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That was my post Reggie - my wife's login unfortunatley.

I believe there is insufficient quality secondary schooling in the immediate area, forcing people to move out to the Grammar school systems of Kent or stay and pay.

Academies are provided in the area but I believe their mandate is generally focused on education of deprived areas and that is a specialised form of education. In general ED to me is not a deprived area and needs higher geared schooling.

I have had this debate with the people of the forum in general before and don't want to go over old ground - I would however like however to hear the view of James as to how the secondary schooling is being improved to meet the improving demographics of the area.

There's obviously an election coming up...

Mr Barber said he'd DEFINITELY help me with an issue I spoke to him about last year then ignored the emails I sent describing the problem and never got back to me despite several chasers. Luckily his colleague Richard Thomas seems to be a bit more dilligent and tried very hard to help after I spoke to him.

The moral is.... you can ask but Mr Barber may not bother answering....

Anyone else had good / bad experiences of our local councillors?

Dear James - Pls refer to the thread on the no.63 which I have also emailed you about (without reply).

Can you also advise who the other local councilors are (Labour & Tory).

I would like to see some co-operation between you, the Labour Peckham Rye team and whoever the other boundary Councilors are rather than any petty point scoring.

I am being quite serious.

Many thanks


I was angry to hear that 10% of all Southwark Council Tax Payers do not actually pay their Council Tax! So 1 in 10 people are not paying their Council Tax. That means that the majority of us are paying more than we need to, to make up the shortfall. Southwark Council has been judged the worst performing Council in London at collecting Council Tax & the 3rd worst nationally. I would respectfully suggest that our local Councillors put their energy into sorting out this shambles. The Council which is run by the Liberal Democrats & ironically the budget has been looked after by 1 of their Conservative Councillor Partners (Toby Eckerley).

So there is little point putting forward suggested improvements when the Council cannot collect its Council Tax!

If there is anything that we can do to make drivers actually stop at a pedestrian crossing in and around ED that would be fantastic, especially the one at the EDT.. Im not sure what type of enforcement would do the trick(and whether it is more an issue for the police) but I thought I would put my two cents in..

I have to say I am getting fairly sick and tired of dicing with death every time I have to cross at a crossing..

Strawbs, this is not a local council issue, but a Highway Codes (Nat Gov) one. You need to approach your MP.


Highway Code No 195

Zebra crossings. As you approach a zebra crossing

look out for pedestrians waiting to cross and be ready to slow down or stop to let them cross

you MUST give way when a pedestrian has moved onto a crossing

allow more time for stopping on wet or icy roads

do not wave or use your horn to invite pedestrians across; this could be dangerous if another vehicle is approaching

be aware of pedestrians approaching from the side of the crossing

A zebra crossing with a central island is two separate crossings (see Rule 20).

So though a driver should stop, he is not legally required to do so until you have put a foot on the crossing!

I'm afraid that my experience of our local councillors (in the context of the primary school places issue) was extremely disappointing. My email to them asking for help was forwarded to someone else on the council but the councillors themselves did nothing else to help and showed no interest really. I know that others had similar experiences.

hoipolloi Wrote:


> I'm afraid that my experience of our local

> councillors (in the context of the primary school

> places issue) was extremely disappointing. My

> email to them asking for help was forwarded to

> someone else on the council but the councillors

> themselves did nothing else to help and showed no

> interest really. I know that others had similar

> experiences.

I presume they have realised this will win them no favours/votes!

Hi Jeremy,

-Can we have displays in the bus stops telling us when the next bus is coming?

I've asked Transport for London myself several time, via council officers once and via GLA Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon as well. TfL are always about to impliment a fabulously more accurate new system. One day I'll be shocked and they will. It is scandalous that for South East London where we rely upon buses so much that Countdown isn't universal.

-When is the lowest block of the DKH estate going to get renovated (corner of Grove Vale and Quorn Rd)?

I'll find out a report later.

-What's the current status of the Concrete House mandatory purchase and subsequent repairs?

I know this but can;t recall. I'll check my notes and again come back to you.

-Why won't the planning dept allow full width dormers on flats, even though lots of houses have them?

loft extensions below a certain size don't need planning permission and that conform to certain stylistic rules so that they appear ancillary. most loft conversion companies discourage residents from making planning application as it delays then cycling onto the next project. Anyone can make a full planning application looking for a full width loft conversion.

-Can we have some local recycling facilities for energy-saving bulbs?

Good point. For those that don't travel regualrly along the Walwroth Road popping into Manor Place recycling would be a pain. I'll ask whether these could be collected or similar ot battery recycling something that could be left at libraries. This is especially important considering 100W incandescent light bulbs are no longer for sale.

I'll find out what can be done.

-What's planned for the house in Dulwich Park (currently boarded up, signs indicating a change of use)

Two houses. One by College Road entrance and other facing the South Circular. From memort the College Road entrance one is proposed to be a hub for volunteers working in the park. I'll double check this memory.

Hi Computed Shorty,

All the Alleyways we have gated or plan to gate already have anti social problems - including rubbish dumping, urination, intimidation, defecation.

Why should local residents, employees and businesses suffer this?

So far the gates we're arranging are designed after consultation by local artist Heather Burrell and her team. The two most recent are those on Northcross Road behind Lord Palmerston and on south side of Ashbourne Grove close to Lordship Lane.

They look great and I doubt they suffer the problems you've described. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Hi Pablogrande,

Which one way East Dulwich street do you live on that vehicles enter at very high street?

