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It is possible (and increasingly normal) for local councils to impose requirements for security on licenced premises - something like "licence application granted subject to the following conditions:

1. Provision of an SIA registered doorman at weekends between 8pm and 2am..."

Don't know the specifics here.

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Of course the solution to the problem would be "female bouncers"....not! I assume that Nero is indulging in the sexist stereotype that all men are inherently aggressive and threatening, whilst all women are nurturing, caring and given to compromise rather than confrontation. I think we should take this interesting indulgence in gender stereotypes a little bit further and encourage woman to withdraw from the workplace on the grounds that they are weepy, unbalanced and irritable for several days a month? Anyway, if all that compromise and caring didn't work and the s**t hit the fan, would you really want a female bouncer? She might not want to wade in and sort it out in case she broke a nail!!

Also, unless there are some absurd exclusions in the overall legislation, the practice of appointing or refusing to appoint an employee on the grounds of his/her gender is unlawful!

DISCLAIMER: Since some of my previous postings on the issue of gender equality seem to have been completely misunderstood by some of the meatheads on this forum, who apparently are of limited intellignce and who have no concept of irony, sarcasm etc, let me clarify the following points:

1. I do NOT think that women are constantly worried about breaking their nails - I am offering this notion in a tongue in cheek manner to highlight the equally absurd gender stereotypes proferred in Nero's post.

2. I do NOT believe that all woman are weepy, unbalanced and irritable for several days a month. See above point for explanation.

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Well, Dom, I have experience of female bouncers and I personally find them to be generally more polite and efficient than the males. It is nothing to do with eye candy. I am not at all sexist - women should be able to do what they want, and men likewise. If men and women like to look at bouncers, good for them too. It's only natural to like looking at what one considers attractive. I understand your irony but just wanted to stress my position. To tell the truth, I don't like places that have bouncers, so male and female is irrelevant. Nero
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Female bouncers are a benefit in most cases - I have some experience in this raea on a professional level

Un reconstructed macho W/Class males tend - on the whole - to view women as the fairer sex , irrespective of the advances towards equality on the past century and are far less likely to "kick off" with a femal bouncer tha with a male one when they are full of ale. A muscle bound bouncer ususally comes ion for more stick from these macho fellows that a smaller one. Its all abour competition.

Further, Drunken W/Class females tend to kick off with relative impunity with bouncers, fairly safe in the view that they are unlikely to get dealt with in a particularly curt manner, due to the same reasons outlined above - i.e. Most bouncers tend to me W/Class males with a standard set of values regarding women.

Female bouncers tend not to have as much retaliation against them when they intervene and as a bouncers role is to defuse rather than fight, women have an added advantage in nearly all cases and are able to use their ( mother like ) authority to placate testosterone filled drunken men..The only disdadvantage is possibly in sheer muscle should a whopping scrap kick off, but most women who are bouncers are usually trained in a martial art anywway.

Women Bouncers = win win for everyone

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Win-win for everyone except the male bouncers who are told that their services are unwelcome due solely to their gender. Snorky, the arguement you put forward could be extended to almost any other domain. For example, there are some patients who go into hospital and object to being treated by a female doctor or by a doctor from an ethnic minority who has come to the UK to train and work. Such patients may kick up a right old stink and refuse to co-operate with the female or ethnic origin doctor. Do we indulge that and employ only white, male doctors? Of course not.

What about a woman who takes a job on a building site with an almost exclusively male worlforce. She is likely to attract all manner of stick, hassle, harrassment which could disrupt the working environment. Do we ban said female from the building trade on grounds that she is likely to provoke the above-mentioned responses? Course not. Or rather, we could, but the building firm/hospital/NHS Trust in question would find itself in an Employment Tribunal so fast its head would be spinning.

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Dom, are you a male bouncer? ;-)

On the subject of liquorice itself, I have to admit I've never liked the place... I'm not sure why, as it's not really any different to any of the other "bars" down LL, but I just can't get in to it.....

