on our bucket bike.


> Average speed cameras. These are currently ?80,000

> a pair. I believe non of the fines would end up

> with Southwark but with something called the

> London Camera Partnership. They're no allowed yet

> to enforce 20mph and the approval paperwork

> allowing this has been stalled with central

> government for years - its appears they don't want

> to offend speeders.


> Locally we've arranged to buy state of the art

> speed 'guns' for the local Police. If you email me

> where it happened we can ask the local Police to

> undertake some speed enforcement.

Please lets stop this rubbish Camera culture!

Cameras only encourage drivers to speed up and slow down....

We all know they are not a solution, just a simple revenue driver!!

IMO it's not all about speed!


But of course they haven't designed a camera to catch this out...

Sorry if I missed something.

steveo Wrote:


> Sorry Mr Barber, I'm not having that. Many

> residents, maybe thousands put this unread and

> expensive propaganda rag straight in the bin. It's

> junk mail, like a pizza flyer. I know how much

> magazines cost to produce and deliver and

> seemingly you do not. They are even more costly to

> us when they are dumped in piles by the side of

> the road. We pay to have it produced, then we pay

> to have it carted away. Perhaps you could let us

> know just how much.

> This month, we have the additional benefit of a 12

> page full colour magazine advising young

> entrepreneurs how to start a business. I doubt

> Southwark Council would have any idea how that's

> done.

Got to say I agree with all of this - I can't believe how much junk mail we get through the door and it goes straight in the bin. I read the "Whatever" mag and I just got annoyed at it, I very much doubt a) children would read it and b) they'd open it up and think 'why are these people who write the magazine trying to make it ''cool'' when they're failing so miserably. I mean, there was a section called "Pon Da Mic - Beware this section is random!" - wtf?! Seemed like a totally pointless feature!

Why don't Southwark Council produce an "E-zine" which can be mailed to residents who sign up, then the people who actually want to read it can have it delivered eco-friendly to their inbox. You could put hard copies in local libraries, train stations etc. Or maybe, when you send out letters to people about their council tax etc, ask them for their email address too so you have another form of contact.

While I am at it - does East Dulwich have a local free weekly newspaper? or even one you buy weekly? I haven't seen anything yet (but only been here 2 weeks)


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