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Car smash at junction of lordship lane and overhill road


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just got home to the remains of a nasty looking car smash at the bottom of the overhill road by the traffic/pedestrian crossing . The railings are currently completely mangled . I really hope whoever it involved are ok ?

That corner as I stated to the council so dangerous and there are plans to make it 2 way for bikes , crazy !

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I was walking my son to school this morning, and we got there a few minutes after it had happened. I think a car had pulled out of Overhill Road and a van travelling in the Forest Hill direction hit it. The car was in the middle of the road and the bonnet was all caved in, and the van was on the pavement where the railings are (were), I'm not sure if it hit the wall. Thankfully (miraculously) it looked as though no one was hurt, but it could have been so much worse!!! We walk that way every school day, and it never feels very safe - so much traffic and such narrow pavements.
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As Overhill is one way "in" from Lordship Lane, what Fliss describes above shouldn't have happened as the car should only have been turning "in" from Lordship Lane, not out on to Lordship Lan. However, I've met people coming the wrong way down Overhill a couple of times - both coming out from the large building just close to Lordship Lane who either didn't' know or couldn't be bothered to go round the one way system, so it could well have happened like that. There was one lady wwho I met a few times coming the wrong way but I haven't seen her in a couple of years.

The good news, Fliss, is that there are planned works (on Overhill at least) to improve this junction for pedestrians. The bad news is that, as dimples says, it will be made two-way for cyclists so they are going to need some clear protection turning right out of that junction if it's allowed.

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Whoops, I was forgetting Overhill Road is one way! (Don't drive, you see...) I don't know which way the car was coming as I didn't see it happen. Hoping everyone involved is okay. And yes, I have been bemused by that cycle lane..... can't imaging how two way for cyclists is going to work.....
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I think a two way cycle road at that bit of overhill will just add to the danger of that corner . When it's wet which it often is because of burst water mains or Icey its treacherous and bikes just won't be able to stop on that steep botton bit that joins lordship lane !

I'm so glad that there were no injuries and no one waiting at the lights .

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I live on Overhill and luckily have avoided a few potential crashes over the years from people ignoring the one way system. When turning into Overhill Rd from Lordship Lane you have to accelerate as it's quite a steep entry and as it's also on a bend you can't see if anything is coming down, not that it should be. I'm dreading the two way cycle idea !!
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I have apposed the two way cycle on this bit of road because of the Danger and so did another couple of people but sadly I think by the mans attitude when we met up with him ( council) it was falling on deaf ears ?!

He seemed to think it would be the cyclists problem if they could stop !

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