As for bouncers... I used to "know" (meaning I drank in the same pub as) a gang of "doormen" in Liverpool and they were total c**ts the lot of them!I know this doesn't mean that all bouncers are bad, but there are plenty like these guys who just want to throw their weight around, and enjoy handing out a few slaps just that bit too much!

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Of course not - you emply the best doctor for the job - there is no "standard" Doctor - all have their steenghts and weaknesses - further , in a door team you should have a fine balance of meathead steriod filled attack dogs and people who can talk, persuade and pacify.Unfort. you do not find many women are of the meathead steriod variety.There is always a plce for men bouncers.

With my wage slave team members/monkeys , I find it is best to get a balance - a mix counters the excesses that can bubble to the surface in a spehere dominated by one sex.

Have in a female or two on pub or club door is a more balanced & responsive situation than having one sex only

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Yes indeed the service in there was very poor too.Met with a rather

unfriendly overweight man with no social skills..Waited 15 minutes

for 2 mojitos (the bar wasnt even busy he was cutting the lime on

his hands and didnt seem to care if we waited for 15 mins.Had a better

time at the magdala

Wont be going there again.0 out of 10 for service

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I was hoping that its service would have changed by now as I mentioned on an earlier thread,but they do not listen, not even to humble old me (or young me) as I am a very local landlord. ( I keep repeating myself I know). Its a shame really as the place used to get real busy and have a great vibe. Oh well, there is still time. That new tea shop up the road will probably take alot of its custom.
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I don't think Liqourice is a bar-by-numbers. It is it's own thing which may or may not be to everyone's taste but it has always been individual enough to make it one of my more favoured watering holes

Until recently

I was worried when the old manager had to return to Nottingham and it just hasn't been the same since. I thought it was just me, but it's pretty apparent that many people feel the same way

I did go back last week for first time in weeks and there were 4 people behind the bar none of whom I recognised - most unusual. That menu has been cut to the bare bones as well.

I hope it picks up again but for now...

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What about that rude fat boy that works there I will not go back as long as he works there

not all that anyway.I design hotels for a living .The interior design consists of just a

illuminated backbar.

Id rather spend my money in the bishop barstaff are more polite luvly crowd and less arsy.

bouncers are probably just some local yobs

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As some of you have noticed we have had a few management and staff difficulties recently. We have been been been making a number of staff changes and recruited a new General Manager to work on delivering the simple values we have always aimed to provide: friendly and attentive service, tasty food and a welcoming fun environment.

We really appreciate the comments made on this site and and have been working to tackle the negatives. Make no mistake: surly staff and arrogance have no place at liquorish.

On the door security side Southwark Council require us to have 2 bouncers every Friday and Saturday night. Most of our customers have only ever had very positive things to say about Kevin and Candice our regular door staff. From time to time they take a holiday and we have agency replacements and I'm sorry if any have been rude. They are there to serve our customers and protect you from trouble.

Apologies for having to bear with us.

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Thanks for keeping us posted 'Liquorish'. It's been a while since I've been in (probably a year or so, partly down to baby M, partly as I've stopped drinking), but I have to say I really enjoyed the decor (thought the polished concrete, rectilinear approach and semi-knackered leather worked really well) the staff (very friendly at that time) and the food (cracking burger as far as I can remember).

Not sure when we'll get the chance to go back, but good luck getting back on top of things, it's good to see local retailers taking their customer feedback so seriously and positively.


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  • 1 year later...

phwoarrrr - female bouncers yippee - i'm in for a frisking!

Dom, i was with you for a second there but me thinks you are forgetting your sense of humour.

the point is about female bouncers not females in teh workplace as a whole.

it is correct that they are more effective in this role for the multiple reasons stated. this will not do the 'poor male' bouncers out of a job - they can go back to burgling houses like they used to do ;-)

anyway this thread is ancient so all water under the bridge now i expect - i'll be assessing the bouncers myself this weekend! & they better be charming!!

...& i'm up for a frisk if it should come my way...

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