Things that can be done range from narrowing the entrance to, humps across the road. Really depends upon the dynamics of the street. Feel free to email me direct to talk about your street.

I'm sorry you find it so hard to get info on keyworker housing near East Dulwich (other than Peckham). The biggest key worker accomodation is at 72 Grove Vale. 110 rooms varying from studio rooms upwards. I'm sure if you popped along to the office during normal hours or tried calling them they'd explain how to apply.

in the current climate good to hear you have vacancies available which would ideally suit school leavers or someone who needs a career change. I believe the government has a modern apprenticeship scheme that can help fund apprenticeships - Modern Apprenticeshipssee

Can we please have a city farm on Peckham Rye?

Southwark has two city farms - nearest one in Walworth and one in Rotherhither/Surrey Docks.

Crystal Palace Park also has one and another is located in Vauxhall. All these city farms need more support and are located within 3 miles of East Dulwich.

When is Waitrose opening?

I'm not aware of Waitrose coming to the area. However, the application by Somerfield for an alcohol licence near to Dulwich Library even though successful has seen the shop building work stop.....

Other than that I don't know where a Waitrose could be located.

Hi Tobester999,

Hmmm. Those posts etc are intended to demarcate the properties border.

This shop owner used to illegally try selling cars outside this shop.

council officers have formally stopped this and allegedly this was perilous.

What I find truly amazing is that someone is so rich that they don't need such a prime shop site to be a successful shop, or rent it out, etc.


Hi Nero,

Cycling on pavements is legal for children and adults on bicycles with wheels under 14" diameter.

Frankly it will be a while before I feel comfortable as a parent for my young kids to cycle on the roads. They're just a bit to random about directions. Saying that I don't take them on any pavements with people about.

I suspect you really mean perfectly fit adults cycling in aggressive ways.

In Southwark we provide free cycle training to help boost confidence about cycling safely on Southwark's roads.

We've made lots of part of Southwark 20mph zones to make it safer for all road users - more on the way for East Dulwich.

We have the largest Community Warden scheme and we're working on our wardens being allowed to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to aggressive cyclists.

One good thing. I suspect aggressive cyclists if they weren't cycling would be driving a vehicles aggressively.

If you know any East Dulwich streets that have a problem let me know.

Hi Gerritsmith,

The only palm tree planted in East dulwich is in the middle of Goose Green roundabout. In Southwark the Lib Dems have introduced a capital fund every year for every ward - roughly ?120,000 every year for every ward. Anyone can apply and local councillors decide which applications are funded.

A local resident close to Goose Green asked for a tree to be planted in the middle. They wanted a plam tree. Council officers consulted a wide area around about a plam tree, london plane tree, heritage light, direction fingers posts. I perosnally voted for the plane tree so it felt like an extension of Goose Green. The Palm tree won. I asked whether our planting contract could augment it and it looks fab.

As for other trees. Every year the East Dulwich Lib Dem cuncillors fund lots more trees for East Dulwich. Typically around ?10,000->?15,000 every year. If you have ideas where you'd liek a tree in East Dulwich let me know - [email protected]

Hi GerritSmith and Peckwich,

Why id Peckham Library being noisy?

Its an award winning design and has been so very popular that it is noisier than expected. Its an environment that attracts users who in other places would'nt be in libraries. Truly inspiring.

don't forget we have great local libraries - Dulwich Library which I helped push to be open 7 days a week, Grove Vale library a friendly pocket library. Not sure why you'd want to traipse over to Peckham Library espeicaly if noisier libraries bother you.

Hi Judy2 and reggie,

The choices for all parents in Southwark at the secondary school stage are increasing. The new local Harris Boys school/Academy on a temporary site opened this week. It moves to its permanent site next summer.

Southwark mixed schools have a ratio of around 3 boys for every girl. Creating a boys school starts to address this imbalance making mixed schools more attractive to parents of girls.

If you look at Southwark state school results over the last 5 years they are the most improved in the UK. We still have some way to go before we can relax. By the time your 6 and 4 year olds reach the secondary stage they should be even more improved.

Hi Gimme,

I'm sorry you feel I've let you down.

Obviously from your login I can't tell who you are and check my records.

I'm not perfect and deal with many cases. At this moment in time I have 43 active cases.

If you have another problem please try me again and hopefully I wont disappoint you.

Hi TJ,

I believe extending the no.63 bus route to Honor Oak rail station is a great idea assuming no practical difficulties turning buses around, bus driver toilets etc. Both being quite easy to resolve. This route would then serve Peckham Rye ward even better. It doesn't currently get very close to East Dulwich ward.

After receiving your email I joined the Facebook group to support this idea and have forwarded your email to GLA assembly member Caroline Pidgeon.

If you'd like to contact other Southwark councillors you can find their details at:

Southwark Councillors

Hi cokeycat,

I and all my lib Dem collegues are concerned at the Council Tax rate collection. When the Lib Dems took over from Labour we inherited a number of pickles ranging from privatised services including education, coucnil tax collection; recycling at 3.5% and falling, 7 grass cutting contracts, over 100 different council office vending contracts. It was truly a shambles

At that time Liberate the council tax collection was mediocre but not terrible. So the administration concentrated on getting education fixed, getting recycling up, havings streets cleaned.

However, liberata performance at council tax collection has slipped rather than improving as others have. So the in year collection rate is about 90% with further collection as people pay after the year. The Liberal Democrat councillor Tim Mcnally in charge of resource last year and this year has and is working hard to transform this. Watch this space as this service is transformed. I know he'd be happy to give more detals [email protected]

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