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Todays South London Press - Page 35!!!!

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Darling Mark,

Any success that I have had is a lot to do with the support I have received from the forum. Up until you guys found my blog, I wasn't aware that anyone else was reading it. I was just writing it for my own perverse entertainment.

You guys are the best. When I am writing up my acknowledgements I know who I should thank. Any journo's who are talking to my publisher will be told the same.


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Dear Mark,

I think that quote about the Swedish au pair "I believe the Swedes don't get married or even shave their arm pits! Not very Dulwich," is the best quote on the entire blog. I was sitting here typing away on my computer, laughing so hard, that er,.. "James" could not hear The Bill when I dreamed that one up. I swear I could just hear someone say that line.

I have found people talking about the blog on The Guardian Unlimited chatroom thingy, and one of the very seriousand intelligent type people who write on it (proper writers) insisted that my blog was serious, she could tell, and she was off to have her "womb removed" rather than end up a mother like me!!!

Oh dear, what if she has done it, and now finds out it was satire? Not that bright afterall was she?

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Wow, was that only november? Feels like a lifetime ago already. It's amazing how much water has passed under the bridge since then, how many of us know each other now and how much has come out of the forum, drinks, photos, friendships, fairs, chilli sauce!

Last night was a classic when mark randonly pulled up to the photo meet on his scooter in the middle of clerkenwell and said a quick hello and toodlepip. It ended up a bit of a late one then cabs down to the CPT in the end.

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I know Mr Mockney, I think that this forum has given a lovely sense of friendly village community to this locality. It is inspired.

I was walking about the locality recently when I heard someone shout out "Dulwichmum" - well I almost expired! Again it was Mark on his scooter, but I didn't know who he was until he took off his helmet. I was afraid he was going to make off with my expensive hand baggage!

Friendships like these made here on this very forum make London and Dulwich in particular much nicer places to be. How would an old married lady like myself normally get to make friendships with super musicians, photographers, administrators, pole dancers and small dogs like you guys? You would be busy slagging off my enormous luxury vehicle, ogling my au pair and generally cricisizing my super status symbol pram. You would not take the time to get to know the warm and sensitive me inside!

I am delighted when I see new people saying on the forum that they are moving here for the first time, and feel already that they have made friends in Dulwich. This really is a huge achievement. London can be very isolating for some people. So many faces, and not enough friends!


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Well, I have to say I went up LL this afternoon and the first place I went to had sold out of South London Press already, and it normally lurks around for the rest of the week so that can only be down the the local demand for the paper following your blog, DM and the forum. Would hate to be accused of 'jumping on the bandwagon' for anything but well done! We will soon be posting about you on the 'Seen anyone famous in ED?' thread!
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Dear Monica,

Thank you so much, but you know I don't desserve that. I am just writing what we are all thinking. You know it!

I am rather attractive for a retired brickie from Penge - don't you think? I smoke a pipe in real life and smell like a wrestlers jock strap!

Thanks too Mumra sweetie, you are all making me blush!


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>>I am rather attractive for a retired brickie from Penge - don't you think? I smoke a pipe in real life and smell like a >>wrestlers jock strap!:D<

I look forward to the book signing at Village Books all the same! :)-D Such a shame it is not being published in December though as it would have solved the Christmas present problem for all the women in my life at a stroke....:))

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Dear D-Mum,

Luxury of life... love them !!!

Any platform is good to self promote.

See with pleasure that you haven't lost your old habit of "perverse entertainment"... ha..ha >:D<


Don't forget to send me a signed copy of your next book, I'll send you my last one signed for you.

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It's about an alsatian dog who gets rescued by an Italian bishop.

Then by living and travelling with the bishop the dog "enters" the world of the clergy man discovering "disturbing" links between the church and the Sacra Corona Unita ( an Italian mafia organisation based in Puglia ) ... and all sorts of things happen from there..... >:D<

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Gosh Mr Batdog!

That sounds super scarey. I hate to imagine what entering the world of a clergy man could possibly involve! Please tell me the dog is still alive at the end of the book? If it ends happily, where shall I get myself a copy?


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I'm yet to voice my congratulations to Mockney Piers and Dulwich Mum -

DM - Fantastic blog, you already know I love it!

MP - I've already told you in person, but absolutely fantastic set of photographs for the story!

*drools on MP's f1.4 lens*

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Many congratulations to you both. I did manage to read the article in question on Friday but I have only just surfaced again after a very long weekend of debauchery which started in J.Sheekey's on Thursday night. And, Mr Piers, what I meant by the "bathe it daily" quote was rhyming slang for David Bailey, surely you've heard that one before. Anyway, well done the pair of you.:)-D
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