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Having had a positive response to this can I suggest that we all email the below text (Dan - hope you dont mind me copying this) to [email protected]

Dear Sir,

I write in relation to your branch on Lordship Lane although this issue may well be true of other Foxtons branches.

I and many others have noticed that your shop front and office space remain fully lit well into the evening and quite possibly right through the night. I assume that this must be down to company policy rather than forgetful staff? If it is the former, I would be grateful if you would provide me with the contact details of the company director most able to effect a change in company policy.

Wasting energy in this way is a social nuisance, environmentally irresponsible, and financially ridiculous. I would therefore like to challenge the thinking behind this policy and hopefully stimulate a change that will be of benefit to everyone.

If this is not a company wide policy then I would be interested to understand the reasoning behind this managerial decision. Alternatively simply switch the lights off when you lock up.

I look forward to hearing back from you.



I was walking past foxtons at about 10pm this evening and was flabbergasted at the number of lights illuminating the internal office space (must be 60 spot lights +++), let alone the flourosecent hoardings, TV screens and illuminated fridges lighting up lordship lane...

Now I understand shops like to advertise both their brand/service, but surely they must have some environmental ethos about their operation? Im not asking them to be martyrs for our planet, but I just want to know why they bother lighting up the whole office - especially when so much of it remains empty...?

Surely in the era of the dulwich eco bag etc we should make a rallying call against this silly waste...and get them to do their bit..so here's mine;

Foxtons - if you are reading this - PLEASE TURN (some of) YOUR LIGHTS OUT!

(p.s. it could have been that the cleaner was in their or something - but I don't really want to go back outside at 12pm at night to check)

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^ Hahaha! Nice!!

It is a useless waste of space, but I wouldn't want to complain about just the one Foxtons. Sure, we can go in an persuade them to turn off some of their lights, but think about all the other Foxtons out there that are doing exactly the same! We need to make them all aware & stop them.

Good point. Thank you for bringing this up! I can't believe this hadn't crossed my mind.

emailed just now...


For the attention of the branch manager

Dear Sir,

I write in relation to your branch on Lordship Lane although this issue may well be true of other Foxtons branches.

I and many others have noticed that your shop front and office space remain fully lit well into the evening and quite possibly right through the night. I assume that this must be down to company policy rather than forgetful staff? If it is the former, I would be grateful if you would provide me with the contact details of the company director most able to effect a change in company policy.

Wasting energy in this way is a social nuisance, environmentally irresponsible, and financially ridiculous. I would therefore like to challenge the thinking behind this policy and hopefully stimulate a change that will be of benefit to everyone.

If this is not a company wide policy then I would be interested to understand the reasoning behind this managerial decision. Alternatively simply switch the lights off when you lock up.

I look forward to hearing back from you.




...look forward to seeing if they respond.

steveo Wrote:


> Here's their email [email protected]. Bombard

> it


Attn: The Manager

I write to officially record my dismay over Foxtons' wasteful use of lighting at night. Moreover, at a time when many East Dulwich residents and businesses are rallying together in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions, I am appalled that a major player on Lordship Lane (i.e. yourselves) should display such a manifest disregard for our environment. Apart from the environmental concerns at stake here, I do not believe that Foxtons' actions can make business sense either.

I would therefore request that Foxtons reflect upon their actions and, at the very least, REDUCE the amount of lighting left on at night.

I would add that, being a homeowner, Foxtons' response to this request would have a major impact on whether or not I would choose to use Foxtons in the future.

> For the attention of the branch manager



> Dear Sir Or Madam as the case may be,


> I write priggishly in relation to your branch on Lordship

> Lane although this issue may well be true of other

> Foxtons branches. I ask you in a shrill fashion 'Who will think of the children'?


> I and a few lairy busybodies have noticed that your shop

> front and office space remain fully lit well into

> the evening and quite possibly right through the

> night. I assume that this must be down to company

> policy rather than forgetful staff? And of course by assuming I know it makes an ass of 'u' amd ''me'. I'm assuming of course you're aware of The Office. If it is the

> former, I would be priggishly grateful if you would provide

> me with the contact details of the company

> director most able to effect a change in company

> policy.


> Wasting energy in this way is a social nuisance,

> environmentally irresponsible, and financially

> ridiculous. I would therefore like to challenge

> the thinking behind this policy and hopefully

> stimulate a change that will be of benefit to

> my swirling buck and wing dance ego.


> If this is not a company wide policy then I would

> be interested to understand the reasoning behind

> this managerial decision. Alternatively simply

> switch the lights off when you lock up. Though leave them fridges on and keep the tellies on GMTV of a morning, it's the best way to watch those silly sods. Well apart from Pennie Smith, who I quite fancy.


> I look back in anger, despite being told not to by Oasis .


> Yours with a stick up my ass,


> HonaloochieB

> __________________________________________________

> _______



> ...look forward to seeing if they respond.

Horsebox Wrote:


> *Sighs*


> Foxtons treads are SOOOOOOOO BOOOORING!


> They've been done literally a MILLION times

> before, a quick SEARCH brings a wealth of

> results.


> Like this thread here


> *Rolls eyes*

Literally a million times HB?

Still it's good to know I wasn't the only one who was pissed and prepared to be sarcastic in the wee small hours.

And reviewing my sarcy post I wouldn't change a comma. If indeed comma there was.

One love.

Horsebox - If Foxtons threads bore you why on earth did you even choose to read a thread titled 'Foxtons: Turn the lights out!'? Surely there was a clue in the title that should have indicated this wasn't a suitably exciting topic for you...or were you just looking for a topic to which you could add absolutely nothing of any value?

HonaloochieB - Priggish I may be, but I'd rather that than sit idly watching ignorant idiots undoing the good work of many in realtion to reduction of power consumption. Don't get me wrong, I am not an eco-warrior but I can't agree with wasteful actions that are of no benefit to anyone. By the way, I hold my hands up to my mistake regards Sir/Madam, I should also have signed off with 'Yours faithfully'....but thought better of it incase I was viewed as being priggish in my attention to detail ;o)

Mick Mac - I agree that the bold colours serve to liven up 'the strip' but this could be achieved with far less lighting than is currently used. Failing to switch off lights can't really be classed as innovation now can it?!

Actually yes I would ask for the lighting at Piccadilly Circus to be turned off, if I knew to whom to write. All lights on buildings and floodlights attached to buildings should be switched on only at lighting up time and should be switched off at 11.00pm. All streetlights should be fitted with 'blinkers' so that the light they produce is aimed towards the pavement and not in a general halo around them, and all orange sodium bulbs should be replaced with white halogen bulbs.

Here endeth the rant.

I posted this so they will know why they are suddenly receiving countless (hopefully) emails on the subject...

Dear Sir/Madam,

I recently posted a comment on the East Dulwich Forum, http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,324455 about overnight lighting in your lordship lane office.

There has been a positive response to my comments and I am sure that your positive action to reduce your carbon footprint would be well received by the local community.

I look forward to hearing your response

And where would that get us Amelie? Does your day end at 11.00? Does everyones day end at 11pm? or just yours?

Amelie Wrote:


> Actually yes I would ask for the lighting at

> Piccadilly Circus to be turned off, if I knew to

> whom to write. All lights on buildings and

> floodlights attached to buildings should be

> switched on only at lighting up time and should be

> switched off at 11.00pm. All streetlights should

> be fitted with 'blinkers' so that the light they

> produce is aimed towards the pavement and not in a

> general halo around them, and all orange sodium

> bulbs should be replaced with white halogen

> bulbs.


> Here endeth the rant.

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