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Jah Lush Wrote:


> I would rather have a decent, humanitarian

> approach to politics, an opposition with moral

> fibre and decency than a bunch of sell out

> Blairites. Let the Tory sympathisers resign.. They

> are not opposing anything other than the wishes of

> their own people... so... Good riddance.

What a load of old tosh - especially the new decent politics/moral fibre bit

Mocking people with Mental health - Livingstone

supporting terrorists - all of them but especially Donnell and Livingstone

Excusing Mao - Abbot

Trying to deselect by subterfuge long standing and decent hardworking MPS (all "tory sympathisers - blah, blah, blah, as the angry social media cliche goes)

No woman (not even the odious Abbot) in senior positions

I judge people by the company they keep, I am not that convinced by the decency that much anymore. Bunch of scheming old trots

'The more you drift away from the economic centre-right and the social centre-left the less chance you have of being elected. It's a problem that afflicts both the left and right in this country. Osborne's about turn on tax credits can be nailed down to this. '

This is spot on Loz. Interesting speculation too on what the result in Oldham might be. Apparently UKIP might be stealing some ground, although it would take a pretty major swing to take that one from Labour.

????, just where are all of Labour's left supporting terrorists? I know McDonnell made that comment about the IRA, but genuinely curious as to how that can be applied to the rest.

red devil Wrote:


> Blah Blah Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > It's that thing of if you say something enough

> times, even if it

> > is a lie, the public will believe it is the

> truth.

> > It's a well know psychological tool.


> I'm saying nothing... :)

I have no idea who you are referring to. None whatsoever. Neither does shift worker blah blah blah and his Swedish wife.

Otta Wrote:


> Whilst I thoroughly believe that one is the other,

> I think these posts are pointless.

Oh I know you're right otta. I often agree with what you say on here(even if I don't always post to say so):)

Blah Blah Wrote:


> Pointless yes. What is the aim of these people?

> Most people are anonymous on forums. That's

> accepted. At best they are now trolling, at worst

> bullying, behind their own anonymity. That's the

> irony. Nothing to do with me, or my family.

Yeah yeah, would probably be better if you just didn't comment either. At the end of the day, quite a few people believe that you are the same poster that has used the DJKillaQueen username (and others). I thought it as soon as you started posting, and said as much. You denied it, and because I don't really care much either way I dropped it. But if you want people to stop raising it, probably the best thing to do is ignore it when they do.

You will never convince them, and playing the bully card just makes you look even more like DKKQ.

Loz Wrote:


> Are you are talking to Sue, BB? If so, and are

> referring to a poster named after a type of chilli...

Just re-reading this, I've realised that there are TWO posters on that thread who my clue could refer to. The chilli I was referring to was, of course, of the scotchbonnet variety...

Plus, when you say "Most people are anonymous on forums." you're right, but equally most people don't chnge name and pretend to be someone different. I changed from Keef to Otta, everyone knew it was still me. Sean became Strafer, Mockney became ElPibe (*waves*)Ladymuck had gender reasignment, numbers used to have a different name. But none of them have ever tried pretending they were someone else.

Thanks otta. Katie numbers was what the great Honaloochie used to call me and it stuck, then was shortened to numbers, for no cloak & dagger reasons. (Wonder if Hooch still reads the forum? I doubt it)

Back on topic. Dan Jarvis anyone? His report on Reconnecting Labour is an interesting read. (Conclusion on page 30).

OK perhaps not wants to. But he and others supporting this are certainly prepared and even preparing to do so.

What gives them the right? What if the children who will inevitably die in these raids were your children? Are their lives less valuable? Is it any less disgusting?

They must block themselves from thinking about the actual human implications of all this when they're playing their political war games.

Come you masters of war

You that build all the guns

You that build the death planes

You that build all the bombs

You that hide behind walls

You that hide behind desks

I just want you to know

I can see through your masks.

Bob Dylan

Maybe they will see things differently when their games result in more deaths from terrorist attacks a bit nearer to home, quite apart from the innocent families killed in Syria.

Because that will be the inevitable result of this. Cameron has just played into the hands of the terrorists, in my opinion.

First proper electoral test for Corbyn's Labour tonight at Oldham West & Royton by-election. My hunch is that Michael Meacher's 14,000 majority will be swept aside, in this safest of safest Labour seats and UKIP will narrowly take this one. Like many 'Old Labour' voters, people like myself and those in Oldham, were hopeful that Corbyn's leadership victory would lead Labour off into a new direction, a return to some 'Old Labour' values, but to date the opposite has happened. The working classes remain neglected in favour of the middle class metropolitan elite (like the many people who whine endless do-goodery and wishy-washy crap on this forum). It appears the 'UKIP problem' will haunt Labour now for quite some time, and the patient (Labour) needs to change its medicine if it wishes to clear itself of this problem.

UKIP has been in second place across the northern Labour heartlands now for a solid 5+ years, and no-one in the London centric party had addressed this as an issue (much like the SNP in Scotland). So whilst Labour no longer recognises class based problems inflicting its core vote, UKIP has successfully eroded into that disaffected electorate (a very large one at that). I warned the forum this would happen, a long time ago, but I was preaching to the guardianista elite of metro Labour, so it was never likely to hit home was it? Let's just hope there are enough green vegetarian lefties around to put Labour back into contention by 2020, or this wilderness milarchy will get pretty treacherous. I'd invest in some wellies if I were you.


Labour have won, with a sizeable (but reduced) majority of about 10,000. Turnout was 40%. UKIP candidate is moaning that Labour were advantaged by their postal votes from the asian community - typical UKIP response to cry foul because ethnic minorities exorcise their right to vote. Yet again, much media fuss about nothing, in the run up. Good result for Labour.

On the point about distance and war. It's easy for leaders to give battle orders when they are only looking at a map. When Cameron orders RAF strikes, he only sees a warplane and IS fighters in his imagination. He doesn't see Raqqa for example as a town like any other, with schools, hospitals, families just tryng to get by from day to day. I'd even go further and say that it's all made easier because he doesn't see those people as being anything like us. This is why a terrorist act in Paris invokes such anger, and the murder of 153 university students by an Afican Islamic Jihadi group the day before doesn't even raise an eyebrow. We do prioritise who we fight for, and who we fight is also determined by our 'impression' of the enemy.

A good candidate and a good campaign. As much as the media likes to cry doom for the Labour Party, the only real test is election results. It should silence some of the inner party detractors for now. A free vote followed by a good election result. What do they have to complain about?

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