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Hi everyone, we found a house to rent on Keston Road, SE15. It seems really nice but it seems a bit cheap, plus it's been around for a while, which is odd at the moment. We're currently living on Derwent Grove and love it there and love living in East Dulwich. The area seemed fine when we went there but as it feels like a completely new area so I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the area around it (above Goose Green, off East Dulwich Road) or the road itself?

We've had such a horrible time renting off Ludlow Thompson in the past 18 months that we're really nervous about moving and having a miserable time again. It's managed by the landlord and seems ok. Can anyone who lives around there (or on it would be great!!) could tell me what it's like at night, noise-wise, safety, walking to the station etc?


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There are some gorgeous houses in Peckham. Houses with original fire places (unlike most of them in East Dulwich that I have seen & are up for sale) & are suprisingly cheap. I guess it's just the area. As for Keston Road, it rings a bell but I can't say for sure I know where that is. Peckham is Peckham. Even East Dulwich isn't safe these days.

It does look lovely and the rooms are all good sizes with original fireplaces. I might just take a drive round at night. There will be 3 girls living there who will be walking back from the station and bus stop, sometimes at night (or every day in the dark during winter) so we are just concerned as our house is a 3 min walk now, and it'll be 10 mins this time. It's not snobbish, just that I don't know the area at all.

It's here, for people who don't know:


Looks a good street in a good area. Walk back from East Dulwich station and Lordship Lane at night will be fine.

I think you'll get a much better feel if you have a wander round at night by foot as car is not going to tell you anything.

EDIT: Also knock on the neighbours door either side and have a little chat just to put your mind at rest as to why it's cheap and available.

I lived in the are for the last 2.5 years. I really like the it - good transport links, great pubs, lots of convenient local shops and in my experience, not had any problems as a young woman walking round the area - I often walk/cycle home at night or go out running in the evening. And having the Gowlett as your local really is a winning feature in my book!

It's about a 10 minute walk to both PR and ED stations from there. I mainly used ED when I was travelling south for work, but used PR for going into town as there are more trains (I work north now and cycle). PR also goes to other London terminals and different places around the South East, and is staffed for longer hours than ED. Plus walking home from PR compared to ED you go through a much more residential area, rather than along Grove Vale which can be a bit lonely and dark at night. I get off buses on Rye Lane and walk home from there, never any issues there either.

Might be worth asking why the house has been on the market for a while - if it's a private landlord maybe they're being fussy about who they rent to, or maybe the price has just been dropped? Or maybe ask for a reference from the previous tenants? Good luck, I know how stressful moving house is!

We nearly bought a house on Keston Rd (fell through due to subsidence/insurance issues unfortunately, it was a lovely house otherwise). The road itself seems really nice, and you're really handy to Lordship Lane etc. I know a lot of people that live near there and they've not had any problems.
Great spot - lived in Fenwick for a couple of years. Still very close to LL and it opens up the rail and bus links on the Peckham side. PR has double the services into Central London that ED has. Likewise buses along Rye Lane. Priceless for rush hour. I don't think that area is any different for walking around than ED. Definitely ok.
We've lived on Keston Road for the last four years and love it here, for all the reasons given by others. It's pretty quiet and there's not much through traffic - most of that goes down Gowlett Road. It's as safe as any other SE London area. There is a good mix of houses and flats. And a good mix of people too. Finally, as has been rightly pointed out, the Gowlett is just around the corner. A win-win situation!

i live at the bottom of keston road and its really nice round here, just remember east dulwich road is 2 streets away from keston road which is se22 - east dulwich. dont get hung up on the peckham thing, i have lived here 5 years and 3 years on oglander road, peckham is cool and you have the gowlett which is fab and then bellenden road shops nearby and peckham rye station which is really well connected

go on - give peckham a chance!

I've been here almost nine years and it's fab.

So, at least two other Kestonites on the forum (and possibly another one soon), shall we try and get a street party organised for next year? Couldn't get it together this year as I'm helping organise the big fair on Goose Green next Saturday (Goose Green Primary and Nursery school summer fair and carnival), but would really love to do this one year.

Moos and CF (and Tarah if you move here), PM me if you're interested.

Cheers, Dagmar

we looked at a house to rent there recently and I thought it was actually quite expensive -but then it was a 4-bed house and we are just a small family. think it was 438/week or something. thought the area seemed nice enough and the family living there said they liked it a lot.

Thank you so much to everyone! We have put a deposit down so fingers crossed it all goes through now and we'll be moving in on 1st August. We're all really excited! They've even agreed for me to continue fostering cats for the RSPCA, but there isn't a spare room so we won't be able to have more than 1 or 2 that are used to each other, but that'll be good anyway!

I've never been to the Gowlett, what's it like? Is it really this good?!

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