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Door to door scare-mongering (AVIVA health insurance)

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I had a door to door cold call from 'Kemi' of AVIVA Health Insurance today trying to flog me insurance by using scare-mongering tactics that swine flu was in the area. Has anyone else had this sales approach used on them and is it legal? Did anyone get a business card from them?
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It's downright irresponsible to sell that way, apart from distasteful.

Private Medical Insurance won't cover you for treatment at your GP or in the ED. You are pretty unlikely to end up in hospital with swine flu anyway - and if you do, chances of getting a private bed with no warning is remote anyway.

PMI is really for stuff you can schedule not go in for an emergency.

I'm surprised by them - I used to work for the company and I thought they got rid of the dodgy sales staff and only kept the professional ones.

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They hit Nutbrook street earlier today.

My mum was in and gave them a right telling off about scaremongering and especially about trying to scare any of our elderly neighbours in the street.

Mum said the gentleman left looking quite flustered and in haste.

Good riddance to them all.

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PippaD Wrote:


> They hit Nutbrook street earlier today.

> My mum was in and gave them a right telling off

> about scaremongering and especially about trying

> to scare any of our elderly neighbours in the

> street.

> Mum said the gentleman left looking quite

> flustered and in haste.

> Good riddance to them all.

salutes PippaD's mum

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david_carnell Wrote:


> Is that not a double negative Steve?


> I had them too yesterday evening. I thought the

> swine flu line was pretty desperate but in

> hindsight more vulnerable people may be

> frightened or worried by this.

No double negative that I can see!

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Surely it is. If the caller is not selling anything and SteveT is not buying anything wouldn't they cancel each other out and leave them both warily circling each other ilke two big cats.

Anyway if anyone comes to your door peddling swine flu snake oil just tell them you're on a regime of bacon sanwiches because it builds immunity. Tell 'em you got off a homeopath.

Or better still say I advised you and I'm a nutritionist. For today at least.

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Has anyone reported these/this (?) door to door ppl/person to AVIVA itself? I'm sure they would be interested to know... no?

Would also be interesting to know what they would say in response :)

**edit** - Out of curiousity I have taken it upon myself and contacted AVIVA... currently awaiting a reponse**

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KalamityKel Wrote:


> Has anyone reported these/this (?) door to door

> ppl/person to AVIVA itself? I'm sure they would

> be interested to know... no?

> Would also be interesting to know what they would

> say in response :)



> **edit** - Out of curiousity I have taken it upon

> myself and contacted AVIVA... currently awaiting a

> reponse**

If you don't get any reply, let me know, I know the sales director for the health arm of Aviva, was thinking of contacting him myself.

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indiepanda Wrote:


> KalamityKel Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Has anyone reported these/this (?) door to door

> > ppl/person to AVIVA itself? I'm sure they

> would

> > be interested to know... no?

> > Would also be interesting to know what they

> would

> > say in response :)

> >

> >

> > **edit** - Out of curiousity I have taken it

> upon

> > myself and contacted AVIVA... currently awaiting

> a

> > reponse**


> If you don't get any reply, let me know, I know

> the sales director for the health arm of Aviva,

> was thinking of contacting him myself.

Would this be the 'health arm' I'll get a flu jab in this October 6th?


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Shankley Wrote:


> I haven't had a cold caller but have received

> emails. Is this Spam?

Oh stop it Shankley with your 'cold' callers, adding to the whole swine flu-based fun. As if you didn't know.

But seriously, Spam won't work, it'll give you nothing more than a period of sandwich making while the swine flu wrastles you to the ground and squeezes 'til you're dead.

A strict regime of bacon sandwiches will ensure you and yours remain strangers to the virus.

Trust me I'm a nutristionist. Well, I might as well be.

Sorry, spelling, that's nutritionist, you know how we scientists can be.

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Had a response:

Dear Ms ****,

Re: Door to Door sales agents promoting Aviva Healthcare

Further to your email dated 9 July 2009, please accept my sincere apologies for the recent situation you were faced with, when you were approached by a sales agent promoting Aviva Private Healthcare, at your home.

I would like to reassure you that Aviva do not condone such scare-mongering sales techniques, and after investigation of the issues raised, I can confirm that the individual in question is not an employee of Aviva Healthcare.

The company who employs this individual is an Appointed Representative of Aviva Healthcare, and as such, have the ability to introduce customers to us.This company has employed a marketing firm to act on their behalf, and the sales agent you encountered works directly for the marketing firm.

I can assure you the firm responsible for this unacceptable behaviour has been told in no uncertain terms, that their contract with Aviva will be terminated with immediate effect, if any sales agents are caught using these methods.

We set strict guidelines which Appointed Representatives have to adhere to, and evidently in your situation these guidelines have not been followed. We have adopted a zero tolerance approach to this behaviour and will terminate the contract if any other incidences are reported.

Once again, please accept my apologies on behalf of Aviva Healthcare, for the distress this encounter has caused.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify our position, and if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me on the above number. If you do remain dissatisfied, you may write to the Customer Experience Manager at the same address quoting the above reference number.

I would also like to let you know that ultimately you do have the right to refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service, if for any reason you remain dissatisfied with our decision.

Yours sincerely

Lynsey Gregory (Mrs)

Customer Relations Manager

Customer Relations Team

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I just got the same email (although I just referred them to this discussion rather than complaining about someone visiting me at home). Good for Aviva for responding, but can't help wondering if the people who were responsible will just see it as a bit of a game.
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Only just seen this thread, I think I was visited by the same person last week - I had food on the stove which was an easy excuse to escape and to add to my usual "not interested in anything sold door-to-door" so didn't even find out her name but saw the Aviva badge. Well done on reporting and good that they replied so well! If I'd let her speak and she'd tried scaremongering stuff I would have definitely taken her name and done the same, let's hope she's now "off the streets"!
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